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I have renounced my degenerate, western, tranny ways.

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer ..He's a Twink. No balls

    Wait a minute. Wouldn't that be a eunuch?
  2. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryIVer So anyone who takes over the counter estrogen is a trans? The only irreversible change made is the removal of his testicles. He's a Twink. No balls

    Yes. Anyone who takes steps to grow female body parts and has their male body parts removed, is a transgender. Why is the penis the defining factor for you?

    Twinks are just skinny hairless gay dudes. They don't get their balls removed, and they don't grow tits.
  3. Greenspam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Vitamin G He got on hormone replacement, has tits, and got his balls chopped off.

    Don't think you can call that a shtick. And before you say anything I have personally seen his tits and the prescription. Haven't seen the empty ball flap yet.

    I really don't know what is going on. So much Trolling and it's getting weird. I won't talk about it though. But regarding everything here (not just HTS) is a false narrative.

    This place and all TOTSE iterations are a place for people to go to express their problematic life it seems. the "oddballs" ? I think it's more than that. I think it attracts people who feel they can use others in their idea of what is right and might even use people as cannon fodder to get what their objectives are. Not sure about HTS.. I'v seen two sides and then I witnessed last night.

    Now it kind of took the fun out of this site and back to a real serious event that you can't make jokes about. The Attack on the US in 2001. fuck your "Jeff Hunter did 9/11" meme. it seems like links to this place and the original origin (the menu) absolutely has political powers tied into it. Think Tanks. Startups that became Mainstream in the dot com industry (Spez, Arron Swartz) and so on.

    those who came over from DH might be something more than guys from a kind of place. DH might be an acronym for something completely different.
  4. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Wait a minute. Wouldn't that be a eunuch?

    Yes but only if its to serve their master in some way. And they didnt take drugs to grow tits, or dress up like women.
  5. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Greenspam
    those who came over from DH might be something more than guys from a kind of place. DH might be an acronym for something completely different.

    The DH'ers are clever concealment. Like standing in a corn field, or laying in the long weeds.
  6. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Yes but only if its to serve their master in some way. And they didnt take drugs to grow tits, or dress up like women.

    So, you're saying HTS doesn't have a master.
  7. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL So, you're saying HTS doesn't have a master.

  8. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer That's not the argument though. The argument is whether or not he has a penis. He does. He told me after seeing a transformation surgery video that he's very unlikely to get it done

    he doesn't have the balls to chop his dick off, not anymore.

  9. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    So HTS, all those times we were saying you were a dude, and you'd argue and argue us till you were blue in the face that you were a girl, are you now relenting and admitting defeat? Are you now saying we were right all along?

  10. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    If you remember my argument was always that Y chromosome made you male

  11. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc So HTS, all those times we were saying you were a dude, and you'd argue and argue us till you were blue in the face that you were a girl, are you now relenting and admitting defeat? Are you now saying we were right all along?


    How are so many of you this stupid
  12. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Vitamin G How are so many of you this stupid

    i thought you weren't reading my posts fatboy?

  13. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    in fact i preferred it when you weren't reading my posts, so if we could go back to that please?

  14. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Yes. Anyone who takes steps to grow female body parts and has their male body parts removed, is a transgender. Why is the penis the defining factor for you?

    Twinks are just skinny hairless gay dudes. They don't get their balls removed, and they don't grow tits.

    Because that was the debate. Whether or not he has a penis. The definition of transgender was a side topic if anything.
  15. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Because that was the debate. Whether or not he has a penis. The definition of transgender was a side topic if anything.

    Says who? You? You ain't shit. Back your words up or get out of town shitboy
  16. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Says who? You? You ain't shit. Back your words up or get out of town shitboy

    Post 332-334 in this thread. I take it you come from 4chan since you are unable to read further back than the most recently quoted post.
  17. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryIVer and he started to realize he's not trans, he's just a twink

    Fucking retard.
  18. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Fucking retard.

    I know, right? He could have spent the last 15 years just being a faggot, but chose to pretend to be a freak. The game got so out of control he doesn't have testicles anymore.

    To add to that even, he's fucked a few women, so he's more bi than gay.
  19. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    So you agree he is trans, and not a twink? And also that you're a retard
  20. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Vitamin G So you agree he is trans, and not a twink? And also that you're a retard

    No. Nowhere in my post did I in any way imply that I agree is he trans, and actually made a statement that implies the complete opposite. Your apparent inability to read a pretty clear sentence make the fact you would question anybody else's mental capacity extremely laughable.
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