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I applied for 50 jobs and most of them want to hire me

  1. #81
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet And you can't get herpes from some dude's ass

    idk hdl can you? you seem to look like the crypt keeper these days.. lol

  2. #82
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby idk hdl can you? you seem to look like the crypt keeper these days.. lol

    How do any of those thing correlate? Are you saying you look like the crypt keeper because you have hepes?

    I think your attempt at a joke kinda backfired on you there, Cho the Rapist.
  3. #83
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet How do any of those thing correlate? Are you saying you look like the crypt keeper because you have hepes?

    I think your attempt at a joke kinda backfired on you there, Cho the Rapist.

    uh oh we gotta wild lil homo here!

  4. #84
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby craigslist the paper, a bunch of other sources i have signed up for them many times but i always disqualified for for years for smoking weed. they actually called me 2 weeks ago and asked if i smoked weed or did cbd oil and I answered honestly and they said their glad that I did because had i not and they drug tested me they would have banned me for life from them, now its 2 weeks later and they hit me back up.

    here we have "FUTURE SEARCH" and shit like that, its just depending on your area, I've known a lot of gonts that pulled off making 3k in a matter of month, but some of the studies your basically a mental patient which i know you're probably used too.

    I actually messaged you years ago about adhd meds on zoklet because I was trying take one that you were on at the time but you were of no help and I'm glad I didnt I don't like taking experimental meds.

    just look it up in your hood, I know a lot of people that have had good jobs or that are transients that have done them, for the most part you'll be fine I think but you have to be very punctual. which I can do and they said I qualify because of my "disease" and age, weight ect.. just don't tell them anything stupid like you do drugs or have adhd.. depending on the studying. you tard.

    you can get some money out of it. I have a job and I don't want to fuck around with going to doctors visits often so this might work for me. You could always go to a plasma center but that is weak and you're sitting around with trash and you get paid little.

    Uhhhh, that's great Bill Krozby, I don't know who you think you're talking to; I know you called me sploo a few times...I'm not sploo, I'm DietYellow. I posted sporadically on zoklet and intosanctuary on usernames I don't remember, and joined for real last year during DH invasion coincidentally, but I remembered I made a similar account with like 10 posts here like a year earlier.

    And yeah, I do donate plasma and it's not bad. I get prolly 35 dollars per hour doing it twice a week including driving time.

    But yeah, I'm not sploo. Sploo lives in NYC and has no job and does bundy and exclusively plays video games in his parent's basement and beats up his drunk dad.

    I live in Twin Cities MN and drive food delivery and go to university and meetings and whatnot.

    We are pretty similar in a lot of ways though. We're both 22, formerish drug addicts, recently went to rehab, in college... so I get it.

    I think the drug you're thinking of is called Stratera. I got a sample pack from my doctor and took it like twice and flushed it down the toilet because fuck all that noise.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #85
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by DietYellow Uhhhh, that's great Bill Krozby, I don't know who you think you're talking to; I know you called me sploo a few times…I'm not sploo, I'm DietYellow. I posted sporadically on zoklet and intosanctuary on usernames I don't remember, and joined for real last year during DH invasion coincidentally, but I remembered I made a similar account with like 10 posts here like a year earlier.

    And yeah, I do donate plasma and it's not bad. I get prolly 35 dollars per hour doing it twice a week including driving time.

    But yeah, I'm not sploo. Sploo lives in NYC and has no job and does bundy and exclusively plays video games in his parent's basement and beats up his drunk dad.

    I live in Twin Cities MN and drive food delivery and go to university and meetings and whatnot.

    We are pretty similar in a lot of ways though. We're both 22, formerish drug addicts, recently went to rehab, in college… so I get it.

    I think the drug you're thinking of is called Stratera. I got a sample pack from my doctor and took it like twice and flushed it down the toilet because fuck all that noise.

    oh i've been mislead... well think about it... whink about it whink about it..
  6. #86
    Oh, I do talk to sploo and scrawny and roshambo on fb on the daily though kinda, so maybe me talking about him tripped something.

    I looked today and didn't find anything but I guess I'll look harder
  7. #87
    Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers Holy crap. You just admitted you're still having unprotected sex even though you've got STDs. Hopefully you're only trolling

    No no. People really do this. It spreads like cancer.
  8. #88
    Admin African Astronaut
    From getting jobs, to spreading herpes.

    Only on NIS.
  9. #89
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    lol $150 a DAY

    i ain't never getting a job...
  10. #90
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers Imagine how many fat chicks he's given herpes to. That is so messed up and I seriously hope he's just trolling and doesn't really have herpes. I'd feel bad for him if he did, but they should put a picture of him grinning on a billboard as an ad for herpes awareness or something

    Don't you realize that herpes is actually pretty common? ... 1 out of 6 Americans have it. Thats A significant percentage of the population
    ... hes not some rare freak of nature.
  11. #91
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  12. #92
    Originally posted by Nil lol $150 a DAY

    i ain't never getting a job…

    What about what now? That's like, what I make on a mamby pamby day. Good day is over 200.
  13. #93
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by WellHung Don't you realize that herpes is actually pretty common? … 1 out of 6 Americans have it. Thats A significant percentage of the population
    … hes not some rare freak of nature.

    1in 4 have HSV1, or cold sores. 1in 8 have HSV2, genital type. That’s 12.5%. I wouldn’t say it’s all that common.
  14. #94
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby uh oh we gotta wild lil homo here!

    How do any of those thing correlate? Are you saying you look like the crypt keeper because you have hepes?

    I think your attempt at a joke kinda backfired on you there, Cho the Rapist.
  15. #95
    WellHung Black Hole
    That averages out to 1 in 6. That is statistically significant.
  16. #96
    Technologist victim of incest
    No it’s not. Those are two TOTALLY different forms of herpes.
  17. #97
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    It's more like 1 in 8
  18. #98
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet It's more like 1 in 8

    Ummmm that’s what I already said.
  19. #99
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by Technologist Ummmm that’s what I already said.

    You said 12.5% which WellHung tried saying was 1 in 6, I corrected him saying it's actually 1 in 8
  20. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet You said 12.5% which WellHung tried saying was 1 in 6, I corrected him saying it's actually 1 in 8

    Ummm I said 1 in 8 which equals 12.5%
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