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Hey lanny how did it feel when your dad died?

  1. #61
    Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III playin life with cheat codes two tokens shy of a game over

    Damn I only got one.
  2. #62
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung chickenhawk?

    a chickenhawk is a gay older man that hits on younger dudes

    A chickenhawk or chicken hawk is slang used in American and British gay culture to denote older males who prefer younger males for partners, who may less often be called "chickens", i.e., the prey of the chickenhawk.

    theres a lot of vernacular out there.. not that i know what that word means, you fucking nonce.

  3. #63
    WellHung Black Hole
    Interesting... The on line dictionary said it was a person who advocates for war who purposely avoids active military service. Several meanings.
  4. #64
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung Interesting… The on line dictionary said it was a person who advocates for war who purposely avoids active military service. Several meanings.

    exactly, the vernacular changes. brits would call a bundle of sticks 'fags' but americans call gay men 'fags' because they would burn them on a bundle of sticks.

    etymology is something I've been studying for the last few years.
  5. #65
    larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung When someone's pride and ego is insulted, Sometimes that instigates people to go overboard and say things they really don't mean, or agree with. Trust me, I know this from personal experience. I truly believe that Finny feels he was genuinely wronged in this situation, and Lanny does, as well. Perhaps Finney is trying to contact Lanny, and is being ignored, and that is frustrating him, further. Something tells me in the physical world, Finny would be a respectable, loyal friend. Finney is a little rough around the edges, can be quite vulgar, is a troll, and likes to get reactions out of people…just like me. But i don't think he genuinely has badwill for people on this site. He just doesn't like to follow rules..and nor do I. Deep down,
    i think that Finny really does mean well. We are all family around here.. I don't wanna see this get any uglier between finny n Lanny. I think that a compromise can still be reached. I'm gonna try to facilitate the process. Lanny is captain of the ship and his rules need to be respected… and that can still be achieved, While still allowing finny to be himself. We're gonna get something worked out here.👍

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #66
    WellHung Black Hole
  7. #67
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by WellHung When someone's pride and ego is insulted, Sometimes that instigates people to go overboard and say things they really don't mean, or agree with. Trust me, I know this from personal experience. I truly believe that Finny feels he was genuinely wronged in this situation, and Lanny does, as well. Perhaps Finney is trying to contact Lanny, and is being ignored, and that is frustrating him, further. Something tells me in the physical world, Finny would be a respectable, loyal friend. Finney is a little rough around the edges, can be quite vulgar, is a troll, and likes to get reactions out of people…just like me. But i don't think he genuinely has badwill for people on this site. He just doesn't like to follow rules..and nor do I. Deep down,
    i think that Finny really does mean well. We are all family around here.. I don't wanna see this get any uglier between finny n Lanny. I think that a compromise can still be reached. I'm gonna try to facilitate the process. Lanny is captain of the ship and his rules need to be respected… and that can still be achieved, While still allowing finny to be himself. We're gonna get something worked out here.👍

    No other regular has been permabanned in Totse/Zoklet's entire history except Lanny, DaDuru and myself and now infinityshock, thanks to Lanny, Lanny being one of the very people who made the short list himself. Ironic, eh?
  8. #68
    Ghost Black Hole
    I was permabanned once and nobody ever stood up for me. I am still not allowed to make accounts. Lanny just bans everything except one alt and he forces me to use only one account, like he's saying "fuck you, I control what your username will be"

    Something Squirrel, Ghost, Tony Hawk, Joe Caine were all alts that I only used because they were the only ones that didn't get banned.

    Scronaldo_J_Trump got permabanned so I self taught manned myself
    Scrawny the Ghost got permabanned for being an alt of scron (this account is actually the alt)
    Fractal Plurality got permabanned for 'spam'

    Yet captain falcon and ggg can make 100 accounts each and they never get banned.
  9. #69
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Ghost I was permabanned once and nobody ever stood up for me. I am still not allowed to make accounts. Lanny just bans everything except one alt and he forces me to use only one account, like he's saying "fuck you, I control what your username will be"

    Something Squirrel, Ghost, Tony Hawk, Joe Caine were all alts that I only used because they were the only ones that didn't get banned.

    Scronaldo_J_Trump got permabanned so I self taught manned myself
    Scrawny the Ghost got permabanned for being an alt of scron (this account is actually the alt)
    Fractal Plurality got permabanned for 'spam'

    Yet captain falcon and ggg can make 100 accounts each and they never get banned.

    Yes, but you were still "allowed" to post. DaGuru was actively prohibited from posting. So was Lanny. I was also prohibited from posting, but was easily able to post anyways, regardless of their extreme prejudice. I believe there was also a Totse mod, MLoR, who got permabanned when he threatened to bring in the feds after people kept talking about him admitting to spreading peanut butter on his penis and letting a dog lick it off, and then there was that one Zoklet mod who got permabanned after getting demodded for talking back. But out of those five members in Totse/Zoklet's entire history who got permabanned, only one actually broke any house rules, and that one person is Lanny. Ironic.
  10. #70
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Yes, but you were still "allowed" to post. DaGuru was actively prohibited from posting. So was Lanny. I was also prohibited from posting, but was easily able to post anyways, regardless of their extreme prejudice. I believe there was also a Totse mod, MLoR, who got permabanned when he threatened to bring in the feds after people kept talking about him admitting to spreading peanut butter on his penis and letting a dog lick it off, and then there was that one Zoklet mod who got permabanned after getting demodded for talking back. But out of those five members in Totse/Zoklet's entire history who got permabanned, only one actually broke any house rules, and that one person is Lanny. Ironic.

    spectral you've became one of the worst posters here... I used to have respect for you.
  11. #71
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby spectral you've became one of the worst posters here… I used to have respect for you.

    How so?
  12. #72
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL How so?

    dont talk to me anymore.
  13. #73
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby dont talk to me anymore.

    Oh, it's gonna be like that. See you tomorrow, when you're not like that.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #74
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Oh, it's gonna be like that. See you tomorrow, when you're not like that.

    He’s very unhappy I didn’t leave. Like a child who threw his toy out of the pram. But I’ll go now so his world can right itself.
  15. #75
    Ghost Black Hole
    I am just smart and know how to use alts and spend months hiding in plain sight.

    Nobody is more patient than me which is why I am still able to post after being permabanned multiple times.
  16. #76
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL No other regular has been permabanned in Totse/Zoklet's entire history except Lanny, DaDuru and myself and now infinityshock, thanks to Lanny, Lanny being one of the very people who made the short list himself. Ironic, eh?

    I was permabanned and so were a bunch of other people

    What was the deal with DaGuru anyway? You guys seemed to coordinate your bitchfest and now you don't whine nearly as much because you're grateful for what you have. It's funny it actually bothered Zok and O_rly. I thought it was funny. I didn't post on zoklet for like the last 6-8 months it was around cept maybe 3 times with an alt for a week each before getting banned on purpose. It got pretty bad towards the end but it was so much more active than this place
  17. #77
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Oh, it's gonna be like that. See you tomorrow, when you're not like that.

    dude you're a total faggot
  18. #78
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby dude you're a total faggot

    That didn't scare me.

    Originally posted by Sudo I was permabanned and so were a bunch of other people

    What was the deal with DaGuru anyway? You guys seemed to coordinate your bitchfest and now you don't whine nearly as much because you're grateful for what you have. It's funny it actually bothered Zok and O_rly. I thought it was funny. I didn't post on zoklet for like the last 6-8 months it was around cept maybe 3 times with an alt for a week each before getting banned on purpose. It got pretty bad towards the end but it was so much more active than this place

  19. #79
    Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    You're all fucked up. I know you're trying to play this "Military mentality" of hardening one another yet this might be a real sensitive issue with Lanny that he lost his father. He might not show it publicly but it could be a sensitive issue to make Jokes about it. especially you, Ghost. You insensitive little fuck. Nice dress BTW. you look like a British Dutches.
  20. #80
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Works fine for me. You have to wait a few seconds until the box populates with usernames.

    still dont work.
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