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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. There's more snakes in this thread than Medusa's head.

    When he was a little donny, he'd make deals at five
    Grab pussy till eight, make the girl cry
    Out after work, smoking the ice
    That was his life, he was gonna play in the BIGLY!!!!

    Not many ways to the big white house
    You work in the tower and get laid By a model.
    If you're gonna Trump it will be against the mainstream

  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    1spook2spook3spook4 5spook6spook7spookmoar

    They had signs up at my apt to makes sure all vehicles were removed from the parking lot by a specific time so they could scrape the ice, and if you didn't move your car it would be towed at your expense, but of course, like every fucking time they do this, there's always cars left out there and they never fucking tow them. Fucking bullshit. My loud jacking off neighbor's car is out there and I wanted it to get towed. Pussy fucking bitches making pussy false threats.

  3. Drinking mah cancer cider again
  4. bling bling Dark Matter
    jumpd out on bike and ther doign all this constuction work on decalthon car park and had all this tape too stop ppl going thru but i just rode my bike thru it but i cudnt move the fence so i had to go back
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    tfw on the clock so too early to start smoking

    at least I can still drink
  6. i bet lanny has a small penis
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    it's too damn big, a real curse in life
  8. Originally posted by Lanny tfw on the clock so too early to start smoking

    at least I can still drink

    It's never too early to smoke.

    I still got 5 days til I'm paid and no bank card cos I blocked it :(
  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I work at a Cajun restaurant now. Po boys and craw daddies.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    do you really? why the change?
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sick of washing dishes. This is like a 3 dollar an hour increase too. I just needed a break from cooking for awhile hence the dish job but now I feel like cooking again. :)
  12. It was my home phone which went bang last night, not my router, which is a relief. I didn't want to have to say goodbye to my oldest and best friend
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What's your home telly number?
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Grats braj. I always wondered when they bring a new cook into a place what's the onboarding like? Do you cook every dish on the menu once? Do they have exact recipes for you to follow? Or is it like you're just expected to know how to make the stuff on the menu?
  15. Fuck knows lad, never had to ring it
  16. My chickens gonna cluck in the BIGLY! My chickens gonna turn some hens! My chickens gonna eat grit and feed. My chickens gonna peck em dead! BAAAAAWWWWKKKKKK! THE CHICKEN!!
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Lanny Grats braj. I always wondered when they bring a new cook into a place what's the onboarding like? Do you cook every dish on the menu once? Do they have exact recipes for you to follow? Or is it like you're just expected to know how to make the stuff on the menu?

    Thanks m8.

    Well, it varies depending on the type of restaurant of course, and the cook's past experience. I've never worked somewhere that they have you cook everything on the menu, in fact I've never worked anywhere that they even have you really cook anything unless it's something that's been ordered. Generally the first week or at least 2-3 days is sort of shadowing someone else and just watching how they make the different items. If there's something popular or ordered a lot then you can of course just say that you want to step in and get practice.

    Most places have a recipe book, and again this can be very small or large depending on the nature of the restaurant. I was just working at the country club so they for example had extensive recipe books and made almost everything from scratch. This was more of a high-volume restaurant so they had several prep cooks, as well as line cooks who don't do much prep and mainly just cook. In a smaller restaurant, like the one I'll be working it, it's usually the cooks' job to do the prep and cook, since there is a lot of downtime in the afternoon and whatnot.

    Truthfully, once you get it down it's fairly easy.. routine, you don't really think about it. Throwing burgers or steaks on a grill, sauteing vegetables, putting shit in the oven. Nothing is overly complicated, the tricky part of cooking is during the rush when you have 20 tickets hanging and 50 people waiting for food, just balancing out everything, knowing where you're at, timing the different items together, which can get fucky when for example one person at a table orders a well done sirloin, another person orders a Caesar salad and another person orders a cheeseburger, so you're dealing with three items that take about 20 minutes, 2 minutes, and 10 minutes respectively.

    Again like I said once you know how to cook all the items it's simply a matter of communicating with whoever you're working with and being on the same page, other than that it's sort of robotic work in a sense. The fun part comes when you work really well with someone and you don't even really have to talk to them when it's busy, you just know what one another is doing and how they work and play off each other. Kicking the server's asses putting food up faster than they get bring it out and then cussing 'em out and bitching at them for being too slow.

    This place I'm at now does a lot of breakfast stuff, omelettes and all that, which I do have experience with but not a lot, so I'll have to adjust but I'm sure it'll be fine. Fucking eggs man. Over-easy, over-medium, over-well, sunny side up, over-hard, poached, hard scrambled, soft scrambled, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, basted... fuckers are versatile.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Originally posted by mmQ This place I'm at now does a lot of breakfast stuff, omelettes and all that, which I do have experience with but not a lot, so I'll have to adjust but I'm sure it'll be fine. Fucking eggs man. Over-easy, over-medium, over-well, sunny side up, over-hard, poached, hard scrambled, soft scrambled, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, basted… fuckers are versatile.

    The CHICKEN!
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg gegg gegg gegg gge gge gge gge gay gay gay gay gay

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