2016-12-17 at 7:18 PM UTC
[my p.a. supernal goa]
I got one about six months ago and I've been using it regularly, but the exercises I do aren't really comprehensive and a lot of them are just made up. I know there's material out there, but have any of you had personal experience that you can relate in a useful manner?
2016-12-19 at 11:03 PM UTC
use it to help ur cat fap
2016-12-20 at 12:56 AM UTC
i tried using one of those things. theyre idiotic. normal other things work so much better.
2016-12-23 at 1:52 AM UTC
Hold it out in front of you and spin in circles.
I actually used to do some exercises where I'd half squat and grab the plate then stand up and swing it above my head. Maybe that could apply to the kettlebell. More likely you'll get hurt following my advice.
2016-12-31 at 2:47 AM UTC
I spin it like a dreidel.