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Iraq - Major Escalation Underway (January 2020)
2020-01-05 at 2:45 AM UTC
Originally posted by aldra https://www.fdlp.gov/
Nice shoutouts to the various oppressed peoples of the region.
If someone claims to be a lefty, yet doesn't support each and every one of those various genuinely oppressed groups, you have a kike on your hands. -
2020-01-05 at 2:45 AM UTCKhataib Hezbullah has released a warning to all Iraqi forces and PMUs, advising that they stay at least 1km away from any facility used by the US military.
2020-01-05 at 2:51 AM UTCDo you think they have a way of getting to our military bases without the military knowing it is coming and retaliating?
2020-01-05 at 2:53 AM UTC
2020-01-05 at 2:57 AM UTC
Originally posted by Technologist Do you think they have a way of getting to our military bases without the military knowing it is coming and retaliating?
The majority of bases in Iraq house both US and Iraqi personnel. For added irony I wouldn't be surprised if weapons that the US, Gulf states and Turkey have been feeding to rebels in Syria start getting fired at US units on patrol in Iraq. -
2020-01-05 at 1:40 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra As it stands at the moment, Iraq is symbolically uniting against the US. There's going to be a parliamentary vote to expel the US military presence in the next few days and I'd be very surprised if it does not pass. I'd also be very surprised if Turnip respects it. We're likely to see uncontrolled escalation between US forces and Iraqi PMUs; given the attacks on their leadership and personnel I don't think the government will be able to talk them down - it'll be like going back to 2005 or so.
Iran has no option but to respond but they have so many options available that it's impossible to guess how - it won't be something as direct as a missile strike on a US base or warship, and they have no time constraints.
This is an interesting read; the guy used to be a Russian military analyst so he knows what points are important.
Lol this guy on NeoCon thought process.Trump looks set to win 2020. We don’t want that. However, we have been doing everything in our power to trigger a US attack on Iran since pretty much 1979. Let’s have Trump do that. If he “wins” (by whatever definition – more about that further below), we win. If he loses, the Iranians will still be in a world of pain and we can always jettison him like a used condom (used to supposedly safely screw somebody with no risks to yourself). Furthermore, if the region explodes, this will help our beloved Bibi and unite US jediry behind Israel. Finally, if Israel gets attacked, we will immediately demand (and, of course, obtain) a massive US attack on Iran, supported by the entire US political establishment and media. And, lastly, should Israel be hit hard, then we can always use our nukes and tell the goyim that “Iran wants to gas 6 million jedis and wipe the only democracy in the Middle-East off the face of the earth” or something equally insipid.
Also subbed btw. -
2020-01-05 at 10:45 PM UTC1. The resolution to expel US forces from Iraq has passed, I believe they got 170 of the required 165 votes.
2. Even the KDP, apparently one of the most anti-Iran political parties in the country, is openly mourning Soleimani as a 'friend of Iraq' and 'a friend of the Kurds'.
3. Rocket attack, 2 KATYUSHAS fell in the Green Zone, one fell short and damaged a house. Officially no casualties reported. -
2020-01-05 at 10:50 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra 1. The resolution to expel US forces from Iraq has passed, I believe they got 170 of the required 165 votes.
2. Even the KDP, apparently one of the most anti-Iran political parties in the country, is openly mourning Soleimani as a 'friend of Iraq' and 'a friend of the Kurds'.
3. Rocket attack, 2 KATYUSHAS fell in the Green Zone, one fell short and damaged a house. Officially no casualties reported.
I am sure Kuwait would welcome our "expelled in name only" troops. -
2020-01-05 at 10:57 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL After looking at all the evidence, I think aldra is right and they accidentally killed the General, then decided to play it out as planned and commanded by the President, and Trump took the bait and went with it. Now he's fucked himself.
It seems very likely to me that the US' plan (specifically I think the CIA) was to target Muhandis and other PMU leadership in an attempt to throw them into disarray and make them more 'manageable'. Muhandis was aware he was being watched, but Soleimani was only in the country for a funeral so there wasn't much foreknowledge of his visit. If he was actually the target, there are plenty of other places he would've been more vulnerable - from a political standpoint it would've made more sense for him to have been 'killed in combat' in Syria for example.
I suspect that the US was planning an attack on Muhandis and was fed intel on the 'best' time to attack him by a certain Greatest Ally™️. Once it was done, Trump had no choice but to pretend it was his plan all along.
The only thing that makes me really question it is Netenyahu cut his diplomatic visit to Greece short and flew back to israel in a panic, but that could've been intentional to demonstrate that he had nothing to do with it or the entire plot could've happened at a lower level.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-05 at 11:04 PM UTC
Originally posted by Erekshun I am sure Kuwait would welcome our "expelled in name only" troops.
I have no doubt Turnip will push against it, the point here is that it's going to become very unsafe to operate in the region again. The PMUs will move back to an anti-occupation role and it will be impossible to rely on the regular military for anything. Instead of curtailing 'Iranian influence' it's going to expand -
2020-01-05 at 11:07 PM UTC
Originally posted by aldra It seems very likely to me that the US' plan (specifically I think the CIA) was to target Muhandis and other PMU leadership in an attempt to throw them into disarray and make them more 'manageable'. Muhandis was aware he was being watched, but Soleimani was only in the country for a funeral so there wasn't much foreknowledge of his visit. If he was actually the target, there are plenty of other places he would've been more vulnerable - from a political standpoint it would've made more sense for him to have been 'killed in combat' in Syria for example.
I suspect that the US was planning an attack on Muhandis and was fed intel on the 'best' time to attack him by a certain Greatest Ally™️. Once it was done, Trump had no choice but to pretend it was his plan all along.
The only thing that makes me really question it is Netenyahu cut his diplomatic visit to Greece short and flew back to israel in a panic, but that could've been intentional to demonstrate that he had nothing to do with it or the entire plot could've happened at a lower level.
So you're trying to read the CIA's mind and then you post it on the internet.
These guys are a lot smarter than you realise. You can only see what they want you to see. And they want to direct your lines of thought.
You're also extrapolating your own feelings and reasoning in to how you expect various groups to respond or feel in regards to this event. Groups such as:
People who have been living in a war zone for the last 15 years
The Iranian government
You are really really bad at this. You are very narrow minded and dumb. -
2020-01-05 at 11:11 PM UTCAnd just in case you are extremely self deluded:
Predicting turmoil in the middle east due to these events and having it come true is not a prediction. That's like predicting if you eat food you gonna shit later. It's horribly basic and not something you need to share. It's obvious.
So if something happens in the middle east please don't assume you are smart or good at this. -
2020-01-05 at 11:13 PM UTCSWIM is a big fan of hezbollah but dislikes their sectarianism. When they work at the behest of Iran that's what they traffic in. As a Lebanese "civil" defense force theyre an admirable institution but as an Iranian proxy theyre doing a disservice to the pan islamist movement. I hope they don't spread themselves thin fighting a battle for Iran whem theyre supposed to be fighting for the Lebanese people and those on the levant at the mercy of shlomo
2020-01-05 at 11:16 PM UTC
Originally posted by Sudo SWIM is a big fan of hezbollah but dislikes their sectarianism. When they work at the behest of Iran that's what they traffic in. As a Lebanese "civil" defense force theyre an admirable institution but as an Iranian proxy theyre doing a disservice to the pan islamist movement. I hope they don't spread themselves thin fighting a battle for Iran whem theyre supposed to be fighting for the Lebanese people and those on the levant at the mercy of shlomo
They're a listed terrorist organisation. It's illegal to assist them.
Hezbollah was the Syrian government.
When Lebanon was occupied by Syria, Syria built up Hezbollah and allowed them military, political and social power and influence.
Hezbollah was never a legitimate Lebanese group. It was always Syria. -
2020-01-05 at 11:21 PM UTCtl dr
2020-01-05 at 11:28 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 11:35 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 11:36 PM UTC
Originally posted by too.dark.to.see So you're trying to read the CIA's mind and then you post it on the internet.
These guys are a lot smarter than you realise. You can only see what they want you to see. And they want to direct your lines of thought.
You're also extrapolating your own feelings and reasoning in to how you expect various groups to respond or feel in regards to this event. Groups such as:
People who have been living in a war zone for the last 15 years
The Iranian government
You are really really bad at this. You are very narrow minded and dumb.
so your expert summary of events is that this changes nothing, and something may or may not happen? -
2020-01-05 at 11:36 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-05 at 11:38 PM UTClol wut
could be a mistranslation of the PM's parliamentary speech, a lot of people were churning out translations while he was speaking just to be the first