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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oh, I see DietYellow is still around...huh.
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by DietYellow Oh, I see Malice is still here…huh.

    Who are you?
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Short questionnaire for anyone with a few spare momentos:

    1- Do you like turtles?
    2- When is the last time (if ever) that you shoplifted and what did you take?
    3- How many siblings do you have?
    4- Who shot JFK?
    5- Why do cats prefer drinking from the faucet?
    6- If you could live in any other century prior to the 1900s what would you choose?
    7- What was before the beginning of the universe?
    8- When you were a little kid did your grandma give you special baths and help you get so nice and clean?

    Thank you to anyone who partakes. To help you along here's a picture of some guy who's dying of cancer.

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Short questionnaire for anyone with a few spare momentos:

    1- Do you like turtles?
    2- When is the last time (if ever) that you shoplifted and what did you take?
    3- How many siblings do you have?
    4- Who shot JFK?
    5- Why do cats prefer drinking from the faucet?
    6- If you could live in any other century prior to the 1900s what would you choose?
    7- What was before the beginning of the universe?
    8- When you were a little kid did your grandma give you special baths and help you get so nice and clean?

    Thank you to anyone who partakes. To help you along here's a picture of some guy who's dying of cancer.

    1. Sure reptiles are pretty dope.
    2. A long ass fucking time ago and i took a handful of OTC drugs.
    3. Two.
    4. The CIA and jedis.
    5. Because the water is more fresh i would say.
    6. USA.
    7. We may never know. But the theists among us might say God.
    8. No.
  5. USA isn't a century
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie 1. Sure reptiles are pretty dope.
    2. A long ass fucking time ago and i took a handful of OTC drugs.
    3. Two.
    4. The CIA and jedis.
    5. Because the water is more fresh i would say.
    6. USA.
    7. We may never know. But the theists among us might say God.
    8. No.

    Thank you for your responses. Now I know more about you, which makes us special friends. I will note that I asked which century, not country as I'm assuming you read it.

    I really want to know the origin of the universe, or more specifically, an explanation as to how anything ever came to be. I'm sure you're right that we may never know, but it bothers me. I can understand the concept of infinity as it relates to the future, because everything is here now, and even if it all burns up or evaporates the particles and matter will just float around forever.

    I want someone to give me a good analogy explaining how the past is infinite. Isn't that really fucking weird to think about?
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by reject USA isn't a century

    Answer the survey questions please and thank you kind sir of Buckingham. What are the names for those palace guards? I wonder if anyone has ever peed on them.
  8. Queens Guards? They're proper infantry soldiers so I imagine peeing on them wouldn't go down too well.

    I mean, they're not allowed bullets in their guns cos this is England, but they are proper soldiers.

    I'll answer them soon when I'm not hungover. I knew I shouldn't have drank
  9. Originally posted by mmQ Short questionnaire for anyone with a few spare momentos:

    1- Do you like turtles?
    2- When is the last time (if ever) that you shoplifted and what did you take?
    3- How many siblings do you have?
    4- Who shot JFK?
    5- Why do cats prefer drinking from the faucet?
    6- If you could live in any other century prior to the 1900s what would you choose?
    7- What was before the beginning of the universe?
    8- When you were a little kid did your grandma give you special baths and help you get so nice and clean?

    1. i like tuddles
    2. like 2 days ago i tried to steal deeexxummm and got caught luckily not sent to prism
    3. an older half brother i give no fucks about
    4. either CIA or some dude, don't know enough to say
    5. it reminds them of flowing water
    6. 1800s(?) i want to be a chinese opium addict
    7. there was no beginning of the universe. it is cyclical.
    8. yes. mom and dad did too. when i let them wash my butthole they gave me tendies.
  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by the holy ghost 1. i like tuddles
    2. like 2 days ago i tried to steal deeexxummm and got caught luckily not sent to prism
    3. an older half brother i give no fucks about
    4. either CIA or some dude, don't know enough to say
    5. it reminds them of flowing water
    6. 1800s(?) i want to be a chinese opium addict
    7. there was no beginning of the universe. it is cyclical.
    8. yes. mom and dad did too. when i let them wash my butthole they gave me tendies.

    Thank you Mr. Boobyverse

    What is the story of you getting caught? How? Why didn't you take off? Were you arrested?

    I agree it reminds them of flowing water since it's, you know, flowing water. Why do they prefer that? Perhaps it's the sound, some internal pleasure response. I'll turn my bathroom sink on the smallest stream and she'll hang out in the sink for fucking DAYS, man. She chirps at me like she's thirsty but then she just sits there staring at the water. Idk. Simple pleasures I suppose.

    Cyclical. Where did the cycle come from?
  11. I was on 900mg of bundy, I ran out of the store but a lady ran up to me and made me put it back. I was too dissociated to care.

    It reminds them of nature I guess? Like rapids in rivers. The water has 1% more resemblance to nature than in a bowl, and they probably are programmed to consider flowing water more fresh than water sitting statically which can develop bacteria.

    The cycle came from nowhere. It just is. The universe and the multiverse have always been here. It develops until it reaches a critical point where it is destroyed, and then becomes recreated with a big bang. If you view billions of years as a small and irrelevant amount of time, the universe being destroyed and being recreated is cyclical like the sun rising and setting.
  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I think Randy from Peewee's Playhouse would make a good member here. My favorite memory of his is when Pee-wee thinks he might be getting sick and Randy, who is sick, intentionally sneezes and coughs at his face. Ha.

    Later on Ricardo brings Pee-wee a jug of chikin noodle soup and Pee-wee is so disoriented from his illness that when he gets out of bed to eat it he puts his slippers on backwards. What a goofball !!!
  13. Originally posted by mmQ 1- Do you like turtles?

    I used to raise several reptiles, 5 yellow ear sliders. I love all creatures.

    Originally posted by mmQ 2- When is the last time (if ever) that you shoplifted and what did you take?

    Last May, benadryl, bundy and cheese.

    Originally posted by mmQ 3- How many siblings do you have?

    Only child but my half sister just added me on Facebook.

    Originally posted by mmQ 4- Who shot JFK?

    I did.

    Originally posted by mmQ 5- Why do cats prefer drinking from the faucet?

    They have an evolutionary trait to perceive running water as more fresh its also kinda true

    Originally posted by mmQ 6- If you could live in any other century prior to the 1900s what would you choose?

    The roman times so I could flog people and make monkshood poison potions and what not.

    Originally posted by mmQ 7- What was before the beginning of the universe?

    Cosmic elemental soup approaching critical mass

    Originally posted by mmQ 8- When you were a little kid did your grandma give you special baths and help you get so nice and clean?

    No but she used to lick her thumb and rub my face to clean it and I'd want to punch her in the jaw every time she did it.
  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Well that's good you didn't get arrested, obviously. I've been caught shoplifting several times but fortunately only detained once. The other times I denied denied denied as I continued to leave the store and they threatened to call the police. OK m8. I'll be home laying in my couch by the time any cops show up to your business, bai.

    Running water, yes. I know they make cat and dog dishes that produce a continuous stream of water. A nice gift for them. It's weird that it's not across the board, if it's a natural response why do some cats show no interest? Like cats chattering when they see a bird. Like 1 out 5 cats I've known did that.

    A cycle has to start. Someone or something has to push 'start cycle.'
  15. Originally posted by mmQ A cycle has to start. Someone or something has to push 'start cycle.'

    why does something have to have a starting point? we're talking about infinity here.
  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I used to raise several reptiles, 5 yellow ear sliders. I love all creatures.

    Last May, benadryl, bundy and cheese.

    Only child but my half sister just added me on Facebook.

    I did.

    They have an evolutionary trait to perceive running water as more fresh its also kinda true

    The roman times so I could flog people and make monkshood poison potions and what not.

    Cosmic elemental soup approaching critical mass

    No but she used to lick her thumb and rub my face to clean it and I'd want to punch her in the jaw every time she did it.

    Gracias señor Trump. I appreciate your time. What's a yellow eared slider? Can you teach reptiles tricks?

    What kind of cheese?

    I don't even know what flogging is. Is it like beating the shit out of someone with sticks? I know they still do that to criminals in parts of the world, generally sub-Saharan. You know the bit I'm sure - vigilante justice, 'necklacing', stripping them and dragging them around the streets while beating them with any and all objects within reach, finally adorning them with a gasoline soaked tire and watching their last few moments of life being spent burning alive while a large crowd watches and nobody helps. I'll actually go with you to do this somewhere if you want.

    I bet when you weren't looking she plugged her thumb up her ass every time she cleaned your face, and then went to her bridge club where all the ladies knew you as the boy whose grandma cleans him off with shit, and they talk about it every single time they get together.
  17. Originally posted by mmQ Gracias señor Trump. I appreciate your time. What's a yellow eared slider? Can you teach reptiles tricks?

    What kind of cheese?

    I don't even know what flogging is. Is it like beating the shit out of someone with sticks? I know they still do that to criminals in parts of the world, generally sub-Saharan. You know the bit I'm sure - vigilante justice, 'necklacing', stripping them and dragging them around the streets while beating them with any and all objects within reach, finally adorning them with a gasoline soaked tire and watching their last few moments of life being spent burning alive while a large crowd watches and nobody helps. I'll actually go with you to do this somewhere if you want.

    I bet when you weren't looking she plugged her thumb up her ass every time she cleaned your face, and then went to her bridge club where all the ladies knew you as the boy whose grandma cleans him off with shit, and they talk about it every single time they get together.

    I taught mine to catch live fish I held above it's head. Just goldfish and stuff. You can also teach them not to kill the goldfish if you want both in one pond.

    I dunno some kind of expensive jalapeño herb and yummy kind, I made a thread about it.

    What the fuck are you on??
  18. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump What the fuck are you on??

    Whatever it is I want some
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by reject USA isn't a century

    Sorry i am high, i read country. So i thought it said it which country i wanted to live before 1900 if i had to.
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Got DAMN that is a fine looking specimen. I love them.

    Sorry I dont remember the thread you made about cheese. I distinctly try to remember every thread that everyone makes about cheese too. Weird. I like spicy cheese. Fucking tonight I'm gonna go get a tattoo of a wedge of cheese on my neck and buy any cheese related accessories I can find.


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