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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by mmQ

    "Ivanka is sleeping with us tonight"
  3. Nice foggy day out perfect music

    Had a dream I was puking up fecal matter. Woke up and puked, still have intense toothache so I started doing shots. I'm drunk and high. Took some acetaminophen with vodka. Gonna do more shots at work fuck it. Also I haven't eaten since lunch time yesterday
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    All good things

    Anyone watched Lost? I've never seen an episode. I just randomly decided I'm going to watch all 6 seasons. Yay?
  5. Never seen it, probably never gonna watch it unless I'm really bored. Keep your eye out for triangles and Donald Trump
  6. Lol I watched this when I was like 9 years old
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Best trendies are at Popeyes man

    Aww shit my fellow weeb, I know what I'm listening to today.
  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    6969 ahuehuehuehuehuehuehue

  10. Originally posted by reject WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS MY PIN CODE

    I know this feel. When I first made a silk road account I went and spent a week learning how to get bitcoin and then had to wait until family went to Walmart so I could send a money gram (I was 16 at the time I think)

    Then when the bitcoin was finally in my account, I made an order and forgot the fucking pin number.

    I had to wait until it was reset, which was like a week or two
  11. I have one more chance. This time I SWEAR I know it.

    I remember the pin code to my old bank account that closed down about 4 years ago, but this one? Nope. It's just gone, like I never even knew it to begin with
  12. 6969
  13. Yea I just locked myself out my bank account again. I didn't know it.

    Ah well, early morning trip to town to the bank and dhc it is
  14. Just try all 10,000 combinations.
  15. No I'm pretty confident it starts with either a 5 or a 9 so I'm down to 2000 combos. But who knows.

    Luckily the dude in the shop likes me so he's ticked me some backy and beers til tomorrow
  16. Food

  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Something really did a number on my gut, normally I never really have serious gastrointestinal tract issues.

    Of course there's the old stereotype of Taco Bell, which was 5 days ago, but I'm not entirely sure if it's a bacterial infection or potentially due to all the wheat I ate, which I hasn't touched in years. I mean, the location did have a pretty low rating and the food was kind of cold.

    Really a shame corn tortillas don't work well for their items. Maybe a modified version, they could probably create their own that has suitable properties. Wheat doesn't taste good, it's doughy and bland, and the health effects are terrible.

    Really doesn't feel like a normal food borne illness. Haven't eaten in two days (This is nothing) to avoid aggravating it.
  18. Do you leave skid marks everywhere you sit considering you're always naked?
  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    wtf am more awake at 1 am than 3 pm
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    The is no arby's in SF, which is really disappointing.

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