I got these German amateur chemists coming at me ALL DAY like.. "HEy!, Hey!!, can you look up this, that, tell me where to get X, x y and Z."" I send them every write up known to man and videos and STILL they are like.. but where do I get lye?. fuck me.
They also say there is no meth at all in their country, but isn't there lots of MDMA and amphetamine paste or whatever?. Also I learned germany is probably one of the best countries in the world to do chemistry because EVERYTHING is OTC if you aren't an idiot. I guess thats why these fools can't find shit and resort to asking me basic questions that any idiot dropout from highschool science class should know.
If you know any brand names of lye or names of popular stores in that country to get OTC chems it would really help. I usually just tell people to go to home builders hardware store and walmart but these Germans have no clue what I'm talking about.
The worst thing of all.. these guys are really strict and you can tell they are Germans.. and I am not German I am laid back and don't follow a nazi-like schedule like these guys do.. but they are hooking me up with pictures for research purposes which is fueling the chemistry collective elsewhere on the internet.
I have bought chemicals from Germany before so I know anything can be done there, I think Germany invented heroin. There is almost ZERO German clandestine chemistry out there though, I hope to change that.
I know all that places in north america to get every element on the periodic table, Germany must have it's own section like this! for it has one of the largest world populations.
For science!.