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Weather disasters worsening, ice caps melting, global temperature rising...

  1. #21 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, are these merely cyclical shifts over geologic time…. or does global warming exist?


    It runs in cycles because the 1800s was the coldest recorded (which the USA was only in it's 100th experience but 300 years of Anglo Occupation) .. so over the 300 years since Jamestown to the Queen Victorian period, the farmer's almanac recorded by many generations showed it was really fucking cold. but the 1700s was warmer. Yet, the day that George Washington crossed the delaware.. it was freezing and not spring like (that is shown in the photo)

    Really high temps can bring colder winters or long winters into spring. it basically makes summer more late and run later before Winter returns.

    it can cause dry years for 5-10 years then a El Nino comes along and rains too much to fast. or a la nina causes dry but cold

    The Bay Area and Norcal probably was the last to see dramatic global warming in the entire USA. it seemed to start about 10 years ago. that's when it really took off. in the past 5 years (except last year which seemed normal) it was sunny nearly every fucking day in San Francisco and Oakland.. hardly any fog in the summer in which we usually get june gloom into July. just sunny and warm. It hit 106 in San Francisco in September of last year. it's a big thing when it hits 90 in San Francisco. it was 90s multiple days over the last few years and hit 106 in downtown. you may say "big fucking deal" but for San Francisco that's unheard of. over the hundreds of years it only hit the 100s a few times. once at 103 and then that record was broken at 106 the following year.

    Global Warming is fucking Real. I agree there is mismanagement in California but not the fucking forest industry nor Cal Fire. they don't' get enough money as it is. our state is the most populated and the forest acres is probably more than the entire state of Washington? close enough. but dryer. Trump just hates Californians. it's just that simple
  2. #22 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung plz don't be a fucking moron and tell me that so far this November it's been colder than it's ever been before at your location…

    No Its kind of warm this week. mid 60s.. close to 70s. it usually is around 45-50 in the bay except Oakland and Berkeley usually hover around 60s-70s.

    the "Far east county" is usually in the 40-50s this time of year yet the temp is about the same throughout the entire bay.
    Cycles occur in weather if you look at the stats. but this is also Man made which the cycle is hitting this weird high-low period and at the same time our planet is really overpopulated. sustainability was said to hit its max at 4 billion in the 70s where almost 8 billion now.

    Farming technology and Minimalism -- come save us.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by WellHung Risir, either tell me the fucking difference between weather and climate… right now… or get the fuck out of my thread.

    its like the differences between episodes and seasons.
  4. #24
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
  5. #25
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, are these merely cyclical shifts over geologic time…. or does global warming exist?

    It exists...but then global warming and cooling existed before man was even a twinkle in our ancestral daddy apes eye
  6. #26
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    You guys know there's a measurable drastic difference in atmospheric co2 levels, right? It isnt just that the weather is changing. That's just a symptom of the problem we have proof of.

    No change has ever happened like this in the history of Earth. Global and cooling cycles usually take place over hundreds/thousands of years. Last time it was even half this high was 30,000 years ago.
  7. #27
    Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    Originally posted by GGG You guys know there's a measurable drastic difference in atmospheric co2 levels, right? It isnt just that the weather is changing. That's just a symptom of the problem we have proof of.

    No change has ever happened like this in the history of Earth. Global and cooling cycles usually take place over hundreds/thousands of years.

    Stop worrying it's just cow farts
  8. #28
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by GGG You guys know there's a measurable drastic difference in atmospheric co2 levels, right? It isnt just that the weather is changing. That's just a symptom of the problem we have proof of.

    No change has ever happened like this in the history of Earth. Global and cooling cycles usually take place over hundreds/thousands of years. Last time it was even half this high was 30,000 years ago.

  9. #29
    Originally posted by GGG You guys know there's a measurable drastic difference in atmospheric co2 levels, right? It isnt just that the weather is changing. That's just a symptom of the problem we have proof of.

    No change has ever happened like this in the history of Earth. Global and cooling cycles usually take place over hundreds/thousands of years. Last time it was even half this high was 30,000 years ago.

    - 800,000 years

    - history of earth.

  10. #30
    Originally posted by GGG You guys know there's a measurable drastic difference in atmospheric co2 levels, right? It isnt just that the weather is changing. That's just a symptom of the problem we have proof of.

    No change has ever happened like this in the history of Earth. Global and cooling cycles usually take place over hundreds/thousands of years. Last time it was even half this high was 30,000 years ago.

    also not empirical measurement.
  11. #31
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny - 800,000 years

    - history of earth.


    Yeah, there's no point in calculating the first few billion years because the earth was an unrecognizable toxic sea of volcanic activity.

    These numbers were gathered by drilling into antarctic ice. This is as far back in history as we can go here. There is no other known way to know what it was like beyond the limits of antarctic ice. Nothing else holds pollution quite like ice/water.

    800k years ago we were in an ice age, which is why this is the last period we have on record. Much of it melted and literally formed seas it was so much water.

    Anything beyond this time doesn't matter as rich oxygenation we will never see again raised temperatures so drastically. We're working with a different playing field now. Volcanoes are not as active. Our methane ducts are not as active. That's why c02 levels are ESTIMATED to have been drastically higher during the age of dinos. As plants evolved, a lot of that went away. In the carboniferous period much of the world was jungle and swamp because the atmosphere was so rich.

    But now we know it isn't the vents, or volcanoes, or lack of plants. We have ruled out those things. Have yet to see someone show evidence of climate change being due to other causes, they only regurgitate that the earth always changes. They don't see that it has never changed like this, this quickly. We're talking decades here, not the thousands of years it takes for ice ages to come and go. This is too fast.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #32 Space Nigga
    They measure c02 contents in soil core samples.. They match this with farmers almanac in the past 500 years or more.. Its fairly accuratel..Were fucked
  13. #33 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by GGG Yeah, there's no point in calculating the first few billion years because the earth was an unrecognizable toxic sea of volcanic activity.

    These numbers were gathered by drilling into antarctic ice. This is as far back in history as we can go here. There is no other known way to know what it was like beyond the limits of antarctic ice. Nothing else holds pollution quite like ice/water.

    800k years ago we were in an ice age, which is why this is the last period we have on record. Much of it melted and literally formed seas it was so much water.

    Anything beyond this time doesn't matter as rich oxygenation we will never see again raised temperatures so drastically. We're working with a different playing field now. Volcanoes are not as active. Our methane ducts are not as active. That's why c02 levels are ESTIMATED to have been drastically higher during the age of dinos. As plants evolved, a lot of that went away. In the carboniferous period much of the world was jungle and swamp because the atmosphere was so rich.

    But now we know it isn't the vents, or volcanoes, or lack of plants. We have ruled out those things. Have yet to see someone show evidence of climate change being due to other causes, they only regurgitate that the earth always changes. They don't see that it has never changed like this, this quickly. We're talking decades here, not the thousands of years it takes for ice ages to come and go. This is too fast.

    Yeah..prolly this
  14. #34
    Originally posted by GGG Yeah, there's no point in calculating the first few billion years because the earth was an unrecognizable toxic sea of volcanic activity.

    These numbers were gathered by drilling into antarctic ice. This is as far back in history as we can go here. There is no other known way to know what it was like beyond the limits of antarctic ice. Nothing else holds pollution quite like ice/water.

    800k years ago we were in an ice age, which is why this is the last period we have on record. Much of it melted and literally formed seas it was so much water.

    Anything beyond this time doesn't matter as rich oxygenation we will never see again raised temperatures so drastically. We're working with a different playing field now. Volcanoes are not as active. Our methane ducts are not as active. That's why c02 levels are ESTIMATED to have been drastically higher during the age of dinos. As plants evolved, a lot of that went away. In the carboniferous period much of the world was jungle and swamp because the atmosphere was so rich.

    But now we know it isn't the vents, or volcanoes, or lack of plants. We have ruled out those things. Have yet to see someone show evidence of climate change being due to other causes, they only regurgitate that the earth always changes. They don't see that it has never changed like this, this quickly. We're talking decades here, not the thousands of years it takes for ice ages to come and go. This is too fast.

    all these ice core datas are highly speculative evidences. theoretical at best.

    also co2 amount at the artics 800,000 years ago did not necessarily reflect co2 level at the tropics 800,000 years ago just as the ozone hole we have over the artic today does not reflec the condition of ozone layer all around the earth.

    and even, EVEN if they're true, low co2 level at the poles 800,000 years ago could be the exception rather than the norm.
  15. #35
    Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    LMRAO @ "methane ducts"

    Originally posted by GGG Our methane ducts are not as active.
  16. #36
    RestStop Space Nigga
  17. #37
    Originally posted by GGG No change has ever happened like this in the history of Earth.

    Has to be a first time for everything...
  18. #38
    "Our methane ducts are not as active. "

    Cows fart out more methane than humans produce..and methane is a much "worse" greenhouse gas than CO2 is.
  19. #39
    Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    Interestingly a lot of damage is from changing the pH of the environment by burning all this sequestered material. TLDR pumping up and burning hydrocarbons releases hydrogen compounds, and hydrogen is basically just a proton, which helps cause everything in the environment to become slightly more acidic, especially when combined with the carbon and nitrogen released.

    Shits fucked, and there's no way to stop it unless you can convince these fat refugee loving fucks to stop pumping oil and gas out of the ground as fast as they can get it to flow.
  20. #40
    It's a good thing...the Earth is simply ridding itself of destructive humans...not all life, life will go on without us and probably be much better off.
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