2019-10-22 at 10:04 PM UTC
my eyes feel dry as fuck. the percip is 0 percent it says.
a better heat .. not sweating much but so strange. will be like this for another week it says.
the only problem is this shit happening ever year now it seems is it didn't happen every year when I was younger so these older condo and apartments built in the 70s or earlier than 1990s have - DO NOT HAVE A/C units in them.
can't sleep at night, windows open and it doesn't cool down til 3am. been putting off buying one of those indoor swamp coolers. they're fucking load and you have to fill them with chunks of ice.
I was on the east coast and the house I was in had no A/C.. just one of these. they filled picnic cups up with water and every 5 hours or so you dropped one in. theyw orked great if you could deal with the loudness of them
what are you doing at this very moment?
2019-10-22 at 10:06 PM UTC
Talk about the weather
2019-10-22 at 10:58 PM UTC
The climate in TX sucks way worse than yours does if it makes you feel any better about it.
It rained in Toronto today
I'm laughing at everyone I know in Alberta, enjoy the snow
2019-10-22 at 11:20 PM UTC
Also as far as Weather goes.. Nor Cal , we are spoiled.
but you can't just acclimate in hours.
2019-10-22 at 11:37 PM UTC
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
it snowed on the mountain 3 days ago
2019-10-23 at 8:11 AM UTC
Space Nigga
[the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
im in san diego
why the fuck is it going to be almost a 100 today?