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So glad I'm not a drug-addled degenerate junkie like you losers...

  1. #21
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by GGG I need food lots of food send money not food

    Coming right up... I think you told me your on Mill street... right near Naperville North High School. 666, right?👍
  2. #22
    Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Its cuz ur so fucking sexy.

  3. #23
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III not that i need to prove myself to you but i've already worked out for like the 10th day in a row and ate healthy after working 2 weeks straight to save money so i can travel the world. bullshit about spirituality all you want, the reality is you're a lazy fuck that's incapable of doing anything worthy so you literally change your entire belief structure so that it makes you sitting around being a skinnyfat weak lil bitch somehow a noble goal. like i said keep digging that hole, you already are so deep you can't see the outside world. everyone else is just looking at you in pity because you're that nigga thats outside tweakin screaming at nothing because that's the only thing that gives your life meaning

    Dude i like ur style. I'll travel the world with you. Thats a cool way to live.👍
  4. #24
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q

    Send me pics plz. 👍
  5. #25
    Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Send me pics plz. 👍

    I can't upload pics on here. But I have pics on BastardFactory. Go over there and you can see me. Maybe you already joined there, but send me a message if u go by another name.
  6. #26
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q I can't upload pics on here. But I have pics on BastardFactory. Go over there and you can see me. Maybe you already joined there, but send me a message if u go by another name.

    ill check it out.👍
  7. #27
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III not that i need to prove myself to you but i've already worked out for like the 10th day in a row and ate healthy after working 2 weeks straight to save money so i can travel the world. bullshit about spirituality all you want, the reality is you're a lazy fuck that's incapable of doing anything worthy so you literally change your entire belief structure so that it makes you sitting around being a skinnyfat weak lil bitch somehow a noble goal. like i said keep digging that hole, you already are so deep you can't see the outside world. everyone else is just looking at you in pity because you're that nigga thats outside tweakin screaming at nothing because that's the only thing that gives your life meaning

    i don't even do hard drugs anymore and I didn't make 10 threads like a whiny bitch when I stopped doing them either like you did and still do. The reason I can use hard drugs and stop so easily is because of my spirituality and beliefs.

    You're just salty because you have too much ego to become religious which is why you are a slave to addiction and get angry at me because I don't suffer like you do even though I do more hard drugs than you.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Ghost i don't even do hard drugs anymore and I didn't make 10 threads like a whiny bitch when I stopped doing them either like you did and still do. The reason I can use hard drugs and stop so easily is because of my spirituality and beliefs.

    You're just salty because you have too much ego to become religious which is why you are a slave to addiction and get angry at me because I don't suffer like you do even though I do more hard drugs than you.

    keep digging, bitch
  9. #29
    Ghost Black Hole
    I'll dig your grave and give your funeral rites as an ordained minister

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Ghost I'll dig your grave and give your funeral rites as an ordained minister

    you wouldn't be capable of digging a hole the size of a 5 gallon bucket you fucking skinnyfat weakling
  11. #31
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III you wouldn't be capable of digging a hole the size of a 5 gallon bucket you fucking skinnyfat weakling

    my BMI is better than yours because I fast
  12. #32
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by WellHung Coming right up… I think you told me your on Mill street… right near Naperville North High School. 666, right?👍

    Literally google how IP addresses work. Takes 5 seconds
  13. #33
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost i don't even do hard drugs anymore…

    … I do more hard drugs than you.

  14. #34
    Ghost Black Hole
    when i did do them I did more than him. I did hardcore first generation benzos, heroin, fentanyl and crack and I got off of all of it quickly and became normal unlike him who still does shitty internet cuck drugs and nootropics and trash like tpain and probably takes a bunch of anti depressants and SSRI's with Crouton and wonders why he feels like shit all the time and spends all his energy acting like a bitch on the internet

    and I never had to go to rehab either

  15. #35
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    >bragging about doing drugs

    Are you 14?
  16. #36
    Ghost Black Hole
    im not bragging im just saying I did way more addictive and hardcore drugs than his fake internet cuck drugs like krat-om and etiz and I got off of them easily

    All he talks about is doing shitty benzos and lame internet cuck drugs because he's a bitch of the lowest order
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Ghost my BMI is better than yours because I fast

    bmi is so outdated that if you talk to anyone who knows anything about fitness or body composition they will laugh at you if you bring it up. regardless, i bet i still have less fat than you even with like 3 times as much muscle as you.

    and you've been posting that same bag of kpins for literally years. i also never went to rehab and could objectively whoop your ass if we fought irl
  18. #38
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by GGG

    Literally google how IP addresses work. Takes 5 seconds

    but i dont understand what i read.👍
  19. #39
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III bmi is so outdated that if you talk to anyone who knows anything about fitness or body composition they will laugh at you if you bring it up. regardless, i bet i still have less fat than you even with like 3 times as much muscle as you.

    and you've been posting that same bag of kpins for literally years. i also never went to rehab and could objectively whoop your ass if we fought irl

    Dude u really hate him, huh?
  20. #40
    Originally posted by WellHung Dude u really hate him, huh?

    i don't, i just think he's totally full of shit and i'm not going to not argue with it
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