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Make sure to vote for Donald Trump next year

  1. playingindirt Tuskegee Airman [nevermore overpopulate your whitweek]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Doesn't change the fact that these aliens are lawbreakers for crossing the border illegally. Nobody should be above the law.

    first off, I check my information out before I pass any of it along. I want to hear it, see it and investigate it's legitimacy for myself. I dig for days if I have to for legitimate information and I make sure it's not written out of context. I do not just accept any information or article that just happens to be available.

    trump and "his" republican party has refused to consider bills protecting united states elections from foreign interference.
    trump undermines the FBI. trump says the FBI director is wrong, and that he can accept foreign election assistance if it will help him win the 2020 election.
    and that he may or may not tell the FBI about it.
    he is leaving the united states wide open.

    the FBI are trained law enforcement professionals. trump has not been trained to know jack squat about that.

    in a interview trump said,"the constitutions article 2 allows him to do whatever he wants." those are trumps words.

    that's too much power for one man or for one party.

    the constitution warns us about that and about men that will attempt to use their powers for their own personal gain or agenda.
    what trump is doing goes against the constitution that trump swore to protect and preserve.
    he's undermining the constitution of the united states. he's supposed to be protecting it.

    trump believes he's above the law.

    trump has misled the people in the united states about immigrants.
    "there are a lot of criminals in the caravan, trump said.
    there's no possible way he can know what kind of people are in a caravan full of women & children. that's nothing but a discriminative misleading statement. many of those people were not criminals until trump had ICE pay prisons to house them treating them like common criminals.
    it made no difference to trump that they now have a criminal record as long as it fueled trumps agenda.

    one of the most traumatic things you can do to a child is take them away from their parents. they locked the children up in a prison like environment with fencing cages & and took away their rights to see their parents.

    not only that every chart ( which is a lot ) I've studied on illegal immigrants show a huge decline through the years.
    also there are ways to to interfer with a county that will cause their people to believe they or their children will go hungry or be without employment that will influence movement towards the united states looking for safety and work. trump has done that to fuel his agenda. and they make them pay taxes if they work in the USA.
    they travel in caravans because it keeps them safe from criminal activity.

    and don't even get me started on the friggin wall. or the national deficit & his tax scam. our childrens children will paying for it.

    trump also has filthy court record. he's done unthinkable things.
    I'm not talking allegations. I mean crimes he was actually convicted of. the only reason he's still walking around free is because he's got more money then any of us will see in our entire life time.

    so have you seen this overwhelming mass of illegal immigrants overrunning us any where?
    have you seen them running across your or anybodys yards every day just passing out drugs, stealing, & murdering?
    trump takes isolated events and blows them up into a mass criminals taking us over. it's bull crap and people need to learn to dig into the information being presented to us instead of believing just what ever we're told.
    trump is a peice of trash. a very wealthy piece of trash but a peice of trash just the same.

    the media is not our enemy. it's sources of information. period.
    it's our responsibility to check out what we're being told. the main reason for that is everybody has their own version of what's being said.
    we have the right to our own thoughts beliefs and opinions. free speech.

    with all the information we have available to us there's no excuse for blaming the media for information that we may or may not agree with.

    trump is the true enemy.
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  2. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Would it be a fair statement to say that we shouldn't expect to see a picture of you at a Trump rally wearing a MAGA hat, my Dirty Girl?
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  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by playingindirt …the media is not our enemy. it's sources of information. period.

    Yeah, that's why they intentionally lied to us all for two and half years, 24 hours a day, about the Trump/Russia collusion hoax, because they're not the enemy of the people, which they most certainly are.
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by playingindirt I haven't read up on her because she isn't in a white house position. but if there's evidence on her like I found on trump of course she outta go to prison.

    I don't know why people are constantly bringing up clinton or obama like trump does unless they're just trying to make excuses for trumps wrongdoings. two wrongs never made a right.

    the theory about trumps lawyers using - there are certain people trying to undermine trumps legitimacy is just another way for trump to scoot out of the consequences of his actions. If he hasn't done anything he's not supposed to do then there's no sweat. but that isn't what trump is showing us. he's sweating it hard.

    they're all dirty. Trump has done some fucked up shit. He doesn't relate to the common man (blue, brown or white collar worker)

    His own father was a hard working construction union man. Just like the prodigal son in the Bible, Trump asked for his inheritance up front (or so the story goes)

    He made then got broken down. lost everything. borrowed from people to cloudfund and sold his families name to brand hotels because the name was still strong in the minds of former vegas goers and such.

    The Trump brand was strong. from Arena fights to concerts to Vegas shows and casinos from Vegas to Atlantic city to the Bahamas to Monte Carlo for all I know.

    then he probably made huge bank off of The Apprentice.

    And the Wall is just a weird fetish.

    But in his defense, I will say its pretty dirty to suddenly pull up that "Grab her in the pussy" open mic thing. even though it's piggish. it was clearly held for the right moment.

    these are the sick games that people play to control politics in the world.

    Hilary starts with her laughing at a young child who was raped that she knew was raped back in the 1970s and enjoyed winning the case and mocking her that was recorded. Though again that should of been released in the day just like Trumps recording should of.. instead of waiting for the right moment.

    Yet she did a pretty bad injustice on that girl.

    then there is the White Water thing. that was just fucked up. They carried the loans on their own projects ad waiting for elderly who fell behind on payments by a few weeks and the foreclosed on them. then reselling the homes. I think they all had hidden balloon payments so after three years, these elderly on fix incomes could not have enough time to sell the homes and ended up out on the streets.

    then there is the Mena connection to cocaine

    And there are cocaine parties with underage kids (also related to Mena) that have former police and security talking out against Hillary and Bill. there is a documentary on it. Ask SpectraL to find it.

    then of course the most recent Email scandal.

    I am not against her because of her political ties. I was registered democrat for a while then republican and now I will change to independent soon.

    She's pretty scary.

    I supported Obama the first round.
  5. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by toz they're all dirty. Trump has done some fucked up shit. He doesn't relate to the common man (blue, brown or white collar worker)

    His own father was a hard working construction union man. Just like the prodigal son in the Bible, Trump asked for his inheritance up front (or so the story goes)

    He made then got broken down. lost everything. borrowed from people to cloudfund and sold his families name to brand hotels because the name was still strong in the minds of former vegas goers and such.

    The Trump brand was strong. from Arena fights to concerts to Vegas shows and casinos from Vegas to Atlantic city to the Bahamas to Monte Carlo for all I know.

    then he probably made huge bank off of The Apprentice.

    And the Wall is just a weird fetish.

    But in his defense, I will say its pretty dirty to suddenly pull up that "Grab her in the pussy" open mic thing. even though it's piggish. it was clearly held for the right moment.

    these are the sick games that people play to control politics in the world.

    Hilary starts with her laughing at a young child who was raped that she knew was raped back in the 1970s and enjoyed winning the case and mocking her that was recorded. Though again that should of been released in the day just like Trumps recording should of.. instead of waiting for the right moment.

    Yet she did a pretty bad injustice on that girl.

    then there is the White Water thing. that was just fucked up. They carried the loans on their own projects ad waiting for elderly who fell behind on payments by a few weeks and the foreclosed on them. then reselling the homes. I think they all had hidden balloon payments so after three years, these elderly on fix incomes could not have enough time to sell the homes and ended up out on the streets.

    then there is the Mena connection to cocaine

    And there are cocaine parties with underage kids (also related to Mena) that have former police and security talking out against Hillary and Bill. there is a documentary on it. Ask SpectraL to find it.

    then of course the most recent Email scandal.

    I am not against her because of her political ties. I was registered democrat for a while then republican and now I will change to independent soon.

    She's pretty scary.

    I supported Obama the first round.

    Allow me to #correctTheRecord

    It's her turn. #hilly #2020 #stillwithher
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Originally posted by aldra lol, he literally threatened China with sanctions if Xi didn't come talk to him at G20.

    It doesn't matter though. Xi was willing to negotiate but was stopped by the Politburo on the basis that they will no longer tolerate being treated as a vassal.

    We can expect there will be no concessions or agreements until either the situation becomes too dire in China or the US starts to show respect and treat China as an equal.

    i think thats the reason xi went to pyongyang, to cover the backdoors.

    itd be super ackward if xi unfriended trump while trump is still bff-ed to kim.
  7. Originally posted by playingindirt I haven't read up on her because she isn't in a white house position.

    she was.

    have you forgotten the whitewaters ?
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Her stint as Secretary of State was quite literally one giant warcrime
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  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by aldra Her stint as Secretary of State was quite literally one giant warcrime

    Not to mention domestic terrorist, hitwoman and mass murderer.

    documented source:
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra I'm not well enough versed in economics to really elucidate, but it seems to me that he's been cutting taxes to companies and making it up in income and other taxes on consumers in an effort to keep major US companies like Amazon, Apple etc. dominant internationally, but placing many of those products out of reach of US consumers by reducing their purchasing power.

    I'd be interested to hear from anyone who cares more about economics on that

    basically keeping corporate tax low so they can keep their workforce american because he knows when people don't have jobs that's when they feel disenfranchised. That's how he got elected.

    Purchasing power is reduced and if it wasn't for some of the clever folks at the fed and big banks, inflation would have gone up and PPP would be even lower. Least people can get work, just not good work, or work that pays well. Real wages has been stagnant forever and has only shown a slight increase.

    Basically his tax cut was to keep his friends happy and trick idiots into thinking there was some benefit to them. I'm a big believer in human capital and skills programs and he has done absolutely nothing for that, hence the stagnantion is going to take a bit to shake off
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra lol, he literally threatened China with sanctions if Xi didn't come talk to him at G20.

    It doesn't matter though. Xi was willing to negotiate but was stopped by the Politburo on the basis that they will no longer tolerate being treated as a vassal.

    We can expect there will be no concessions or agreements until either the situation becomes too dire in China or the US starts to show respect and treat China as an equal.

    China will come begging for a deal
  12. Originally posted by Sudo basically keeping corporate tax low so they can keep their workforce american because he knows when people don't have jobs that's when they feel disenfranchised. That's how he got elected.

    Purchasing power is reduced and if it wasn't for some of the clever folks at the fed and big banks, inflation would have gone up and PPP would be even lower. Least people can get work, just not good work, or work that pays well. Real wages has been stagnant forever and has only shown a slight increase.

    Basically his tax cut was to keep his friends happy and trick idiots into thinking there was some benefit to them. I'm a big believer in human capital and skills programs and he has done absolutely nothing for that, hence the stagnantion is going to take a bit to shake off

    Yeah, but good work market means that not only people can get *A* job (which is not always a granted, lest we forget), but you get to pick a job somewhere that you actually like without needing to screw yourself over financially in order to do so. You don't have to work at the packing house to make unskilled money anymore, nor do you need to work at McDonald's with §m£ÂgØL in order to build experience.

    Much moreso important is that if you're sick of your old job or are wanting to advance, you don't need balls the size of Texas in order to seek. Balls the size of Maine will more than serve you, mayne.

    These accessories, though unconscious and never attributable to a president due to their subtle, (in)direct relationship with economic policy, end up leading to greater life satisfaction, which leads to hesitation towards replacing the status quo.
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by DietPiano Yeah, but good work market means that not only people can get *A* job (which is not always a granted, lest we forget), but you get to pick a job somewhere that you actually like without needing to screw yourself over financially in order to do so. You don't have to work at the packing house to make unskilled money anymore, nor do you need to work at McDonald's with §m£ÂgØL in order to build experience.

    Much moreso important is that if you're sick of your old job or are wanting to advance, you don't need balls the size of Texas in order to seek. Balls the size of Maine will more than serve you, mayne.

    These accessories, though unconscious and never attributable to a president due to their subtle, (in)direct relationship with economic policy, end up leading to greater life satisfaction, which leads to hesitation towards replacing the status quo.

    I'm not allowed to work at mcdonalds thank god. Plus I would never want to work with §m£ÂgØL.
  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    In China, everyone has a job, and they also sleep six to a closet. Having a job doesn't mean jack shit, really.
  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm not allowed to work at mcdonalds …

  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by -SpectraL God is breaking the backs of all the corrupt governments, to provide more time for people to turn things around and do the right thing before it's all too late. This is about way more than Trump. These crooks and tyrants are being played, on a global scale. He's just toying with them and tying them into knots and throwing monkey wrench after monkey wrench into their plans. And everything they try to stop it, he boomerangs it right back at them, skating circles around them the entire time. Trump is unbeatable, but only because God wants him to be. Nobody can beat God, so it's useless for them to even try. This is all in order to extend the timeline to Armageddon somewhat, so that more can be saved by what they witness, but it's by no means a reprieve. Armageddon is still coming.

    I'm down with Christianity and all but this sounds like your run of the mill boomer hope porn. I get it's tempting to hope but realistically speaking it's going to have to get a lot worse before it's going to get better.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Former CIA director David Petraeus was considered for secretary of state, but there were “red flags”: he was against “torture” and a “military solution in Syria,” according to leaked vetting documents from Trump’s transition team.

  18. Originally posted by Sudo Purchasing power is reduced and if it was


    americans purchasing power is cancerous it is in a state of perpetual, festering tumor of excess.
  19. Originally posted by Speedy Parker China will come begging for a deal

    its easy to say when you dont put money where your mouths are.
  20. Originally posted by Sophie I'm down with Christianity and all but this sounds like your run of the mill boomer hope porn. I get it's tempting to hope but realistically speaking it's going to have to get a lot worse before it's going to get better.

    not every illness is a recoverable one.

    some are terminal.

    economic euthanasia now.
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