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Why dont flashers just mail pics of their cock to random addreses?

  1. #1
    Less risky han flasing in person...
  2. #2
    infinityshock Black Hole
    i do. i mean...they do.
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's my assumption that flashers particularly enjoy the risk, so mailing pictures to random addresses would offer very little reward. They wish to see the faces and reactions of their 'victims.'
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's my assumption that flashers particularly enjoy the risk, so mailing pictures to random addresses would offer very little reward. They wish to see the faces and reactions of their 'victims.'

    I imagine you're right.
  5. #5
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    Observe and report
  6. #6
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Dude, imagine a mass mailing of offensive material to an old folk's home. If you look at their views, they're often some of the worst people around. They probably have it coming, and the ones that don't likely won't even be offended, but will laugh it off.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude, imagine a mass mailing of offensive material to an old folk's home. If you look at their views, they're often some of the worst people around. They probably have it coming, and the ones that don't likely won't even be offended, but will laugh it off.

    Can we send sea pee?
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