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don't try stealing from walmart

  1. #21
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've arrested over 5,000 shoplifters. Probably over 1,000 of those had to be tackled to the ground and cuffed. Ask me anything.

    in which alternate reality did this took place ?
  2. #22
    Small items can not be that difficult. When I wear my caarhaart If I want, let's say, to steal a bottle of iron supplements, I just pick it up, walk around the store a little bit, slip it in my pocket, and walk out with or without buying something else. Usually buying something else to draw less heat.

    They do have some pretty good cameras in walmart and a lot of them, with screen everywhere.
  3. #23
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I got tackled and arrested for trying to take some snacks they manhandled my ass. not worth it.

    Originally posted by BummyMofo I got tackled and arrested for trying to take some snacks they manhandled my ass. not worth it.

    Originally posted by BummyMofo I got tackled and arrested for trying to take some snacks they manhandled my ass. not worth it.

    Originally posted by BummyMofo I got tackled and arrested for trying to take some snacks they manhandled my ass. not worth it.

    Originally posted by BummyMofo I got tackled and arrested for trying to take some snacks they manhandled my ass. not worth it.

    No you didn't.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #24
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet No you didn't.

    fuck you yes I did. don't give me any of your whiteboy quasi legal fuckboyshit. These niggas will get you if you try to run, they will detain you in a room and you get arrested and charged for petty theft. So eat my nigga dick or go try walking out walmart with a cart full of shit if you don't believe me
  5. #25
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
  6. #26
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietYellow Small items can not be that difficult. When I wear my caarhaart If I want, let's say, to steal a bottle of iron supplements, I just pick it up, walk around the store a little bit, slip it in my pocket, and walk out with or without buying something else. Usually buying something else to draw less heat.

    They do have some pretty good cameras in walmart and a lot of them, with screen everywhere.

    Not to mention their secret shoppers. that had to be where they got me. Some dude who dresses normal and walks around keeping an eye on "suspicious individuals" (mostly all black) but what can I say they got me
  7. #27
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Well if they quit being black JS
  8. #28
    Admin African Astronaut
    I used to go on shoplifting road trips. I once had an old lady from a craft store follow me to the edge of the property. She asked me to come back to the store. I asked why. She said because I stole merchandise. I told he I didn't. She said I still needed to go back to the store. I purposely ran along the property line instead of running away from it, so that she would chase me. When I reached the corner edge of the property line, I could see she was winded but I wasn't. I am a runner. I smiled at her and said "have a nice day" before walking away.

    True story.
  9. #29
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Thief isn't anything to brag about.
  10. #30
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny in which alternate reality did this took place ?

    This reality. I worked loss prevention for K-Mart for 10 years.
  11. #31
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Tell us some stories, Spectral.
  12. #32
    We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I always heard that Spectral would be on the roof of K Mart practicing his numchuck skills, waiting for potential shoplifters.
  13. #33
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ive stolen about 45 benzedrex inhalers and maybe 10 pairs of panties from walmad successfully
  14. #34
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Dissociator Ive stolen about 45 benzedrex inhalers and maybe 10 pairs of panties from walmad successfully

    Do you enjoy levoamphetamine? Because you weren't getting dextroamphetamine from those inhalers.
  15. #35
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by WellHung Tell us some stories, Spectral.

    Caught this one employee who had been working in the ladies clothing department for 20 years. I noticed that every time she arrived to start her shift, her purse was skinny, but when she'd go for lunch, it was always really fat. I put two and two together and notified the store manager and was given permission to pursue. I stationed myself behind the one-way glass in the ladies clothing department and waited. Sure enough, just before lunch she stuffed a bunch of bras and lingerie into her purse, then wandered over the the cosmetics department and bagged a bunch of other products. Then she went to the music department and stuffed a couple of CDs in there, too. When she headed for the door, the purse was fat as a bowling ball. I notified the store manager that I was going to apprehend her, and he gave the OK. When she got to her car outside, she leaned in and started dumping all the items into her backseat, at which point I quietly sided up beside her and said, "Hi, Susan". She just about had a heart attack and practically started going into convulsions. I grabbed a handful of merch and just looked at her, and she said she would give me anything to let her go. Money, sex, anything, just let her go, "pleeeeeeease". I pointed to the front of the store and she looked over; the store manager was standing there with wide eyes. I told her the jig was up and that there was no way I could let her go, even if I wanted to. She then got all resigned and I grabbed all the merch ($400 worth) and walked her back into the store.

    In the security office, the store manager was incredulous and shocked to shit, because he had been working with her for the entire 20 years. He asked her, "Susan.. how could you do this? How much do you think you've stolen from us in total time you've been working here?!" She replied she didn't know. He asked again, asked her to estimate how much. Again, she said she didn't know. But he pressed her and asked if she thought it was over a thousand dollars. She said, yes. He then asked her if it was over $10,000. Again, she said, yes. Then he asked again, "how much in total?!" And she looked at him and said, "probably over a million dollars", and he was so shocked he couldn't even speak. True story. A few weeks later, I was walking in another mall and looked into a women's high-end clothing store as I was passing by. She was at the cash. I stopped dead. She looked up and saw me and we locked eyes. I smiled, and then continued walking. Never ratted her out to the new store, but I'm sure she cleaned up real good there, too.
  16. #36
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Caught this one employee who had been working in the ladies clothing department for 20 years. I noticed that every time she arrived to start her shift, her purse was skinny, but when she'd go for lunch, it was always really fat. I put two and two together and notified the store manager and was given permission to pursue. I stationed myself behind the one-way glass in the ladies clothing department and waited. Sure enough, just before lunch she stuffed a bunch of bras and lingerie into her purse, then wandered over the the cosmetics department and bagged a bunch of other products. Then she went to the music department and stuffed a couple of CDs in there, too. When she headed for the door, the purse was fat as a bowling ball. I notified the store manager that I was going to apprehend her, and he gave the OK. When she got to her car outside, she leaned in and started dumping all the items into her backseat, at which point I quietly sided up beside her and said, "Hi, Susan". She just about had a heart attack and practically started going into convulsions. I grabbed a handful of merch and just looked at her, and she said she would give me anything to let her go. Money, sex, anything, just let her go, "pleeeeeeease". I pointed to the front of the store and she looked over; the store manager was standing there with wide eyes. I told her the jig was up and that there was no way I could let her go, even if I wanted to. She then got all resigned and I grabbed all the merch ($400 worth) and walked her back into the store.

    In the security office, the store manager was incredulous and shocked to shit, because he had been working with her for the entire 20 years. He asked her, "Susan.. how could you do this? How much do you think you've stolen from us in total time you've been working here?!" She replied she didn't know. He asked again, asked her to estimate how much. Again, she said she didn't know. But he pressed her and asked if she thought it was over a thousand dollars. She said, yes. He then asked her if it was over $10,000. Again, she said, yes. Then he asked again, "how much in total?!" And she looked at him and said, "probably over a million dollars", and he was so shocked he couldn't even speak. True story. A few weeks later, I was walking in another mall and looked into a women's high-end clothing store as I was passing by. She was at the cash. I stopped dead. She looked up and saw me and we locked eyes. I smiled, and then continued walking. Never ratted her out to the new store, but I'm sure she cleaned up real good there, too.

  17. #37
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    One day, I saw this guy in a suit walk over to the pharmacy area and he grabbed about 15 rolls of film and stuffed them into his suit pockets. He then went to the cash and bought a couple of snacks and walked out without paying for the film rolls. When I stopped him outside and advised him he was under arrest for shoplifting, he turned to me and smiled and said there was nothing I could do - that he was protected by immunity. I'm like, wtf? So I told him he could be anybody he wanted to be, but if he took one more step away from the store, he'd get nailed to the pavement. Then he took out some weird ID and showed it to me and warned me I'd have to let him go. I didn't even look at it and told him to come back inside, or he could wait outside for the cops. He then laughed and tried to walk away, so I nailed him to the pavement and cuffed him and half-dragged him all the way back to the security office. When the cops got there, we all found out who he was. He was actually the High Commissioner of Tanzania. One cop told me there was nothing they could do, because of his diplomatic status, wrote out a report, bagged the evidence, and released him right there in front of me, assuring me that a call would be made to the embassy and that he would most probably be in big, big trouble over there.
  18. #38
    We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Crazy shit
  19. #39
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by BummyMofo fuck you yes I did. don't give me any of your whiteboy quasi legal fuckboyshit. These niggas will get you if you try to run, they will detain you in a room and you get arrested and charged for petty theft. So eat my nigga dick or go try walking out walmart with a cart full of shit if you don't believe me

    No, the fuck you didn't. They, AT MOST, said 'sir stop'.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL One day, I saw this guy in a suit walk over to the pharmacy area and he grabbed about 15 rolls of film and stuffed them into his suit pockets. He then went to the cash and bought a couple of snacks and walked out without paying for the film rolls. When I stopped him outside and advised him he was under arrest for shoplifting, he turned to me and smiled and said there was nothing I could do - that he was protected by immunity. I'm like, wtf? So I told him he could be anybody he wanted to be, but if he took one more step away from the store, he'd get nailed to the pavement. Then he took out some weird ID and showed it to me and warned me I'd have to let him go. I didn't even look at it and told him to come back inside, or he could wait outside for the cops. He then laughed and tried to walk away, so I nailed him to the pavement and cuffed him and half-dragged him all the way back to the security office. When the cops got there, we all found out who he was. He was actually the High Commissioner of Tanzania. One cop told me there was nothing they could do, because of his diplomatic status, wrote out a report, bagged the evidence, and released him right there in front of me, assuring me that a call would be made to the embassy and that he would most probably be in big, big trouble over there.

    And then he sued the shit out of you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #40
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Helladamnleet just likes arguing with people that's why he always plays Devil's Advocate
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