^I haven't heard the entire album just a few songs, not really my thing. I can't stand the fact that they worked with skrillex. though fieldy is one of the reasons why I started playing bass when I was 15 and I johnathan davis is definitely a huge influence on my singing style
If I keep sittin' 'round on the porcelain throne and nothin' comes out, I'm gonna be real mad. It's like I got all excited to take a shit but then my bladder said, "Hey buddy, time to let loose!" So now here I am with my pants down, ready to get down with some dillies and shut that shittin' window for the night.
I haven't listened to them in ages but the Korn definitely has a huge nostalgic quality to them no doubt. The first time I heard them I was maybe 11 or 12, my grandfather bought me the "life is peachy" cd and we listened to it as he drunkenly navigated his Mercedes home. Good times.