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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The Typical American Lives Only 18 Miles From Mom

    It found that with the exception of college or military service, 37 percent of Americans had never lived outside their hometown, and 57 percent had never left their state.

    That's kind of depressing. The world in general is depressing. I wish I had family.
  2. The world is what you make of it. I'm glad that everything that happened to me this year happened.
  3. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    You want to be part of myfamily, Malice? You can be my son's uncle or Godfather. If youre his Godfather itll be your responsibility to educate him on nootropics,mental illness (he probably is going to develop something with §m£ÂgØL and my genes), and other interesting shit you deem important for a child to know. Youd fit right in with the craziness that is my family. He has dogs for siblings and his conception wasnt within the norm.
  4. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Had my kpins stolen (9of them) from the kid who was driving me to work. I left my purse in the car. He said 'maybe you ate more of them than you realized' which is possible IF I was taking them, but I dont and he was assuming I was. Then him and his girlfriend was saying 'maybe a coworker stole them' uh.. dipshits, I left my purse in YOUR car and if that was even a possibility why didnt they just take them all? The bestLMFAO was 'maybe your dogs got them' yep, they put the child proof lid back on, zipped it back in the compartment in my purse and didnt chew the bottle or my purse. If my dogs got my purse, I wouldnt have a purse. Then he did some slight of hand shit and nabbed a coupke more. I had counted them before coming out to the car when they asked for some. I hadned to him and I seen the nab. Recounted them and he got 4. I let it happen and didnt say shit because I just wanted confirmation they did it. Fucked up part is, Id have given them some had they asked. Also, what kind of friend charges to borrow their cirgarrette machine they arent using? Seriously. it was the father of the guy who gives me rides girlfriend. Then he goes on about how hes helping me so much. Ive paid my fucking way, everyday, paid for babysitting, paid for all the shit and even bought them food, and given them pills. Every pill I had went their way. on top of that he goes on to bitch about hoe high the heat bill is and how they might only be able to use the space heaters- nigger, I dont even have a space heater nor could even afford the bill if I did. I got 10 dogs to keep warm with on cold nights. He does the same shit about the AC, bitching about the bill and how they are sweating their asses off because they had to turn the termestat up a few degrees- again nigger, I dont even fucking have AC either. Then he askes 'you got foodstamps'.. 'yeah a little why?'... 'I usually make abbunch of italian food and have a big thing for christmas, but this year I dont know what we are going to eat besides the turkey'.. motherfucker, I aint going to be eating anything special. Then he bitches how this is the first year ever hes ever had to put christmas presents on lay away. Again cocksucker, my baby, he got about 20$ worth of shit from the dollar store and I did buy a few training sippie cups. Im not trying to be a bitch about my situation. I rareky say anything unless asked, but YOU KNOW the shit Im going through, and you dare bitch about it to me? WTF? Just go complain about how tiny your house is and how you wish you could afford a bigger house but you cant because youre so poor to the homeless guy on the corner who doesnt even have a fucking house about your 'problems', Im sure he will be sympathetic. He was bitching about his door handle on his front door being all fucked up and hoe he just want to replace the whole door for a new one. Fucker, my door, it doesnt even have a handle- its a homemade dutch-door (I dont have AC so this feature is very useful) that was built on meth. Once I have a vehicle, fuck these parasitic people. Of all people to take advantage of, yeah, take avantage of the piss poor single mother, who isnt getting child support from your 'buddy' you speak so highly of and is trying just to keep this job and make it all work for hwr infant son. Thats right, people who arent in a bind wouldnt put up with your shit to be used. Also, I get bitch at all the time even though I hand money fucking over all the fucking time butbwhen I say 'that fucker hasnt sent any child support' he goes on 'oh well its hard, cant blame him, Im sure hes trying'. Jesus fuck me. If I were stuck by lightening or my anyerism just eould burst itd almost be a blessing. Im pretty much working to pay them gas and babysitting money, it doesnt make sense to keep this shit up. being poor as fuck, Ive been good to these people. The same guy I asked to borrow his mschine from until my new one arrived (mind finally broke after my ex beat the fuck out of it on concrete) for one fucking night to whip out a bunch, and wants to be paid to use it, when he didnt have tobacco or tubes and was waiting on his order I gave him a ziplock bag of tobacco and a carton of tubes. Ive bought them a fucking shitoad of food with my foodstamps. If weve been out and they bitxh they are hungry, Ive always bought them something (also when saying hey, youre hungry whatcha want turns int a fucking shopping spree). I am so sick of being used and taken advantage of and worst yet, stolen from.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Fucking christ, hydro, I told you to get out of that toxic environment, how much the people around you were clearly harming your life, but you had to go get pregnant and now you're a single mother alone and stuck.

    It seems like a terrible thing to say, but what I'm really is saying is I understand what a terrible situation you're in because I'm in a nightmare too. The world is a terrible place, most people are awful, or just pitiful, and so many are struggling, there's so much wrong in it. I hope everyone here manages to find their happiness, or at least has a peaceful death.

    You know you're alone when you don't just not celebrate the holidays because you have no one to do so with, but when they genuinely don't feel any different than any other day.
  6. Who's been a good kid this year and is expecting Santa to bring them presents tomorrow? I'm hoping he brings me a bottle of vodka, I know for sure he's got my bro one.
  7. Sharpie Houston
    I know a few of you might be concerned about me here, but rest easy, I am fine. It's really not that damn bad. I had no issues a few hours ago. I do feel bad for people down here tho.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I wonder what percentage of people are just kept alive by the fear of death. If we didn't have that immense innate fear, resistance, what would the suicide rate be? We'd have to depend on reason, knowledge.
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    I never asked for this. I don't want to be a part of this goddamn world.

    I could always be wrong and one day may feel differently, so I can still go on, for now. But *scowls* lord do I dislike this world...
  10. This is some bullshit, my brother got 2 bottles of whiskey and I got 0. The fuck. I'm so pissed off.
  11. Allahu akbar!!!
  12. Drinking wine which requires a corkscrew to get into is a level of class I'm not used to.
  13. Being with a woman who has all her teeth and doesn't smell like shit is a level of class im not used to.
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Being with a woman who has all her teeth and doesn't smell like shit is a level of class im not used to.

    Who is she, PoC? Pray tell.

    Listen to your inner voices. Beelzebub, arise!: She must have ulterior motives. She's hiding something, there must be something wrong with her, why else would she be with someone like me? I'm not good enough, she's only going to leave me for someone better and I'll only be hurt again. I'm just going to end up hurting her, engaging in self-destructive behavior, it's better if I push her away, call it off, before it happens. I'm happier alone anyway (liar), women are crazy, they're too much work, this only ends up with people (me) getting hurt. I'm so afraid I'll do the wrong thing, what she's thinking of me, what others think of seeing us together, what her friends, people in her life, might say about me, where all this is headed; I hate being like this, why can't I stop thinking about this, being anxious and on edge...Can I really see myself being married one day, or just with someone for the rest of my life? I'm broken, aren't I? I'll never be able to function, to open up to and really love someone else.

    Don't listen to them, PoC. *smears peanut butter on your face for no apparent reason* Remember what I told you, heal.


    Good god, and I've never so much as held hands, nor found someone I wanted to with. Can you imagine what it would be like for me, if I didn't suicide first and managed to recover/rehabilitate to that point, after everything that has (and hasn't) occurred? My god, imagine if everyone from the old Zoklet community could be made aware of that moment, follow the thread: I, Malice, 2x years, of age, am going to go on a date/lose my virginity for the first time.

    Btw, have you ever seen Evangelion? You kind of remind me of Shinji, and I even more so, which is pretty sad, that I genuinely turned out that way and it parallels my internal struggles so well, despite feeling cliche and cringeworthy to think about. It really is a godly anime if you understand (grok), can relate to it and enjoy it, though. It was like a small taste of enlightenment during the teenage years.
  15. God my head hurts, I only ever seem to get hangovers on boxing day. I remember telling my mum I've met big drug dealers who have more compassion and humanity than my dad and his partner.
  16. Also I started chatting to some chick just because she has good blowjob lips.
  17. I walked into the wrong house, I couldn't remember which one was my mums and I got it wrong, opened the door slightly and was like "hold up, this has all changed in the 40 minutes I've been out".
  18. Got myself another date.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Listen to your inner voices. Beelzebub, arise!: She must have ulterior motives. She's hiding something, there must be something wrong with her, why else would she be with someone like me? I'm not good enough, she's only going to leave me for someone better and I'll only be hurt again. I'm just going to end up hurting her, engaging in self-destructive behavior, it's better if I push her away, call it off, before it happens. I'm happier alone anyway (liar), women are crazy, they're too much work, this only ends up with people (me) getting hurt. I'm so afraid I'll do the wrong thing, what she's thinking of me, what others think of seeing us together, what her friends, people in her life, might say about me, where all this is headed; I hate being like this, why can't I stop thinking about this, being anxious and on edge…Can I really see myself being married one day, or just with someone for the rest of my life? I'm broken, aren't I? I'll never be able to function, to open up to and really love someone else.

    Protip: Insecurity is a major turn off for wimmenz.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    God my head hurts, I only ever seem to get hangovers on boxing day. I remember telling my mum I've met big drug dealers who have more compassion and humanity than my dad and his partner.

    Huh, I actually woke up feeling pretty shitty despite taking it easy yesterday. Maybe it's a boxing day curse or some shit.

    Drinking wine which requires a corkscrew to get into is a level of class I'm not used to.

    I think I posted in TRT or somewhere like the a few days after turning 21. Somehow it was the first time in my life I found myself responsible for opening a bottle of wine and I didn't have a cork screw so I googled and tried some shit with a key and a nail and stuff like that but ended up pulling half the cork out and pushing the other half into the bottle and had to drink wine with bits of cork in it. Good times.

    I think I may still have a pic I took on the occasion somewhere. Oh shit I do:

    Good ole chuck, save my soul and take the boredom away.

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