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I need some hobbies to keep me occupied before I send myself mad.

  1. #1
    Just a note to self there.
  2. #2
    cooking meth
    fapping to r@ygold
    fucking trannies on craigslist
  3. #3
    Video games, podcasts, forums, reading, cooking, gardening.
    Lots of different stuff to keep busy helps stay out of depression.
  4. #4
    Weight lifting, martial arts or fitness stuff. Hiking and nature trips. Restoration of old stuff. That's what I do.
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    masturbation is always a good way to spend ones time
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Computer science, regular science, fapping to cp, and forums is what i do.
  7. #7
    AFJ Houston
    You can never go wrong with some
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