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don't try stealing from walmart

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Lots of people make a living out of shoplifting. I've caught countless shoplifters with piles of merch in their vehicles from various different stores. They get up in the morning and they plan out their shoplifting route first thing. Courts just keep giving them fines, which they don't pay anyways, and keep charging them again and again and again. They almost never go to jail. Meanwhile, they're racking up tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise a month. They love the life, and aren't afraid of being caught whatsoever.
  2. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Its like wtf makes somebody go to such lengths to bullshit everyone? Speckles must harbor some serious feelings of inadequacies to feel he needs to create such a detailed persona and story for himself just to feel like he's somebody interesting to everyone else.

    You really don't need to do this speckles. In fact now you've been shown out you look like an even bigger dick than if you'd just shut up and stayed as Mr nobody.

    Doug King, a Victoria-based lawyer who previously worked with Vancouver’s Pivot Legal Society, was clear that from his perspective security guards shouldn’t be using force. King, who is not involved in the case described here, spoke generally about the issue of security guards using force.

    At the very most a security guard should be there for the purposes of lawfully detaining somebody, but as soon as that person begins to resist or tries to leave — unless there’s something very, very serious that’s occurred, in no circumstances should a guard start to use force against them.”

    The law is clear, King said, that guards have no more right to use force to execute a citizen’s arrest than any other citizen.

    “Just picture an individual, a normal person shopping at a shopping centre who decides they see somebody shoplifting. They’re going to stop that person and wait for the police to come,” he said. “Obviously that individual punching that person would be considered completely ridiculous and excessive and same goes for the security guard, they have no right to do that.”

    One of the major issues is that it’s up to police to decide whether a security guard’s use of force is excessive in a criminal sense, King said. “Historically, the police are not going to take the side of the shoplifter, they’re not going to take action against the security guards unless it’s a very, very extreme example,” he said. “At the end of the day it’s proportionality.”

    Security guards can do what they can to record a crime and assist the police in apprehending a suspect, “but when they jump over that line to becoming de facto police, where they exercise the rights of the state and take that person into custody, that’s a huge problem,” he said.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL One day, I saw this guy in a suit walk over to the pharmacy area and he grabbed about 15 rolls of film and stuffed them into his suit pockets. He then went to the cash and bought a couple of snacks and walked out without paying for the film rolls. When I stopped him outside and advised him he was under arrest for shoplifting, he turned to me and smiled and said there was nothing I could do - that he was protected by immunity. I'm like, wtf? So I told him he could be anybody he wanted to be, but if he took one more step away from the store, he'd get nailed to the pavement. Then he took out some weird ID and showed it to me and warned me I'd have to let him go. I didn't even look at it and told him to come back inside, or he could wait outside for the cops. He then laughed and tried to walk away, so I nailed him to the pavement and cuffed him and half-dragged him all the way back to the security office. When the cops got there, we all found out who he was. He was actually the High Commissioner of Tanzania. One cop told me there was nothing they could do, because of his diplomatic status, wrote out a report, bagged the evidence, and released him right there in front of me, assuring me that a call would be made to the embassy and that he would most probably be in big, big trouble over there.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Actually, I'm the best street fighter you ever saw. Always have been, ever since I was a teenager. I've never lost a fight, and I've been in hundreds. By the time K-Mart closed all its stores in Canada, my knuckles had dozens of hairline fractures all across, my knees were starting to get fucked, my elbows had fractures, scars all over my body, sore as all fuck. I don't think I could have kept it up much longer anyways. Working LP at a busy and large department store, you have to endure epic, all-out fights in the parking lot every couple of days at least. It's crazy. Nobody wants to go in willingly. About one out of five perps fight all the way and throw punches, and often, they have friends who also jump in, so you're often three or four to one. I've been dragged across the parking lot at high speed from the driver's side, trying to get the vehicle into neutral, nailed in the head and face a thousand times, kicked, scratched, choked, but none ever got away, not one, and I never lost a single fight the whole time.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL I had three stores, which I was authorized to "float" between. So part of the day, I'd work at one store, then work at another store the rest of the day. Some days I'd work at one store, and some days work at another. I'd follow the action, by investigating the inventory reports closely. Just had to punch my time card in and out at each store. No supervision whatsoever. My boss was in another city. Other than the violence and the constant sad pictures of reality, it was actually a great job. Nobody bothers you. You take breaks and lunches when you want. You spend some days just sitting in court reading a good book. The pay is great. If you don't mind disarming people with knives and clubs in the parking lot or rolling around throwing punches in a ditch a half-mile away, it's a great line of work, of which there will never be a shortage of.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL This one time I see this guy going up the stairs into the personnel office, and I ask around on the floor and find out he's doing an interview for an assistant manager position. About an hour later, I see him out on the floor looking at items on the shelves, and after asking around a bit, I find out the interview is not over yet, that the personnel manager and him are just taking a timeout for lunch. I get a strong hunch, so I go up to one of the viewing ports in the sub ceiling and grab the binoculars and start tracking him through various departments. He picks up a few items and goes to the cash and purchases them. Then he comes back onto the floor, with the bag in hand, walks directly up to right below the viewing port, and I mean directly underneath, grabs two personal hygiene items off the shelf and drops them in the bag. He then goes into the cafeteria and orders something and sits down and eats it, and I'm watching him with the binoculars the whole time. Finally, he finishes his food and goes back up the stairs to the personnel manager's office, bag in hand.

    So I pick up the staff phone and make a call through to the personal manager's office upstairs, all the while, I'm looking up through the glass into the office and I can see them both sitting at her desk. The personnel manager picks up, and I let her know the guy she was interviewing was about to be arrested for shoplifting, and told her not to tell him he got the job. She was flustered, but kept her composure, all the while the guy is sitting five feet away from her on the other side of her desk, waiting for her to end the call with me. I told her to just carry on as usual and not to tip him off. A little while later, he comes down the steps and heads to the front door and exits. I show him my badge and tell him he's under arrest for shoplifting, and when I walked him back in, the personnel manager was right there, and he just put his head down way low and walked by her, with her glaring at him like he was a monster.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Funny you mention M&Ms, because M&Ms were involved in a shoplifting incident where I was dragged half in and half out of a car driven by the shoplifter, and we were punching back and forth to the head and shoulders the whole time. These two tall, beefy, built guys walk in, looked like the gym types, and they head over to the hardware department. Once there, one of the guys looks at a $30 drill bit for a minute, then pretends to put it back on the hook, but palms it, and then pockets it. They browse some more items for awhile, then they start meandering through the aisles, at which point the same guy that stole the drill bit grabs a bag of M&Ms off the shelf in passing and opens it right up and starts eating them while he continues walking. Next thing you know, he and his buddy are heading straight for the main entrance, with the one still eating the M&Ms and holding the bag right in his hand.

    When they got just past the two big front doors, I came up beside them and flashed my badge and told them they were both under arrest for shoplifting, but they just looked at one another and kept walking. I came around in front of them and blocked their progress, but they went around me, and the guy who didn't steal anything took a swing at me in passing, so I clocked him one right to the head and sent him half down to the ground in a kneel, then he scrambled up and they both ran to their car, with M&Ms dribbling out of the bag the thief was holding onto the pavement. When they got to the car, the one guy hopped in the passenger side, while the driver hopped into the driver's seat, and I ran up just in time to stop his door from closing and jammed it open with my body, and when he started clawing at me and my face, I started wailing on his head with direct punches. While he's taking the punches, he manages to get the key in the ignition, starts the car, and gets it into drive, and blasts off, with me still hanging half in and delivering full shots straight to his head. He raced around in wide arcs in the lot a couple of times at about 60mph, with smoke billowing up from the tires, while I kept delivering shots to his head and upper body, but I finally jumped and rolled free.

    When the cops and I got to his house, after we ran his plate # I had memorized, he came to the door all meek and mild and insisted he had been sleeping the whole time and it wasn't him. One of the cops put his hand on the car's hood and found it was still very hot. After shining a flashlight inside the car, the cop spotted M&Ms spilled all over the rug and seat area on the driver's side. The idiot never let go of that bag, but he left a trail of hard evidence on the parking lot, and in his vehicle. When the cop told him he was fucked, he had to agree. The guy ended up getting a year in jail for assault on an officer and theft, and his buddy was also found guilty, but did not receive jail time.

    "we ran his plate" lol

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Had to take a 400-pound shoplifter down once. Wasn't easy. The big old slob walks in, all 400 pounds of him, looked to be a Gypsie, walks over to the cameras department, pockets about 10 of the Polaroid instant film packs and heads directly for the exit. As soon as he was out, I walked up beside him and flashed my badge and told him he was under arrest for shoplifting. He just smiled this huge grin and told me, no, I wasn't going to arrest him, that he was leaving, then he started to walk away. I grabbed one of his arms in a lock, it was like a tree trunk, and he basically just started dragging me. So I stuck a foot out and half tripped him down to one knee, then I put him in a headlock and told a passerby to call the cops. Well, didn't he lift me right up off the ground, while I have him in the headlock, so I released his neck and stuck my leg between his legs and tried to knock him over, but he was too heavy to budge. So I locked one of his arms again and he started dragging me again. As he dragged me forward toward a phone booth, which just happened to be just ahead, I released his arm, and timing it perfectly, I bashed his body with my shoulder right into the phone booth, so he was basically stuck inside and could hardly move in there. He tried to bully his way out, but I locked each of my hands on each side of the frame of the booth's door and used my body to block him and push him back in. After about a full five minutes of this desperately trying to get out of the phone booth, he finally said he gave up, so I let him out, at which point he tried to flee again, so I tackled him at the legs and managed to get him down and did my best to pin him to the sidewalk. Then he gave up again and promised he would come back into the store. As we were walking back to the entrance, with him breathing in huge gulps of air, he says "Wow. You're pretty tough! Nobody else has been able to get me in!", then he gives me this big smile, like it's all just a game. Ended up he was a career shoplifter with multiple outstanding warrants for shoplifting.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL I swear on Totse name that every single word is absolutely true. Life really is stranger than fiction.

  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Unfortunately, Doug King doesn't know the difference between his arse and a hole in the ground, and is not attached to reality.

    It's what he wants it to be, not the way it really is. Big difference.
  4. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Don't try and make out like you know the guy. And his qualifications are clearly defined. He didn't get to there not knowing his shit.

  5. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    And just look at some of your fibs. Fucking punching guys in the head while being dragged along by a car at 60mph in a fucking car park.

    Do you actually realize just how fast 60mph even is speckles?

    Thats Hollywood stuntman type shit there

    Pull the other one, its got bells on it.

  6. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Hanging half in a half out of an escaping car, tires smoking, back end fishtailing three times around the lot, battling a crazed shoplifter, with punches being swung back and forth the entire time. That was my job.
  7. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Hanging half in a half out of an escaping car, tires smoking, back end fishtailing three times around the lot, battling a crazed shoplifter, with punches being swung back and forth the entire time. That was my job.

    lolol... life after loss prevention must be extremely boring. 😃🙄☺😉
  8. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Lots of people make a living out of shoplifting. I've caught countless shoplifters with piles of merch in their vehicles from various different stores. They get up in the morning and they plan out their shoplifting route first thing. Courts just keep giving them fines, which they don't pay anyways, and keep charging them again and again and again. They almost never go to jail. Meanwhile, they're racking up tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise a month. They love the life, and aren't afraid of being caught whatsoever.

  9. Originally posted by Narc Its like wtf makes somebody go to such lengths to bullshit everyone? Speckles must harbor some serious feelings of inadequacies to feel he needs to create such a detailed persona and story for himself just to feel like he's somebody interesting to everyone else.

    You really don't need to do this speckles. In fact now you've been shown out you look like an even bigger dick than if you'd just shut up and stayed as Mr nobody.

    "we ran his plate" lol

    it bemuses me everytime i see people triggered by hollywood fictions.
  10. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Walmart is a slightly better than Kmart

    Walgreens is a slightly better than CVS

    Sears was it's own thing.. now closing I'm told :(
  11. Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You wouldn't believe the things I've been through and seen in my ten years working LP. It would blow your mind. The incidents I've described are tame, compared to the things I've been through. You get to see the real life underneath the illusion. Terrible things nobody even wants to see. People at their worst. Desperate people with nothing to lose.

    You mean the less than a day since you apparently broke the law and store policy over $<5 items?
  12. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Tesla Coil Walmart is a slightly better than Kmart

    Walgreens is a slightly better than CVS

    Sears was it's own thing.. now closing I'm told :(

    Sears was dying.
  13. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Sears was dying.

    People viewed it as White Trash Heaven. Now Walmart is White Trash and hoodrat haven"

    Sears should of downsized to selling a better quality of tools in a small storefront. fuck all the rest of the shit.
  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Sears bit it because they had ridiculously high price tags on their merchandise. When it was originally Simpson-Sears, the prices were great for quality goods, but after it became Sears, the prices went sky high and the idiots lost their entire customer base because of it. The more they dug themselves in, the higher their prices went, the less people came.
  15. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Sears bit it because they had ridiculously high price tags on their merchandise. When it was originally Simpson-Sears, the prices were great for quality goods, but after it became Sears, the prices went sky high and the idiots lost their entire customer base because of it. The more they dug themselves in, the higher their prices went, the less people came.

    I never went in because it just didn't dawn on me (probably because their commercials usually spoke of tools or Family Photo Portraits and not clothing)

    but their cloths were decent. better than target or walmart for sure. and a dress shirt that was thick with decent stitch counts around 10-15 bucks.

    that's not expensive at all. much of their clothing was decent and inexpensive. the things that were pricey were their appliances but they were known to be good quality. then they stopped with their own brand and went full GE or Whirlpool..etc. which those companies most likely made the Sears brand versions with a Sears label.
  16. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Again, Sears should open small stores the size of a phone store like Sprint or the old Radio Shacks and sell their tools and call it Sears Tools and have secondary stores with clothes and call it Sears Outfit Outlet and maybe another with a Portrait studio and call it Sears Portraits Plus.

    breaking it down into these would increase business and not the old policy of bait products with secondary product endorsement at the back with stopping off at other products on the way. people know this game and are in a day and age of "getting in and out"

    so separate rather than bulk it.
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I got tackled and arrested for trying to take some snacks they manhandled my ass. not worth it.

    you should learn to not be such a nigger.
  18. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Sears bit it because they had ridiculously high price tags on their merchandise. When it was originally Simpson-Sears, the prices were great for quality goods, but after it became Sears, the prices went sky high and the idiots lost their entire customer base because of it. The more they dug themselves in, the higher their prices went, the less people came.

    Just having high price tags won't necessarily cause a business closure if the products are good quality. There are many many people who will go and shop in the higher priced stores just for the sake of being seen walking back to their car carrying a premium model stores carrier bag, basically because they are shallow materialistic twats and think being seen with those bags makes them look special or cool or shit.

  19. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Tesla Coil Again, Sears should open small stores the size of a phone store like Sprint or the old Radio Shacks and sell their tools and call it Sears Tools and have secondary stores with clothes and call it Sears Outfit Outlet and maybe another with a Portrait studio and call it Sears Portraits Plus.

    breaking it down into these would increase business and not the old policy of bait products with secondary product endorsement at the back with stopping off at other products on the way. people know this game and are in a day and age of "getting in and out"

    so separate rather than bulk it.

    Yeah increasing their overheads exponentially sounds like a winning formula for a struggling business.

  20. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc Just having high price tags won't necessarily cause a business closure if the products are good quality. There are many many people who will go and shop in the higher priced stores just for the sake of being seen walking back to their car carrying a premium model stores carrier bag, basically because they are shallow materialistic twats and think being seen with those bags makes them look special or cool or shit.


    I think sears is going out business bc theyre dated.
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