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yall ever get drunk in public and make a scene

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    yeah the second pic was from quitting drinking for less than 24 hours. I actually didn't feel that bad like I normally would from withdrawals but I ent up having a seizure in public, cops had to handcuff me and hold me so I wouldnt hurt myself anymore. Evidently they gave me a shot of ativan in my ass. Woke up handcuffed in the er, having no idea what happened. Some asian nurse told me I tried to fight the cops which was total bs and still didn't explain anything. Later was told I didn't fight them but was just so out of it after coming out of the seizure that I didn't know what was going on and just tried to get up and walk away and the cops just wanted me to lay down.

    I felt pretty upset about the whole thing.
  2. #22
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah the second pic was from quitting drinking for less than 24 hours. I actually didn't feel that bad like I normally would from withdrawals but I ent up having a seizure in public, cops had to handcuff me and hold me so I wouldnt hurt myself anymore. Evidently they gave me a shot of ativan in my ass. Woke up handcuffed in the er, having no idea what happened. Some asian nurse told me I tried to fight the cops which was total bs and still didn't explain anything. Later was told I didn't fight them but was just so out of it after coming out of the seizure that I didn't know what was going on and just tried to get up and walk away and the cops just wanted me to lay down.

    I felt pretty upset about the whole thing.

    Damn... Well at least take consolation you're not alone in having such experiences.

    I've blacked out and woken up in all kinds of crazy places... A few drunk tanks in different cities for one, but at least once in a hospital bed too.

    It's a brutal experience.
  3. #23
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by gadzooks Damn… Well at least take consolation you're not alone in having such experiences.

    I've blacked out and woken up in all kinds of crazy places… A few drunk tanks in different cities for one, but at least once in a hospital bed too.

    It's a brutal experience.

    another time I woke up in a hospital bed, like 6 years ago or so, and I wasn't even out in public. I was just drinking at my new place a bottle of jack listening to music having a good time alone. And I guess I just passed out (it wasn't enough to die from alcohol poisoning from lol) and my neighbor called the cops because my music was too loud... fair enough.. but when I didn't answer the door, they went to one of the side windows and saw me passed out in my living room. Opened the window and came in.. woke up in the hospital like wtf... they let me out in the morning, walked back home and was like wtf this is weird and sucks I need a drink.. and went and bought a sixer of lonestar and was walking back up to my place and I guess my neighbor the lady that called the cops called the apartment office and the leasing lady called me and said "you're neighbor told me you're drinking again..." lol like who cares? its not illegal..

    anways like she was a piece of work, always yelling and screaming at her bf for fucking other women up the ass (i wonder how she knew lol) and so her bf got his family to come help move his stuff out of her place and she was stil screaming her head off, so I opened my door and told her to shut the fuck! And she started crying and said "I saved your life! You could of died!"

    When she was moving out she knocked on my door and was all serious and shit and apologized to me for everything and her being loud screaming and stuff and she was like "i bet u think im a terrible person dont u?" total woman tactic for pity obviously I said nah.. its cool and she gave me a hug and that was it. lol

  4. #24
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost I was doing "hard liquor from around the world" I would buy random booze from random counties, mostly different kinds of European vodka and I was also taking large amounts of kpin at the time. I started partying friday night and blacked out. I only know what happened from various people telling me what I did.

    Fell out of my computer chair a dozen times, tried to fight my dad whenever he came to help me up, accused my uncle of stealing my weed which I actually just smoked and didn't remember, tried to break into my uncles house for stealing my weed, threatening to burn peoples house down until I got my weed back, sending pictures of my dick to everyone on my facebook, posts about killing myself and burning people alive on facebook.

    Went around my neighborhood smashing all my liquor bottles from around the world and screaming as loud as I can, glass all over the road around my house.

    Then my dad got mad and actually wanted to fight me so I got a machete and tried chopping his bed in half, him and his GF tried to stop me so I threw a machete at her and gave her a black eye. Smashed a bunch of windows in my house. Got arrested by the cops and tried to fight them.

    I woke up on monday in a jail cell and I had no memory of anything.

    Lol. Uh... what in the fuck?
  5. #25
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    You people are psychotic lol

    I don't even understand how you can drink so much, for me it's:
    stage I soberness
    Stage II giggly drunk
    Stage III pukey & sleepytime
    ...all within 4 drinks too!
  6. #26
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    If I woke up with that conditioning to the chest, I'd have found out immediately.
  7. #27
    more often from stims/benzos but yea
  8. #28
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III more often from stims/benzos but yea

    stimmed niggas can be threatening as fuck but drunk niggas or benzo'd niggas I could fight any day cause of how sloppy they are
  9. #29
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost I was doing "hard liquor from around the world" I would buy random booze from random counties, mostly different kinds of European vodka and I was also taking large amounts of kpin at the time. I started partying friday night and blacked out. I only know what happened from various people telling me what I did.

    Fell out of my computer chair a dozen times, tried to fight my dad whenever he came to help me up, accused my uncle of stealing my weed which I actually just smoked and didn't remember, tried to break into my uncles house for stealing my weed, threatening to burn peoples house down until I got my weed back, sending pictures of my dick to everyone on my facebook, posts about killing myself and burning people alive on facebook.

    Went around my neighborhood smashing all my liquor bottles from around the world and screaming as loud as I can, glass all over the road around my house.

    Then my dad got mad and actually wanted to fight me so I got a machete and tried chopping his bed in half, him and his GF tried to stop me so I threw a machete at her and gave her a black eye. Smashed a bunch of windows in my house. Got arrested by the cops and tried to fight them.

    I woke up on monday in a jail cell and I had no memory of anything.

    You clearly must be known within your community as "that retarded dickhead guy".

  10. #30
    i barely feel any euphoria from 1 or 2 22oz sam adam tap beers at the bar, but I almost instantly feel some pain that feels exactly like xanax withdrawal. im not gonna be able or willing to drink for a long time, if ever
  11. #31
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Only fucking idiots get so hammered they lose control of themselves.

    I mean what's the fucking point of it?

  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by tee hee hee You people are psychotic lol

    I don't even understand how you can drink so much, for me it's:
    stage I soberness
    Stage II giggly drunk
    Stage III pukey & sleepytime
    …all within 4 drinks too!

    probably because you're a woman and a total lush ditz
  13. #33
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Narc Only fucking idiots get so hammered they lose control of themselves.

    I mean what's the fucking point of it?


    uh oh here we go again with the limey stating how his drug is better than everyone elses drug of choice.. you are a relentless little guy aren't you?
  14. #34
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby uh oh here we go again with the limey stating how his drug is better than everyone elses drug of choice.. you are a relentless little guy aren't you?

    I was referring to getting hammered beyond being in control of either/both your motor and cognitive abilities on any substance.

  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Narc I was referring to getting hammered beyond being in control of either/both your motor and cognitive abilities on any substance.


    yeah no shit. it happens on accident sometimes lol. But i know you're just trashing alcohol like you always do, don't play coy with me boy.
  16. #36
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah no shit. it happens on accident sometimes lol. But i know you're just trashing alcohol like you always do, don't play coy with me boy.

    Happens by accident with people who can't handle their shit. Usually coz they too stupid to figure out the simple concept of dosaging.

  17. #37
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Narc Happens by accident with people who can't handle their shit. Usually coz they too stupid to figure out the simple concept of dosaging.


    k... didnt you go to prison for not being able to handle your shit?
  18. #38
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Clearly you're one of those people Bill Krozby which explains why you're so quickly triggered into vehemently defending them.

  19. #39
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    narc is the kinda gont that probably spouts tired old arguments like

    "marijuana is way less dangerous than alcohol! if marijauna is illegal than alcohol shood be banned!!111 hurr"

    but anyways im pretty sure everyone on here at some point on some drug has made some kind of mistake, shit happens bromo.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby k… didnt you go to prison for not being able to handle your shit?

    thats where he learnt where to control his shits.

    when he jad his shits getting pushed in.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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