I know I've ragged on college kids, but I just do it in a cheeky satirical way. I work around a bunch of college kids and know a lot of them, some of them are literal retards but some are very respectful and seem to have a good head on their shoulders.
But it is kinda fucked up how some people really do put forth the effort to go to a good school but some kids get in due to bribery when they wouldn't of been able to pull it off themselves. as if college doesn't already cost arm an a leg for many. But evidently the lady from fullhouse is now arrested by the fbi, and her daughter throws her mom under the bus saying that her parents made her go to college, but when in fact she's obviously old enough to know the deal.
I graduated highschool with a 3.4 average because my dad threatened to sue the school district over their libtard ways, but thats completely different. Like no other kids were screwed over because of that and I was a minor and had to live w my parents and go to school or they would beat me / call the cops.
But I digress. what do you gonts think about this? I've looked into it but how did they come up w so much info to pull off over 50 arrest? I guess maybe they just assumed all celebrities kids are derpadews or and investigated. kinda interesting..
Originally posted by Methuselah
This is not the largest college bribery scandal ever.
It’s just the largest they’ve ever prosecuted
well yeah... you know i mean...
People who applied to USC, UCLA, Georgetown University, Yale and the other colleges involved in the scam in the last 8 years can now sue them! Several lawsuits have already been filed
could turn out to be the biggest college bribery scandal lawsuit lol
Couple kids (nigs I'm sure, don't remember) stole cars from a parking lot at my skool yesterday, got caught by police during the incident and got into at least 2 seperate car crashes injuring 3 trying to escape. 1 was arrested, other got away.
I don't how they decide which ones to go for. I think the newer cars you basically need a computer to unlock and start.
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed
Apparently its not corruption when people donate to get their dumb kids admitted.
For instance Jared Kushners dad had to pay $2.5m to get the little kike into Harvard.
Hot take: this is nothing more than one gang of corrupt motgerfuckers making a raid on another.