I like journalism. After hanging out with darin bush and meeting alex jones I've realized that its an interesting field with many interesting people. I hope to one day be a writer/journalist for the huffington post.
victim of incest
[insincerely conduce my paisley]
equestrian activities. I could write a novel on what I know... and whatI don't know.. fuck.. I know about riding and all the little nitty gritty details nobody wants to do like farrier work and dealing with a colicing horse too.
The law.. I like looking up court dockets for the fun of it. I'm a nosy busy body.
Originally posted by hydromorphone
equestrian activities. I could write a novel on what I know… and whatI don't know.. fuck.. I know about riding and all the little nitty gritty details nobody wants to do like farrier work and dealing with a colicing horse too.
The law.. I like looking up court dockets for the fun of it. I'm a nosy busy body.
Have you ever jacked/blown off a horse for your own pleasure?