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My friend flipped out on me yesterday

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I met this girl that moved into the neighborhood about a couple of months ago, and we would trip and hang out , I'd cook dinner for her, all that shit. Play with eachothers cats, we even went and saw robe zombie and korn the other day and it was fun. We have had sex only a few times because I'm not really that into her, and plus I don't like using condoms and I'm not going to pressure anyone into having sex with me. But we did have sex with out a condom a couple times despite her bitching and she's been nagging me to get an hiv test the last couple weeks, and I haven't because it's not my problem.

    Anyways I drive her to pick up chinese food yesterday evening for dinner and it kinda sucks but whatever. She starts getting all weird and tripping accusing me of having sex with a bunch of girls. which i have, and starts demanding I get an hiv test tomorrow and I tell her "hey thats your problem not mine, I didn't make you do anything" (she's always asking for sex and I'm almost always turning her down because I haven't felt well since my seizure and trying to quit drinking)

    She starts acting like a bitch and goes to her room, so I just grab my shit and head out the door and she follows me out to my car asking me to come back and I tell her I just want to go home and see my cat and that we have spent way to much time together at her place and she starts crying and telling me she's going to do something crazy, I kind of nervously laugh because I've gone through tons of crazy shit with weird girls in the past and just get in my car and leave.

    I go home shower, and go to bed even though its like 8:00 pm and an hour and half later I hear her knocking on my door and yelling through my window. Because I don't want her to make a scene I open the door and am like "what the hell are you doing?" and she shoves the door open and walks in my apartment and if I didn't have all these wife beating charges I would have thrown her dumbass out, but I'm afraid now and I think she knows it. She keeps saying she wants to talk and wants closure.. and all this bullshit and that I have to either get an HIV test or give her the money for the show (which I already agreed to do once I get paid)

    She eventually leaves, and today she has been texting me all day saying she still wants to be my friend (even though she said last night she didn't want me as a friend but as a boyfriend..) and how she's having marijuana withdrawals and wants me to comeover. But I'm all weirded out.

    She's a couple years older than me, and has an adult job, and a nice place, and seemed like an intelligent person, but it just floored me the way she started acting.

    Has anyone here ever gone through something like this ? I'm not trying to reply to every wall of text she sent me, but I let her know, I will mail her 50 dollars as soon as I get paid.

    Has anyone here gone through this before? I though her and I were cool and we understood eachother , but I guess not.

  2. #2
    tldr Bill Krozby was an asshole to his friend and they got fed up with his shit.
  3. #3
    And he didnt even record it
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I need to buy a nice quality but moderately priced camera thats on the small side. Any suggestions? I totaly should have filmed it , it was cringey
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I told you that you needed a body-cam. I have a camera that I have glued to my bike helmet but I can't remember the name of it off hand that works pretty well. it's about $200-ish but on the highest resolution setting the video quality is on par with some thousands-of-dollar dedicated video cameras I've seen. it's fairly chunky, size wise...but I've found that those tiny unobtrusive cameras are too inadequate in every performance category for all but the cheesy-est videos.
  6. #6
    Get a go pro. The longer you don't have it the more epic adventures you miss out on recording. If I wasn't a broke bitch I'd buy it for you.
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