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Good habits that increase the quality of your life

  1. #1
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    I'm sure we all have little things we do to make life a little better, so let's share things we do.

    Instead of just using spell check, I actually retype the word until the error is gone so I can gain muscle memory for the correct spelling, rather than become complacent with so many things having spell check these days. That could easily be a holdover from before web browsers had it though.
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Keeping all of my possessions in their assigned spot, at all times, for easy access.. and it helps prevent losing and misplacing things.
  3. #3
    i've always done that, i'm way too neurotic to let spellcheck correct shit for me. if the grammar or spelling is fucked up it's because i want it that way and i don't want a FUCKING COMPUTER DICTATING MY GRAMMAR AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH. i will call people fagets if i damn well please
  4. #4
    Originally posted by WellHung Keeping all of my possessions in their assigned spot, at all times, for easy access.. and it helps prevent losing and misplacing things.

    also because that makes moving in and out of different motels bimonthly really easy right?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by WellHung Keeping all of my possessions in their assigned spot, at all times, for easy access.. and it helps prevent losing and misplacing things.

    I've gotten better about that over the years. It used to be I'd just set it down, and legitimately not forget where I put it. The problem came when OTHER people would move it to where it's "supposed to be" which often times wasn't even the correct place, and often time they wouldn't remember where THEY put it either. Shit is waaaaaay simpler when I just put things away, and let other people know this is where the things go.
  6. #6
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III also because that makes moving in and out of different motels bimonthly really easy right?

    More like biweekly, my friend...
  7. #7
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by WellHung More like biweekly, my friend…

    Do you get forced out, or are you just a guy on the go?
  8. #8
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Oh I was just joking with the biweekly thing.. I've been at the same Motel now, almost 4 months. I haven't been kicked out of one, yet...I sometimes switch if another place is a lot cheaper.
  9. #9
    Shrooms Houston
    wellhung yo a bitch

    things that make like better... arizona drank, honey bun, fresh blunt, and wig splits
  10. #10
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Shrooms wellhung yo a bitch

    things that make like better… arizona drank, honey bun, fresh blunt, and wig splits

    I'm a bitch nigger.
  11. #11
    Shrooms Houston
  12. #12
    Ghost Black Hole
    I have no habits.

    "habit, from the standpoint of psychology, [as] a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience."

    The overman will be a free spirit. What does Nietzsche mean by "Free Spirit"? it's not what we might call "free-thinkers" or "bohemians".
    To see what the free spirit is, we should ask what the spirit is free of.
    The free spirit is free of convention, tradition and routine. He will not consent to anything simply because "This is how it's been done"
    he will think "differently from what, on the basis of his origin, environment, his class and profession, or on the basis of the dominant
    views of the age, would have been expected of him" (Human, All Too Human, section 225). The "fettered spirit," on the other hand, will do things because of habit or tradition (Human, All Too Human, section 226)
  13. #13
    Originally posted by Ghost I have no habits.

    "habit, from the standpoint of psychology, [as] a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience."

    The overman will be a free spirit. What does Nietzsche mean by "Free Spirit"? it's not what we might call "free-thinkers" or "bohemians".
    To see what the free spirit is, we should ask what the spirit is free of.
    The free spirit is free of convention, tradition and routine. He will not consent to anything simply because "This is how it's been done"
    he will think "differently from what, on the basis of his origin, environment, his class and profession, or on the basis of the dominant
    views of the age, would have been expected of him" (Human, All Too Human, section 225). The "fettered spirit," on the other hand, will do things because of habit or tradition (Human, All Too Human, section 226)

    except for sitting inside all day and collecting welfare
  14. #14
    Ghost Black Hole
    That's because i'm a monk

    Originally posted by Ghost "A monk may be a person who decides to dedicate his life to serving all other living beings, or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his or her life in prayer and contemplation."

    I do not participate in mainstream society, I survive off of donations to the church.

    I'm gonna shave a triangle into my hair like a tonsure.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    fucking saying and thinking. more doing and fucking.
  16. #16
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by WellHung Keeping all of my possessions in their assigned spot, at all times, for easy access.. and it helps prevent losing and misplacing things.

    In your motel that you're threatened to be evicted from? it really your mom threatening to evict you from her basement?
  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    brushing your teeth which op obviously dosen't do.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III i've always done that, i'm way too neurotic to let spellcheck correct shit for me. if the grammar or spelling is fucked up it's because i want it that way and i don't want a FUCKING COMPUTER DICTATING MY GRAMMAR AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH. i will call people fagets if i damn well please

    how can you even fuck up the grandmmar of the very language you grew up with amd speak every day ...

    like how is that even possible.
  19. #19
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby brushing your teeth which op obviously dosen't do.


    Obviously is not a spellcheck user.
  20. #20
    Originally posted by Ghost That's because i'm a monk

    how did your branding exercise go ?
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