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This to that is what?

  1. #1 Space Nigga
    I was reading a short news article on ICE "Tormenting" 7-11 owners and demanding I-9 dubbity dub (whatever they are-- tax preps?) on workers or former workers. and how the ICE feds came busting in and making store owners frightful

    then Mathew Broderick in Wargames came to mind when the feds busted him at a colorado or washington 7-11? I had a dark-scenereo of Infinityshock making comments about jedi people are excempt with double citizenship.. etc etc

    but when I tried looking up that scene.. I can't find the fucking video bit anywhere. every other bit is available for a preview but that. And only one place did I find a thumbnail of Mathew coming out of a 7-11 with a slushy. and when I clicked on it.. dead link.

    Infinity will claim victory with this yet I ask you..
    Maybe because of the rise in jedi hate made them do this to prevent this from happening?

    preventive measures my friends. Preventive Measures.

    so I chose this scene from the film to post.. kind of funny.

  2. #2
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    This is to that as here is to there.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Technologist victim of incest
    This to that as these to those!
  4. #4
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL This is to that as here is to there.

    Yeah this.

    Plus, Totse3, I still need a fucking translator for your posts bud.

    I don't know what it is about them but they are utterly incomprehensible.

    Hire a translator, I'll even subsidize. Outsource to some Indian tech guy. Just make sure he speaks English first though.
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by I was reading a short news article on ICE "Tormenting" 7-11 owners and demanding I-9 dubbity dub (whatever they are– tax preps?) on workers or former workers. and how the ICE feds came busting in and making store owners frightful

    then Mathew Broderick in Wargames came to mind when the feds busted him at a colorado or washington 7-11? I had a dark-scenereo of Infinityshock making comments about jedi people are excempt with double citizenship.. etc etc

    but when I tried looking up that scene.. I can't find the fucking video bit anywhere. every other bit is available for a preview but that. And only one place did I find a thumbnail of Mathew coming out of a 7-11 with a slushy. and when I clicked on it.. dead link.

    Infinity will claim victory with this yet I ask you..
    Maybe because of the rise in jedi hate made them do this to prevent this from happening?

    preventive measures my friends. Preventive Measures.

    so I chose this scene from the film to post.. kind of funny.


    only a crack-smoking LSD addict could make a post about such utter and complete nonsense that is wholly unrelated to anything.

    ICE is 'tormenting' 7-11 owners because the main company of 7-11 is reporting them in an effort to cause the franchise owners to lose their license so the main company can take over the stores.
  6. #6 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock only a crack-smoking LSD addict could make a post about such utter and complete nonsense that is wholly unrelated to anything.

    ICE is 'tormenting' 7-11 owners because the main company of 7-11 is reporting them in an effort to cause the franchise owners to lose their license so the main company can take over the stores.

    Nice conspiracy theory. and you laugh when I say Larry Silverstein had inside Knowledge.

    dude, it would cost them way to much money to be down the few months they would to find someone to come in and manage them.
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Nice conspiracy theory. and you laugh when I say Larry Silverstein had inside Knowledge.

    dude, it would cost them way to much money to be down the few months they would to find someone to come in and manage them.

    you are literally retarded

    now stfu and go back to your crack pipe...stop bothering the sane people
  8. #8
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    How Jill sees totsey is kinda like how the rest of us sees Jill


  9. #9
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Narc How Jill sees totsey is kinda like how the rest of us sees Jill



    Don't get me wrong I'm no "Jill" fan but his theory on totse3 being a crack smoking lsd addict brainless insane nutshot is pretty spot on.
  10. #10
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Yeah but I wouldn't be surprised if Jill was smoking or regularly dropping summing either. I mean summing is clearly addling his brain somehow. That or he's received a serious head injury at some point, the dude clearly isn't right in the head, just like totsey isn't.

  11. #11
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by infinityshock only a crack-smoking LSD addict could make a post about such utter and complete nonsense that is wholly unrelated to anything.

    ICE is 'tormenting' 7-11 owners because the main company of 7-11 is reporting them in an effort to cause the franchise owners to lose their license so the main company can take over the stores.

    Ooookay....ICE? DEA

  12. #12 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RestStop Don't get me wrong I'm no "Jill" fan but his theory on totse3 being a crack smoking lsd addict brainless insane nutshot is pretty spot on.

    minus the drugs? :/

    don't do drugs. never was a user of drugs. I tried a few things Once and only once many decades ago.

    so.. you're just wrong.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by Nice conspiracy theory. and you laugh when I say Larry Silverstein had inside Knowledge.

    Did he?

    I thought Finy was pretty cynical on the kikes.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Nigger Stole My Bike Did he?

    I thought Finy was pretty cynical on the kikes.

    The Rabbi of that Synagogue that got shot up stayed at home too.

    Lucky jedis and their "feelings". They must be God's chosen people after all.
  15. #15 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nigger Stole My Bike Did he?

    I thought Finy was pretty cynical on the kikes.

    weird isn't it. Which makes me think (though Im not hating jedis.. just these "Pro jedi" wealth seekers Money is my God) that he's one of them. He condems jedis because he doesn't believe in G-d. Yet he might be culturally a jedi. or jedi by bloodright?

    a German jedi is my guess. and probably sucked Silverstiens dick at one time.. since he too is from NYC.
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