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So let me get this straight Star Trek

  1. #41
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It wasn't 'staged'

    No one said it was staged, it happened. It was stage managed.

    Tons of people did it because thats what a civil protest is… organized disobedience.

    At a civil protest do people refuse to pass the biccies?
  2. #42
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Plus I wanted to see if the move would work, I wanted to see if I could choke someone out fue to never having such a good opportunity tot ey it before and in most mma and other classes people always tapping out to it. He provided the perfect opportunity by trying to fight me.
  3. #43
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    It sounds like Luciano was telling people you were a pedo.

    Fair enough on the moves, and I'm not even going to pretend to care about the guy you glassed.

    To an extent you are correct about something, the cops do treat people differently based on things like race and socio-economic status.

    That's not some sort of mistake or aberration, it is literally a big part of their job to, for instance, keep poor people off the roads, keep crazy people from hassling normies going to work, and keep the diversity out of the nice parts of town.

    Cops exist to stop people fucking with normies basically.

    So stop fucking with people who have their shit together more than you do. Who is literally everyone.
  4. #44
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Is this really an Argument of yours? I used to live in Bay Point.. they call that area Far East Oakland (for gangs and stuff)

    it's gotten a little nicer (notice the guy said this neighborhood used to be really really really bad and then they cut him off.. it's getting nicer than it was decades back)

    All I can say is Mark Kasprowicz is a *Bad-ass mother fucker* for taking a pistol whipping that took 2 sets of staples and got one round off anyways. Wario.. you commit a fucking crime. you weren't Mark Kasprowicz you were the punk with a Gun (In the proverbial sense)
  5. #45
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Fuck Your World All I can say is Mark Kasprowicz is a *Bad-ass mother fucker* for taking a pistol whipping that took 2 sets of staples and got one round off anyways. Wario.. you commit a fucking crime. you weren't Mark Kasprowicz you were the punk with a Gun (In the proverbial sense)

    But the thing is that Wario seems to identify personally with the punk with a gun. He sees this video, and he sympathies with the person normies see as the bad guy.

    Wario, why do you think you identify with the punk with a gun?
  6. #46
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Wariat is a free spirit
  7. #47
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    But you see Star Trek Luciano wasn’t a norm or in fact I’d argue he was the one guy I had an issue with more fucked up than me. Also imagine how ud feel being sexually frustrated daily.
  8. #48
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Wariat is too oversocialized that's where all the conflict in his life stems from
  9. #49
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I didnt identify with either of them i simply pointed out that my situations were treated worse or much diff than this guy and anyone in my shoes with both amrkley and luciano would have done soemthing similar or worse outside conniving people who use cops as a weapon and lie but iw as treated diff and automatically treated guilty before investigation for whatever reason (santa cruz good ole biy cukture, me being pollack or foreign, sex offender from former case, etc.) discrimination is discrimination.
  10. #50
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Wariat I didnt identify with either of them i simply pointed out that my situations were treated worse or much diff than this guy and anyone in my shoes with both amrkley and luciano would have done soemthing similar or worse outside conniving people who use cops as a weapon and lie but iw as treated diff and automatically treated guilty before investigation for whatever reason (santa cruz good ole biy cukture, me being pollack or foreign, sex offender from former case, etc.) discrimination is discrimination.

    No one is objective in terms of their own case, or even in a case in which they have an interest. Perhaps some of the cops may have been slightly biased, but I don't believe the judges were.

    And even if they were, glassing somebody or beating someone up outside their own home are serious matters. You were going to face consequences, even if you weren't aware.
  11. #51
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    The fact is judges had no chance to to or not be biased because that lawyer kept talking about plea deals right away. Secondly plenty of case sget dropped all the time even for black people more guilty. Thirdly I already provided you info of how a judge in that same court sugercoated and gave a murderer of his own brother only four yewrs who really is whitevtrash and acts like the rest of them in those jails or prisons unlike me. And education should account to omething whether you believe it or not. Not social rank or money but someone with more education should be teatrd better than that whitevtrash fromw atsonville who killed his own brother not worse for doing less.
  12. #52
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Sorry but I dont feel bad about licano or makrley whether you would have or not. Fact is i can guarantee you all those people on the youtube prison channels who say i killed or fucked up chomos or other people in there for whatever reason like thwt og abdget dude or savages tufios are way more violent and worse people ive wver been and woule have probably killed both luciano and markley if they punked them in a similar way in public in front of other people partivularly in their own neighborhood or town.
  13. #53
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Wariat The fact is judges had no chance to to or not be biased because that lawyer kept talking about plea deals right away.
    Because you were guilty, there were loads of witnesses, and you had no chance in a trial.

    Secondly plenty of case sget dropped all the time even for black people more guilty.
    True, and especially for blacks. Justice people love white defendants as they help them raise their stats, and make the justice process seem less racist (even though blacks commit way more crimes). That means that blacks are let away with all sorts of shit. And lots of cases fall through the cracks as well.

    Thirdly I already provided you info of how a judge in that same court sugercoated and gave a murderer of his own brother only four yewrs who really is whitevtrash and acts like the rest of them in those jails or prisons unlike me.
    Yeah, cos they were just a pair of retards who wound up going at it with kitchen cutlery cos they were calling each other virgins.

    And education should account to omething whether you believe it or not. Not social rank or money but someone with more education should be teatrd better than that whitevtrash fromw atsonville who killed his own brother not worse for doing less.
    Yes, educated criminals should be treated far harsher than uneducated people, who probably don't know any better.
  14. #54
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I mean imagine having the mentality of that savage guy or even that kneel to aod guy where youd be willing to go into some death fight in a cell and risk the guard walking away and actually sign to cell with him in a tiny cage just because he is yelling shit over the south of california in a prison:

    Where youa re willing to fight someone who knows if to desth and get maced by cops just for saying some words to you about southern cslifornia.
  15. #55
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Plus when you watch the video above, notice how he repeats about how he is a man and aboit respect. Tell me i did not have this same artitude but with less risk than some knife fight or detahright in a cage if cops left me in there with some gang animal than this guy. Tell me he would not have done worse? In both cases with sufh a mentality and most ex cons or cons and people with records.
  16. #56
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    He basicslly makes excuses for fighting someone going out of his way tot ell cops to even cell with them in a tiny cage where ir the cop did not stop it right away and there is no guarwntee it would be ad eath match.
  17. #57
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    I don't know what to say. If you are comparing yourself to some reprehensible prison youtuber, who is probably putting on a hard man act, I'm pretty sure you will come out golden. But

    Originally posted by Wariat He basicslly makes excuses for fighting someone …

    Sounds familiar. Your reasons might make sense in your moral worldview, in which you are simultaneously a hero and a victim, but they won't make much sense to normies. Maybe if you were black then in America you could get away with behaving like you did, but you're weren't, so you got shut down.

    I seriously do hope you enjoy your next visit to jail, and getting out to find out that your apartment has been let and all your stuff has vanished.

    Don't say you weren't warned.
  18. #58
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    You dont murder your own brother for saying he was a virgin or accidentslly grab a knife or even grab one during the fight, much worse than grbsbing a pint glass no matter what you will say. Pint glass aims not kills.
  19. #59
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Also regarding your comment educated vs uneducated criminals, firstly i am not a criminal. I just reacted to situwtions like a man like thwt prison youtubber keeps describing himself and btw all prison youtubbers and btw all are fiolent. Find one thwt isnt or wasnt. Secondly, white collar or federalc riminals are more educated and id rsther be them than some normie.
  20. #60
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Wariat You dont murder your own brother for saying he was a virgin or accidentslly grab a knife or even grab one during the fight, much worse than grbsbing a pint glass no matter what you will say. Pint glass aims not kills.

    Honestly I'd gas them both for being such morons.

    Originally posted by Wariat Also regarding your comment educated vs uneducated criminals, firstly i am not a criminal.
    Good, glad to hear it.

    I just reacted to situwtions like a man like thwt prison youtubber keeps describing himself and btw all prison youtubbers and btw all are fiolent. Find one thwt isnt or wasnt.
    Prison youtubers seem to be deeply problematic to me. If you are better than them, that isn't much of a brag. You need better people to compare yourself to.

    Secondly, white collar or federalc riminals are more educated and id rsther be them than some normie.
    Well cool, but white collar criminals deserve severe punishments as they do so much damage to the economy (see crooked bankers) and are scummy and unmoral (for instance screwing over their employers, employees, investors, and oaths of office).
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