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Can Louis CK come back now?

  1. #21
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo there's like a glasses wearing whimsical jedi who swears a lot I like. He was on Tosh.0 on a daily show spoof once. There's also a comedian with a pretentious first name spelling I like who does an incredible joke about weed and mushrooms, I feel like name is Jason or something (not jason) but he spells it Jhahysin or something. He's skinny and wears glasses and is likely jedi

    David Cross?
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Sudo there's like a glasses wearing whimsical jedi who swears a lot I like. He was on Tosh.0 on a daily show spoof once. There's also a comedian with a pretentious first name spelling I like who does an incredible joke about weed and mushrooms, I feel like name is Jason or something (not jason) but he spells it Jhahysin or something. He's skinny and wears glasses and is likely jedi

    i can already tell that joke is going to be fucking stupid. comedians can't do jokes about drugs because they always exaggerate the drug effects to ridiculous proportions because normies don't know what drugs are and just assume it's the same as alcohol except you see pink elephants (ironic, i know, stfu)
  3. #23
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    im cramping right now.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by WellHung im cramping right now.

    take some midol lil bitch
  5. #25
    Originally posted by mmQ Lol well pfft

    Someone said that when I legit tripped (without falling over) into an EZ stand and I wanted to kill her. I still do.
  6. #26
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III take some midol lil bitch

    You should be a stand up comedian.
  7. #27
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Mmq i feel like you could probably write a pretty good standup routine.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by mmQ Are there any comedians that you sort of like some of their jokes sometimes?

    I've known you for 6 years now and I couldn't even hazard a guess. I feel like you have a Sahara desert dryness style that nobody gets. Post some rap lyrics. That's funny

    thats probably accurate. i remember thinking daniel tosh was funny but i think it was just a one time thing and i only thought it was funny because it was so dark. like if i listened to it again i probably would think it's lame now.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by mmQ You should be a stand up comedian.

    standup style would be ~~

    take some midol for your VAGINA bitch! GODDAMN THAT THANG STANK
  10. #30
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by GGG Mmq i feel like you could probably write a pretty good standup routine.

    My little sister is trying to talk me into it. She's literally gonna do a 5 minute open mic stand up next week. I'm too unconfident. I used to be really comfortable on stage. I'm not anymore.
  11. #31
    thats why they alcohol
  12. #32
    c'mon mq, you KNOW

    and you GOT this, but mostly you KNOW this
  13. #33
    get faded before your set and fistfight a heckler, then just make that be like your thing. like every set you get in a fight and smash barstools over fools' heads and shit.
  14. #34
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by mmQ My little sister is trying to talk me into it. She's literally gonna do a 5 minute open mic stand up next week. I'm too unconfident. I used to be really comfortable on stage. I'm not anymore.

    I feel like the anxiety beforehand is waaaaaay worse than actually being up there. I always feel fine once I'm speaking. You can do it mq. Every comedian ever has probably had to overcome this at some point.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by GGG I feel like the anxiety beforehand is waaaaaay worse than actually being up there. I always feel fine once I'm speaking. You can do it mq. Every comedian ever has probably had to overcome this at some point.

    that's true for any situation, except for opiate withdrawal
  16. #36
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Well no shit. I'm not retarded. I just fear my audience will be a bunch of GREENPLASTICS.

    Which is retarded.

    I actually am retarded.
  17. #37
    Originally posted by mmQ Well no shit. I'm not retarded. I just fear my audience will be a bunch of GREENPLASTICS.

    Which is retarded.

    I actually am retarded.

    why would a bunch of people who hate standup comedy go to a standup comedy event? that makes no sense. you're retarded.
  18. #38
    Ghost Black Hole

  19. #39
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III why would a bunch of people who hate standup comedy go to a standup comedy event? that makes no sense. you're retarded.

    I hope that joke gets some laughs. I'm using it.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by mmQ I hope that joke gets some laughs. I'm using it.

    just make your whole routine be making fun of me, normies would think it's hilarious
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