Originally posted by mmQ
There really aren't any tips or tricks for working at a concession stand. It's fun and easy. I guess one tip would be to put out a ..tip jar with something quirky and stupid on it (tips are appreciated but never expected tee hee!) And just be goofy and polite to everyone and make a game out of it.
Don't let the angry twats ruin your day would be a good tip I expect.
I worked a concession stand at a concert, it was fun and drunk people are fun and will give you their number, just don't run out of food or they get sad and angry
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
Are these all American Africans or immigrant ones? Those names are wild
Bit of both, I'd wager Princess is from Africa...Every other motherfinger claims to be a prince or princess from there..this ones parents put it in her name so there can be no doubt.
One of them tried to have sex with me after having sex with my dad and she was high on crack, Thought about doing it but it seemed wrong to me, probably because I didn't smoke hard drugs at the time.
I haven't done meth since November last year it's just something I enjoy abusing a few times a year like how normal people treat alcohol.
Except I barely drink. The only drug habit I have is massive amounts of weed smoking but it's medicinal like aspirin to me. I use it instead of Benzos which I can get legally from a doc
I don't think taking Benzos is good though unless you are having a panic attack, they should never be used longer than a few months at the most