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Little girls are tight.

  1. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Nil Why breed? No one misses out on existence if they never were, and life is guaranteed suffering for no reason[other than selfish ones].

    You look at life as suffering. I do not. Oh trust me, I’ve had my share of suffering, but my suffering has made me a better person. It’s hard to see that a difficult time will enrich your life, when you’re in it, but eventually it does.

    80ish years on a treadmill then you die.

    Now that’s just your dismal outlook on life, not mine.

    I'm interested in what you have to say, don't just brush this off with "welp we disagree" you must have reasons? for rolling the dice with a persons life on the line.

    What I have to say is, you look too deeply into this, with an extremely jaded outlook. Sure, anyone can sit around and waste their brain energy continually looking at how horrible society is, and how life is so horrible. I chose not to waste my thoughts on all the terrible things in this world, it just seems so unproductive to me.

    So overall we do just “disagree”, because we see life in completely different ways.
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  2. Everybody on this forum has been a piece of literal shit at some point in their life and caused someone heartbreak, pain, and suffering. To argue one’s morality is above another’s is asinine.

    Originally posted by Technologist And I hope none of you have a child that has to be chemically enhanced to deal with the trauma of being raped!

    Ideally nobody should have to endure rape whether they be 4 or 44, but there are people who don’t control their sexual urges and it doesn’t matter if they’re a pedophile or some sad sap with Mommy issues.

    Empathy is an interesting thing and it’s very difficult for some people to balance. Regardless, rape, of any age group, should never be accepted or tolerated.

    This is the world we live in though. For me all of it is gray and even the most brutal aspects can be dissected and rationalized. None of it’s black and white.

    Are we trying to eradicate any and all trauma? What about emotional abuse? The emotional abuse parents inflict upon children has equally significant and damaging effects as sexual abuse, but I never and I mean never, see people advocate against that the way I see people take a stand against pedophilia. I know it’s because sexuality makes people more uncomfortable, but it’s ludicrous when you really think about it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by Technologist Did you miss this sick fuck?

    Originally posted by Technologist If my child came to me and said he had pedophilic tendencies, you can bank I’d get him continued psychiatric help. Accepting this as normal, is not normal.

    let me remind you of this :

    Originally posted by Technologist Now, if I caught him abusing a child?……I’d blow his fucking brains out.

    The end!

    in case if you dont realize, getting your child psychiatric help isnt the same as blowing his head off.

    hyppocrete much.
  4. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by ohfralala Everybody on this forum has been a piece of literal shit at some point in their life and caused someone heartbreak, pain, and suffering. To argue one’s morality is above another’s is asinine.

    There are degrees to being a “literal piece of shit”. I’ve NEVER done something that will fuck someone up for life!

    Ideally nobody should have to endure rape whether they be 4 or 44, but there are people who don’t control their sexual urges and it doesn’t matter if they’re a pedophile or some sad sap with Mommy issues.


    Empathy is an interesting thing and it’s very difficult for some people to balance. Regardless, rape, of any age group, should never be accepted or tolerated.


    This is the world we live in though. For me all of it is gray and even the most brutal aspects can be dissected and rationalized. None of it’s black and white.


    Are we trying to irradicate any and all trauma? What about emotional abuse? The emotional abuse parents inflict upon children has equally significant and damaging effects as sexual abuse, but I never and I mean never, see people advocate against that the way I see people take a stand against pedophilia. I know it’s because sexuality makes people more uncomfortable, but it’s ludicrous when you really think about it.

    I don’t think it’s ludacris at all. There are so many things in life that can cause emotional trauma, that’s a given. Doing something to someone that you know quite possibly will inflict a lifetime of pain onto them, is wrong, and nothing anyone says will make it right!
  5. Technologist victim of incest
    Benny I usually ignore your sickness, and I’m questioning why I even responded to you. So just fuck off. Thank you very much.
  6. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Technologist You look at life as suffering. I do not. Oh trust me, I’ve had my share of suffering, but my suffering has made me a better person. It’s hard to see that a difficult time will enrich your life, when you’re in it, but eventually it does.

    It's not all suffering but there's something about pain that seems heavier to me, something more to consider than fleeting pleasures and novel joys. Creation as an act of will should be done with the whole of reality in sight. Not just the good. I don't see much growth in pain and misery. just burdens.

    Now that’s just your dismal outlook on life, not mine.


    What I have to say is, you look too deeply into this, with an extremely jaded outlook. Sure, anyone can sit around and waste their brain energy continually looking at how horrible society is, and how life is so horrible. I chose not to waste my thoughts on all the terrible things in this world, it just seems so unproductive to me.

    If you're going to procreate then yeah you may want think about all the bad and terrible shit that the person you're bringing into the world may experience by your choice and not theirs.

    Thanks for humoring me tech.
  7. Technologist victim of incest
    Sometimes I wish I could just get into your brain and turn on a different perspective. No necessarily my perspective, just one that lets you see the good in life.

    You’re a good dude Nil.

    Oh here, I should probably correct this and say “you suck Nil”. I figured that would make you feel more comfortable.😁
  8. Originally posted by Technologist There are degrees to being a “literal piece of shit”. I’ve NEVER done something that will fuck someone up for life!

    That’s highly debatable and unrealistic. Even the best humans are flawed. You can’t know, without a single doubt, that you’ve never done anything that traumatized someone, somehow.

    Originally posted by Technologist I don’t think it’s ludacris at all. There are so many things in life that can cause emotional trauma, that’s a given. Doing something to someone that you know quite possibly will inflict a lifetime of pain onto them, is wrong, and nothing anyone says will make it right!

    It is ludicrous to advocate so adamantly against one type of trauma while turning an eye to others, which is what society does.

    I’m not arguing that it is ok to do something to someone when you know it will cause damage.
  9. Originally posted by Technologist Benny I usually ignore your sickness, and I’m questioning why I even responded to you. So just fuck off. Thank you very much.

    hypocrites; their all alike.
  10. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Krow .

    It's the worst possible thing to do to a kid. You fucking insensitive mother fuckers. I have seen sardonic like humor online before. but clearly some of you aren't fucking kidding.

    I'm pretty sure murder and torture take the number 1 spot. Prolly a pretty close second tho.

    It has always boggled me how prisoners are so accepting of murderers yet so opposite in their judgement of child molesters tbh.

  11. Originally posted by Narc I'm pretty sure murder and torture take the number 1 spot. Prolly a pretty close second tho.

    It has always boggled me how prisoners are so accepting of murderers yet so opposite in their judgement of child molesters tbh.


    victims of a feather,

    hunkers together.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I pray to lala for guidance...
  13. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Sophie I pray to lala for guidance…

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Narc It has always boggled me how prisoners are so accepting of murderers yet so opposite in their judgement of child molesters tbh.

    Yeah that's always struck me as kind of nonsensical.

    If you're a serial rapist, you may as well kill your victims because, somehow, that results in a higher rank on the totem pole.

    Especially if you can obscure any evidence of the rape having occured.

    People have weird ways of comparing moral depravity.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by ohfralala That’s highly debatable and unrealistic. Even the best humans are flawed. You can’t know, without a single doubt, that you’ve never done anything that traumatized someone, somehow.

    If I have caused trauma to someone, it was completely unintentional, and I doubt it would have inflicted a lifetime of pain. Actually I’m pretty sure about that. But we’re discussing pedophilia, and they know what they would do to a child will cause a traumatic experience. Two different things.

    It is ludicrous to advocate so adamantly against one type of trauma while turning an eye to others, which is what society does.

    I’m not arguing that it is ok to do something to someone when you know it will cause damage.

    I agree, there are lots of things people can do to ruin a child for life, but society does not put that at the forefront. Education is a good 1st step. Butttttt, again, we are discussing pedophilia, so that’s just a red herring.
  16. Originally posted by Technologist If I have caused trauma to someone, it was completely unintentional, and I doubt it would have inflicted a lifetime of pain. Actually I’m pretty sure about that. But we’re discussing pedophilia, and they know what they would do to a child will cause a traumatic experience. Two different things.

    I could argue that this is bullshit and that you, as a fully mature individual of sound mind, know what you’re doing when you make decisions and that you’re aware of their possible ramifications. Don’t pass the buck and avoid accountability to make wrongdoings seem unintentional. We all do, or have done, bad things.

    Originally posted by Technologist I agree, there are lots of things people can do to ruin a child for life, but society does not put that at the forefront.

    Perhaps if we did put it at the forefront we’d have a healthier society in general and we wouldn’t even be having these conversations.
  17. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]

  18. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by ohfralala I could argue that this is bullshit and that you, as a fully mature individual of sound mind, know what you’re doing when you make decisions and that you’re aware of their possible ramifications. Don’t pass the buck and avoid accountability to make wrongdoings seem unintentional. We all do, or have done, bad things.

    Argue away. Fuck yeah, I’ve done bad myself. I have never maliciously and intentionally made a plan on how I can hurt a human for life. This I know.

    I ain’t passing no buck. I know how my actions affect others.

    Perhaps if we did put it at the forefront we’d have a healthier society in general and we wouldn’t even be having these conversations.

    So you’re saying that Sophie’s and Benny’s parents fucked them up?
  19. Originally posted by Technologist Actually I’m pretty sure about that. But we’re discussing pedophilia, and they know what they would do to a child will cause a traumatic experience. Two different things.

    actually no.

    as spectral have said, its perfectly acceptable to do it if the child is unconscious and unaware of what had happened.
  20. Originally posted by Technologist So you’re saying that Sophie’s and Benny’s parents fucked them up?

    I can’t speak specifically to their childhood experiences. I wasn’t there. What I have been trying to say though, is people are very passionate about one thing and not passionate enough about other things.

    Originally posted by Technologist Argue away. Fuck yeah, I’ve done bad things…….to myself. I have never maliciously and intentionally made a plan on how I can hurt a human for life. This I know.

    I ain’t passing no buck. I know how my actions affect others.

    This is...essentially...the same argument...a lot of pedophiles, who don’t act on their urges, make for themselves :)
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