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Who you think you'd get on with best irl out of hydro and §m£ÂgØL?

  1. #41
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Plus I do think its hilarious that he doesn't get it that I do all that ranting shit as a spiel, he thinks I'm genuinely getting irate and angry when I reply to him swearing and calling him a soppy faggot and shit, lol.

    If only he could see the devilish grin I have when posting that shit and reading his retard replays.

  2. #42
    Ghost Black Hole
    I officially challenge §m£ÂgØL to a fist fight, let's settle this once and for all.

    The location will be Detroit.
  3. #43
    WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Hydro would be tryin to get my nuts. Gawlum would be coohler.
  4. #44
    Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS This is a reasonable assumption, until you realize that it's based around that idea that §m£ÂgØL's grounds for "calling people out" reflect some kind of objective assessment of what a "stupid lifestyle choice" is.

    Well no, but unless you can disagree with his reasoning, can you say he is wrong?
  5. #45
    Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc See that's just it, its not well founded.

    §m£ÂgØLs just a stupid little boy who's done fuck all.


    That's just appealing to authority. If his reasoning is sound, it is sound. If it is not, tell him why.
  6. #46
    Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny I feel pretty much the same as HTS and I don't think you can use the same explanation in my case. Do you remember that thread a while back where §m£ÂgØL was arguing for the legalization of opiates and I disagreed and he kept saying I was sheltered and like didn't have sufficient life experience (i.e. hanging out with opiate users) to comment? It's usually pretty unproductive to pass judgement on the lives of others (admittedly I do this with Bill Krozby, but that's almost entertainment at this point) but the grating thing about §m£ÂgØL is that in his book you're living wrong insofar as you're not living like him. Don't have a job? You're lazy. Have a degree and career? You're brainwashed by society. He's learning a second language? You're culturally insulated or intellectually lacking if you don't as well.

    I didn't really want to show up and shit on my dude, again I don't have a problem with him and think he's pretty chill for the most part. It does seem like there's something about how he posts online at least which rubs multiple people the wrong way and I don't think "you feel judged and insecure" is a sufficient explanation.

    Like I said initially, I did agree with his assessment of §m£ÂgØL but as for why that is (and if it makes him insufferable or not), all I see is someone very opinionated (which in and of itself is neutral). He seems willing enough to understand other people, if they give him a good enough reason to.

    I made that comment specifically to HTS because I've had conversations with HTS before where he has demonstrated Olympic mental gymnastics to justify doing something exactly as he does it and no other way. Which makes me question his exact interaction with Gillum, because there are two sides to every story.
  7. #47
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Hydro would be tryin to get my nuts. Gawlum would be coohler.

    §m£ÂgØL would be trying to get your nuts an all

  8. #48
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Loing That's just appealing to authority. If his reasoning is sound, it is sound. If it is not, tell him why.


  9. #49
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yea but have you chech their internet persona ?

    §m£ÂgØL irl is probably more low profile and shy than hes on here.

    I don't talk about myself at all irl life lol. I mostly make other people talk about themselves. Most people don't know half the shit you guys do. Like it took months for my coworkers to learn i speak Chinese, longer to learn i used drugs, and over a year later and they never even found out i fukt guys.

    HTS is upset because i call him a he, and have tried many times to motivate him to get a job and not just sit at home playing video games and watching anime. This is not a healthy or happy lifestyle. HTS is depressed but anytime this comes up he says he is happy and that I'm just not accepting of his lifestyle. I can't talk about my career or accomplishments without him and the other NEETS telling me I'm bragging. Funny tho, because anyone who has tasted even a modicum of success (not regular cum, hts) will realize that I'm just talking about it. Like falco said, hts only feels its bragging because he hasn't accomplished what i have, so any success seems like bragging. I mean its really not my fault I'm better than him. The bar isn't really set too high.
  10. #50
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Loing Like I said initially, I did agree with his assessment of §m£ÂgØL but as for why that is (and if it makes him insufferable or not), all I see is someone very opinionated (which in and of itself is neutral). He seems willing enough to understand other people, if they give him a good enough reason to.

    I made that comment specifically to HTS because I've had conversations with HTS before where he has demonstrated Olympic mental gymnastics to justify doing something exactly as he does it and no other way. Which makes me question his exact interaction with Gillum, because there are two sides to every story.

    This is spot on. HTS buys into the whole unhealthy alternative lifestyle being acceptable thing. Much like fat people who demand acceptance, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions making them fat in the first place.

    It's not that i think im better than him because I've moved on from that lazy lifestyle, it's that it would probably make him happy if he pursued literally anything in life. Instead he leeches off the government and barely exists, living in poverty and sloth.
  11. #51
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Literally the most degenerate users here are the ones who wanna hang with hydro lol.

    There's a reason she doesn't have long term friends. You can usually tell how shitty a person is by their ability to keep friends. I have so many friends i cant count and many of them are long term friends.
  12. #52
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by GGG I have so many friends i cant count and many of them are long term friends.

    Thats why you're on here near constantly.

  13. #53
    Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Literally the most degenerate users here are the ones who wanna hang with hydro lol.

    There's a reason she doesn't have long term friends. You can usually tell how shitty a person is by their ability to keep friends. I have so many friends i cant count and many of them are long term friends.

    If there is any takeaway from this thread for you, it's to not do this.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #54
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hydro because shes actually not a lil weiner like follum. I spoke to her the other day and she was cool

    Scum like you tend to enjoy similar company.
  15. #55
    Originally posted by Lanny He's learning a second language? You're culturally insulated or intellectually lacking if you don't as well.

    you underestimated the number of languages hed mastered.

    he speaks 7 different languages and is onto his 8th.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #56
    Originally posted by GGG Like it took months for my coworkers to learn i speak Chinese,

    this is where you get annoying.

    you speak chinese as much and as good as i speak deutschlandick.

    in other words, no you dont. you cant even order a fried dog in chinese with the aid of illustrated menu.
  17. #57
    Originally posted by GGG Literally the most degenerate users here are the ones who wanna hang with hydro lol.

    There's a reason she doesn't have long term friends. You can usually tell how shitty a person is by their ability to keep friends. I have so many friends i cant count and many of them are long term friends.

    low quality friemds.
  18. #58
    I can even get through Hydro’s posts. §m£ÂgØL hands down.
  19. #59
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, §m£ÂgØL's cool and I don't have a problem with him or anything but the, uhhh, way he conducts himself would start bugging me pretty quick. As someone who's a know-it-all dickbag, other people doing the same thing is… difficult to be around.

    I think I'd get along fine with hydro as long as she didn't try to give me a back alley medical operation for some reason.

    Just because I try to prepare for the worst case scenario, doesn't mean I'd preform a surgery on someone if they didn't want me to. I may make my case, and give my advice, but at the end of the day, that's your choice to make. I would want my wishes respected, so I would certainly respect the wishes of others. (an example: You experienced facial trauma that left you unable to breathe from swelling/injury, and either there was no way to get an EMT/Doctor/Hospital in time, and otherwise you would die if I didn't preform a circothyrotomy... Well, if I knew prior to this that you didn't want me to preform a life saving medical procedure on you... Well... I would respect your right to die if that's what you wanted.)

    §m£ÂgØL has framed his experiences with me as though I've tried to force shit on him that he didn't want done, when that's furthest from the truth. I heard for MONTHS and MONTHS that he was scared he was diabetic, and he was often having anxiety over this potential fear, and family history... so of course I offered to check his blood sugar with the blood glucose tester I had, which I of course would have used never used sticks, and test strips with. I mean... this is the first line, and easiest way to see if someone is diabetic before going to a doctor to get a referral for blood work... which he also didn't want to do either... so of course after the thousandth time of him bitching about his concern that he was diabetic I said "For fucks sake, stop being a pussy either you stick, or let me stick your finger, use the tester, and fucking see what your blood sugar is before eating, an hour after eating, and then 4 hours after eating so we can get an idea with what your sugar is, and how if fluctuates/how your pancreas does with releasing insulin, and how much sugar you got floating around at given times... doing this multiple times will give us a frame of reference, and be able to determine if you should worry about being diabetic or not..." and then he would bitch and cry and say "No", but then go on crying and bitching that he was scared he was diabetic because a large portion of his family is diabetic. Even telling him to go to the doctor if he didn't want to check it out for himself, he would bitch and say "No". This is where he's gone on about "she'll try and poke and stick you" shit. At another time, when I was taking a B-complex IM shot to help me feel better, and have more energy, I OFFERED him a shot too, since he complained about feeling tired all the time (one of his concerns about being diabetic.. lo, and behold, he was just lazy) and he acted like I was threatening him all because I was holding MY shot when I offered him a shot. I never pushed the issue, I just explained how it might help him, and that there was no real risk in taking an IM shot of a B-complex.

    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Hydro would be tryin to get my nuts. Gawlum would be coohler.
    uh, no, no I would not. I'm a lot less sexual of a person than I guess I've come across on the forum. I suppose it's because of 3 relationships that I've been in with other forum regulars. I got into those relationships not for sex, rather for the closeness to that person that we were at the time. Of course we had sex, but that was second to just wanting to be near that person, at least at the time.

    Hell, PoC, we barely had sex once due to the fact his dick was so small he couldn't get it in me, and that's the God's honest truth, and I suppose that attempt was him "losing his virginity" lol. God... for the things I do feel bad for, it's for taking the virginity of two faggots on here. All it did was make make them even more faggots who blame all their problems on me rather than man up and take responsibility. Does everyone do this, where they blame everything on the first pussy the stick/try to stick it in? It seems that way.

    Originally posted by GGG Literally the most degenerate users here are the ones who wanna hang with hydro lol.

    There's a reason she doesn't have long term friends. You can usually tell how shitty a person is by their ability to keep friends. I have so many friends i cant count and many of them are long term friends.

    I have a few long term friends, friends I've had for 15+ years. The reason I don't have a lot of friends has nothing to do with me making them. I have a lot of people I meet, and easily befriend. I've met people I've known now for years just by striking up conversation in a store, and hell, I've literally made 5 friends in the month+ I've been in the hospital. The guys who work security down at the main lobby desk LOVE me, and I bullshit and smoke all the time with them.

    Ironically enough, I tend to go through very antisocial phases, and that's when I start avoiding people, not answering calls, having anxiety about just opening, and reading emails/mail they send me, or checking voicemail, which is why I don't even set VM up anymore. I'm pretty antisocial in general, it's just sometimes I get REALLY bad with it where I just can't deal with most people. The people who stick as friends are the people who are persistent, and patient with me.

    §m£ÂgØL forgets that there was several occasions where I pretty much told him to fuck off and go live his life, and he forgets that he literally threatened me if I didn't stay talking to him He threatened to call DFC if I wouldn't stay his 'friend', because apparently just updating him on the status of the baby wasn't good enough, and this was before my son was even born, before I left my ex of 11 years, before there was anything between us. THat was his chance to just move the fuck along and not have to worry about nothing... but at the time that's not what he wanted.

    I've pushed a lot of people away from me in the past. Sometimes it's just the avoiding shit, and like with §m£ÂgØL, and even 1337 back in the beginning of our relationship/just before we got together, I would just avoid, and then just tell them to fuck off if they got persistent, and eventually I'd come around after a while. When I don't keep friends, it's because I don't want to keep friends. I'm pretty happy alone/having just a select few people around me.

    Oh, and on §m£ÂgØL bragging about his minor blips of success: I think he fails to tell everyone about his ability to keep employment since he pretty much quits work when he's bored of it, or his family is going on vacation. Another thing that is irritating is his quitting without notice shit. Yes, I was a stupid dumb teenager once and I quite a couple jobs suddenly, but I later realized that it just looks bad to not at least give a week notice. It's also just lazy too. One day that shit will come back to haunt him, I'm pretty sure of that. I don't even think he's worked at the same place for more than a couple months at a time. By the time I was his age, I'd at least had a few years work experience at a couple places by then. Hell, there even was a time I was doing well and successful like he's doing now. I worked my ass off, and shit, I was doing work I loved at the time too. Fuck, there was a point where I was rolling around in more money than I knew what to do with. Things can change in an instant though.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #60
    Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Just because I try to prepare for the worst case scenario, doesn't mean I'd preform a surgery on someone if they didn't want me to. I may make my case, and give my advice, but at the end of the day, that's your choice to make. I would want my wishes respected, so I would certainly respect the wishes of others. (an example: You experienced facial trauma that left you unable to breathe from swelling/injury, and either there was no way to get an EMT/Doctor/Hospital in time, and otherwise you would die if I didn't preform a circothyrotomy… Well, if I knew prior to this that you didn't want me to preform a life saving medical procedure on you… Well… I would respect your right to die if that's what you wanted.)

    §m£ÂgØL has framed his experiences with me as though I've tried to force shit on him that he didn't want done, when that's furthest from the truth. I heard for MONTHS and MONTHS that he was scared he was diabetic, and he was often having anxiety over this potential fear, and family history… so of course I offered to check his blood sugar with the blood glucose tester I had, which I of course would have used never used sticks, and test strips with. I mean… this is the first line, and easiest way to see if someone is diabetic before going to a doctor to get a referral for blood work… which he also didn't want to do either… so of course after the thousandth time of him bitching about his concern that he was diabetic I said "For fucks sake, stop being a pussy either you stick, or let me stick your finger, use the tester, and fucking see what your blood sugar is before eating, an hour after eating, and then 4 hours after eating so we can get an idea with what your sugar is, and how if fluctuates/how your pancreas does with releasing insulin, and how much sugar you got floating around at given times… doing this multiple times will give us a frame of reference, and be able to determine if you should worry about being diabetic or not…" and then he would bitch and cry and say "No", but then go on crying and bitching that he was scared he was diabetic because a large portion of his family is diabetic. Even telling him to go to the doctor if he didn't want to check it out for himself, he would bitch and say "No". This is where he's gone on about "she'll try and poke and stick you" shit. At another time, when I was taking a B-complex IM shot to help me feel better, and have more energy, I OFFERED him a shot too, since he complained about feeling tired all the time (one of his concerns about being diabetic.. lo, and behold, he was just lazy) and he acted like I was threatening him all because I was holding MY shot when I offered him a shot. I never pushed the issue, I just explained how it might help him, and that there was no real risk in taking an IM shot of a B-complex.

    uh, no, no I would not. I'm a lot less sexual of a person than I guess I've come across on the forum. I suppose it's because of 3 relationships that I've been in with other forum regulars. I got into those relationships not for sex, rather for the closeness to that person that we were at the time. Of course we had sex, but that was second to just wanting to be near that person, at least at the time.

    Hell, PoC, we barely had sex once due to the fact his dick was so small he couldn't get it in me, and that's the God's honest truth, and I suppose that attempt was him "losing his virginity" lol. God… for the things I do feel bad for, it's for taking the virginity of two faggots on here. All it did was make make them even more faggots who blame all their problems on me rather than man up and take responsibility. Does everyone do this, where they blame everything on the first pussy the stick/try to stick it in? It seems that way.

    I have a few long term friends, friends I've had for 15+ years. The reason I don't have a lot of friends has nothing to do with me making them. I have a lot of people I meet, and easily befriend. I've met people I've known now for years just by striking up conversation in a store, and hell, I've literally made 5 friends in the month+ I've been in the hospital. The guys who work security down at the main lobby desk LOVE me, and I bullshit and smoke all the time with them.

    Ironically enough, I tend to go through very antisocial phases, and that's when I start avoiding people, not answering calls, having anxiety about just opening, and reading emails/mail they send me, or checking voicemail, which is why I don't even set VM up anymore. I'm pretty antisocial in general, it's just sometimes I get REALLY bad with it where I just can't deal with most people. The people who stick as friends are the people who are persistent, and patient with me.

    §m£ÂgØL forgets that there was several occasions where I pretty much told him to fuck off and go live his life, and he forgets that he literally threatened me if I didn't stay talking to him He threatened to call DFC if I wouldn't stay his 'friend', because apparently just updating him on the status of the baby wasn't good enough, and this was before my son was even born, before I left my ex of 11 years, before there was anything between us. THat was his chance to just move the fuck along and not have to worry about nothing… but at the time that's not what he wanted.

    I've pushed a lot of people away from me in the past. Sometimes it's just the avoiding shit, and like with §m£ÂgØL, and even 1337 back in the beginning of our relationship/just before we got together, I would just avoid, and then just tell them to fuck off if they got persistent, and eventually I'd come around after a while. When I don't keep friends, it's because I don't want to keep friends. I'm pretty happy alone/having just a select few people around me.

    Oh, and on §m£ÂgØL bragging about his minor blips of success: I think he fails to tell everyone about his ability to keep employment since he pretty much quits work when he's bored of it, or his family is going on vacation. Another thing that is irritating is his quitting without notice shit. Yes, I was a stupid dumb teenager once and I quite a couple jobs suddenly, but I later realized that it just looks bad to not at least give a week notice. It's also just lazy too. One day that shit will come back to haunt him, I'm pretty sure of that. I don't even think he's worked at the same place for more than a couple months at a time. By the time I was his age, I'd at least had a few years work experience at a couple places by then. Hell, there even was a time I was doing well and successful like he's doing now. I worked my ass off, and shit, I was doing work I loved at the time too. Fuck, there was a point where I was rolling around in more money than I knew what to do with. Things can change in an instant though.

    Didn't read
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