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What drugs cure an existential crisis? Acid?

  1. #41
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    So what are you trying by posting your retarded video? You have no idea of Europe. We don't want you American scum here just as less as we want the Arabs but you guys don't care either. We are fighting YOUR wars in Europe now and we don't have any weapons because you took them away from us. I'll listen to your word when you are on European turf and this becomes your business. Until then it's like me getting my jimmies rustled over niggers in Baltimore and Detroit, saying that Americans aren't real men because they don't stop this.

    Have you ever been in a fight, Obbe?

    I like posting videos of stuff I'm interested in. Do I have to be European to post these videos? I post videos about the multiverse too, but I'm not a string theorist. You're not fighting a war for me. I never started any war. Your government let all those people in. If you don't like what I have to say it's very easy to not read it. Black Americans are still Americans. You are still facing European genocide via Islamic invasion. That's a fact.

    I have been in fights. Have you ever let a large group of mostly insanely religious young men waltz into your house so they can sleep in your bed and eat all your food and laugh at how dumb you are? Because that's exactly what the European nations are doing on a larger scale.
  2. #42
    We didn't let the Roman Empire quonquer us, we kinda started 2 world wars and almost terminated a 3000 year old culture/ethnicity. We aren't really known to be the friendliest of people. German politicians aren't a bunch of philanthropist hippies. This isn't a German operation. Your nation is behind all of this. If it was a German operation you can bet your ass on it that we would put the faggots anywhere else but here. Don't be fooled. We aren't that stupid. Germany is just the slave of the US/Israel and now it's time to get back at us.
  3. #43
    "Have you ever let a large group of mostly insanely religious young men waltz into your house so they can sleep in your bed and eat all your food and laugh at how dumb you are? Because that's exactly what the European nations are doing on a larger scale."

    No, of course not. I'm a gangster. I'm sorry that I'm not afraid of a bunch of Muslims but I've been surrounded by them my whole life and they are no threat to me. The ones I have befriended treat me and my family, mother and sister included, with the utmost respect and they would die for me.
  4. #44
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    We didn't let the Roman Empire quonquer us, we kinda started 2 world wars and almost terminated a 3000 year old culture/ethnicity. We aren't really known to be the friendliest of people. German politicians aren't a bunch of philanthropist hippies. This isn't a German operation. Your nation is behind all of this. If it was a German operation you can bet your ass on it that we would put the faggots anywhere else but here. Don't be fooled. We aren't that stupid. Germany is just the slave of the US/Israel and now it's time to get back at us.

    I don't know why you keep blaming me for this. I'm not a member of the US/Israel government or military or a even citizen of those countries. I'm also not the one who decided to open the borders and let foreign invaders into your country. I really don't understand why this stuff gets you so angry. All I have ever said about this issue are the facts. Based on statistics in 150 years there will be no Germans left in Germany. Islam is coming. Blame whoever you want, but don't blame me for finding this fascinating and posting about it. What am I doing that is so wrong?
  5. #45
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    We didn't let the Roman Empire quonquer us, we kinda started 2 world wars and almost terminated a 3000 year old culture/ethnicity. We aren't really known to be the friendliest of people. German politicians aren't a bunch of philanthropist hippies. This isn't a German operation. Your nation is behind all of this. If it was a German operation you can bet your ass on it that we would put the faggots anywhere else but here. Don't be fooled. We aren't that stupid. Germany is just the slave of the US/Israel and now it's time to get back at us.

    I was with you until we got here. How exactly is German asylum policy supposed to be the US's fault? I'm not someone who will defend US policy to the bitter end but I really don't see how you can blame the situation on us. Even if we weren't involved in the Syrian civil war at all it wouldn't meaningfully change the influx of refugees, them niggas where killing each other long before we starting blowing shit up.
  6. #46
    You are messing with a German. I think that's it.

    I disagree with your statistics but it is really fascinating. I don't think you can blame the blackheads for our low birthrates and there is more to this "just opening the borders" thing. You are blaming us for this and the refugees. That's how it seems to me and you are just wrong about that. It doesn't make sense. You are right that we owe them nothing but guess what, that's the fucking point. This is not a German operation.

    Where do you live, Obbe?
  7. #47
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    You are messing with a German. I think that's it.

    I disagree with your statistics but it is really fascinating. I don't think you can blame the blackheads for our low birthrates and there is more to this "just opening the borders" thing. You are blaming us for this and the refugees. That's how it seems to me and you are just wrong about that. It doesn't make sense. You are right that we owe them nothing but guess what, that's the fucking point. This is not a German operation.

    Where do you live, Obbe?

    If you get "messed with" by a couple videos re-posted by someone on, you appear to get messed with very easily. How am I messing with you in particular? Have I singled you out? Specifically what is it about my actions that has upset you this much? How have I blamed you for any of this?

    Specifically what have I said about the refugee crisis that is wrong, or incorrect?
  8. #48
    I don't remember exactly what you've said but I'm pretty sure I have a reason to be angry. No hard fellings, though. We are cool on my part.

    You are talking about the death of my people, though. It's not Youtube videos to me, it's reality. I live here so my opinion outweighs yours on this. I haven't watched any of your videos but I'm sure I've heard all the points. I can not take any word on this subject lightly because it truly affects me. All the hatespeech, and trust me there's a lot of it, will only lead to a war my people have to fight and I don't want that. Spreading your "facts" doesn't produce any positive effects. I know it's not dangerous here on this website to discuss this but please understand that I have to deal with this shit 24/7. There's a lot of tension here and I don't want shit to escalate. I try to keep a clear mind and you are polluting it. You are Iron John'ing me and I can't take that right now.
  9. #49
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Well risir maybe you should be angry. You do have a reason to be angry. But not with me. You're getting angry with the wrong person. If you've never watched the videos or read anything I've posted about this you really don't know what my message has been. My message has been the truth. If anything I've posted could be considered "hate speech", the things you have said back to me should be considered a hate novel. Ignoring what is happening around you is not keeping your head clear. It is the opposite. If you can't stand to face the truth then just don't read what I have to say about it. It's that easy. I'm not "iron johning" you, I'm just posting about reality.
  10. #50
    No you are not telling the truth. You don't know the truth you idiot. I would beat your ass across the room for talking like that. I have read your posts but didn't waste my time with the videos.

    Where are you from, Obbe? What's your ethnicity?
  11. #51
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    I'm just a nigga in space. And yes, I do know the truth. Especially the truth I spoke about earlier in this thread.
  12. #52
  13. #53
    Yes, it is. Do you know what the deal is with Lanny in this thread? I would like to hear a third parties opinion on our disagreement.

    I agree with him somewhat. To start, I've become a big fan of simple expression in recent months. I use words a child could understand, and I use structure you can understand at a glance. The objective is to communicate, not pontificate. I have many reasons for this but that's another discussion. You also take a long, long route to basically say nothing of much importance. This is one problem I have with the way you communicate. Instead of taking a right, you overshoot the turn and take 3 lefts, and the car you drive has a Rubik's Cube where a steering wheel should be, and you end up roughly where you started.
  14. #54
    No seriously mescaline reveals the universe and meth makes you love it more
  15. #55
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    No seriously mescaline reveals the universe and meth makes you love it more

    Both true statements but I'm dubious as to how enjoyable the combo would be.
  16. #56
    Also, Europe does not have any obligation to take in immigrants, but nobody has any obligation to do anything at all. EU nations are not opening their gates out of the goodness of their heart. Europe and its economies needs immigrants. This is the core fact that dumb faggots with no understanding of the economic situation are just failing to grasp. You either let them in or build a time machine and start fucking without jimmies 20 years ago, because something's gotta give. And I don't think there's anything incompatible about Islam and the west, as it is in the modern day. The problem is the volume of immigration vs the resources to handle it. EU nations need to pull on the throttle and slow the fuck down, and figure out how to properly integrate their immigrants, each individually and as communities.

    Europe's economic situation is okay right now. But without immigrants, it will not be in 10, 20 years, it will go the way of Greece.
  17. #57
    First off let me say this looks like the best thread I've seen on this website so far. A methy shitpost pontificating about taking acid to cure an existential crisis brought Obbe out of the woodwork of course. It should have been obvious before as "open your mind" is the kind of name someone like Obbe would come up with and his constant posing of vague questions in lieu of anything learned. A good response from Captain falcon too, this is chock full of quality. I read this a few days ago but didn't have a chance to type a proper response.

    Self reflection, self fulfillment and distraction.

    I know we've had many clashes in the past but I want you to take this post as if it were written by someone else, because I'm not trying to insult or bully you. I think a lot of people on this site could benefit from someone telling them this, and it's best said by someone you respect, but nobody else is saying it so I have to, and I urge you to put aside your prior experiences with me to heed my words this once. I once struggled with the same issues and I found some degree of peace, so the least I can do is help pass it on to others who need it.

    When people have existential crises, the reason is often not that they are some Nietzchean nihilistic genius thinker who has had an intellectual awakening, it is because they have gaping holes in their own personality and life that make them unhappy and incapable of not focusing on what comes at the end of the empty road they are walking. The real world, and your real life is to oempty and bleak for you to enjoy it rather than getting wrapped up in faux-intellectualism and depressing yourself to convince yourself that you've find some kind of an answer to your unhappiness in oblivion and futility. The answer is to not think about it, because it can't be helped. But that's easier said than done. The only way I know that truly works is to fill your life with things you love and the things that make you truly happy.

    And that itself looks like a mountainous task when you look at it from afar. But the way to do it is to change yourself, your relationship with the world, with "things", they way you think about all the affairs that you consider important, your relationship with the idea of what makes you happy. You, specifically, have a very difficult time accepting and admitting your own limitations and failings, and the gaps in your personality. That in itself is the biggest personality defect one can have. Everything else can be fixed by following some self-help type of advice, but the one thing nobody can fix for you is to get rid of the ego and arrogance that holds you back from changing yourself. You can tell me to go fuck myself, or "cringe" and everything else you think makes you sound tough. Whatever. But if you've hit a point that you despise being at, then on your own, when and where nobody but yourself can ever hear, you've got to admit to yourself everything that is wrong with you and look at exactly how to fix that, and if it can't be fixed, then how to deal with it.

    To address that last part, not everything can be fixed. Some aspects of our life are out of our control and some aspects of our personality are damn near hardwired into us. But you can surely learn to deal with it. Learn how to metacognate. Learn how to see those warning signs of self destructive and self sabotaging behaviours, and get the discipline necessary to reject your predispositions and first order desires before they turn into action.

    Improve yourself and you'll know how much nicer it is to actually live in the real world than to worry about how one day you won't. And that's about all that we can ask for.

    Good post, rather true and insightful. Reminds me of the great benefits I used to receive from meditation, "letting things go" and whatnot, really most of this post is rephrasing buddhist principles. I don't think the "ego and arrogance" bit is the reason for feeling so empty. At least not in the conventional "ego and arrogance" sense. I have a hunger in my stomach I always want to fill, I set goals for myself and after the elation of achievement wears off, I'm left feeling as empty as before. You're pretty off base about my character too but this is a mesage board, i.e. sub msn messanger human interaction. Self reflection/self knowledge are definitely key to getting over feeling broken. The problem is my "identity" is so convoluted (but still tangible in almost all facets) it feels like I'm going in 5 different directions at once and having success with each one, at the expense of my own experience.

    I feel a lot better now, have been drinking less, took my girlfriend and her son out to where I used to live, saw the house I spent more of my childhood in. I was putting off going to see it for literally years since last time I went I got a rush of bad memories which I allowed to penetrate my psyche. I'm very proud of myself for how far I've come but I (guess my ego) still want so much more. Fuck, I do feel a lot better now, making memories helps enforce a positive natural identity instead of an environmentally assumed one. Not to say there isn't merit in both, just that balance is necessary to keep from straying too far.

    Anyways, I'll write more later, thanks for the serious reply, I didn't expect you to take so much time to write that and it reminded me of things I put in the back of my mind too often.
  18. #58
    Okay if you want mescaline there's a guy on the darknet named gammagoblin and you find meth in local drug chemistry laboratories.
  19. #59
    Good post, rather true and insightful. Reminds me of the great benefits I used to receive from meditation, "letting things go" and whatnot, really most of this post is rephrasing buddhist principles. I don't think the "ego and arrogance" bit is the reason for feeling so empty. At least not in the conventional "ego and arrogance" sense. I have a hunger in my stomach I always want to fill, I set goals for myself and after the elation of achievement wears off, I'm left feeling as empty as before. You're pretty off base about my character too but this is a mesage board, i.e. sub msn messanger human interaction. Self reflection/self knowledge are definitely key to getting over feeling broken. The problem is my "identity" is so convoluted (but still tangible in almost all facets) it feels like I'm going in 5 different directions at once and having success with each one, at the expense of my own experience.

    I feel a lot better now, have been drinking less, took my girlfriend and her son out to where I used to live, saw the house I spent more of my childhood in. I was putting off going to see it for literally years since last time I went I got a rush of bad memories which I allowed to penetrate my psyche. I'm very proud of myself for how far I've come but I (guess my ego) still want so much more. Fuck, I do feel a lot better now, making memories helps enforce a positive natural identity instead of an environmentally assumed one. Not to say there isn't merit in both, just that balance is necessary to keep from straying too far.

    Anyways, I'll write more later, thanks for the serious reply, I didn't expect you to take so much time to write that and it reminded me of things I put in the back of my mind too often.
    When I talk about ego and arrogance, I don't mean to imply that it is a direct cause for the "emptiness", but it is what hinders self criticism and therefore development. I think that that self improvement is the way to fill your life with the things you love, and to kill the things about yourself that leave you dissatisfied, insecure and so on. Most people don't really understand the level of arrogance they are dealing with within themselves. That's why I thought it was important to stress that it doesn't even matter if you do or don't admit it to me or anyone else (and I'm not saying this in a "fuck you" way either, it genuinely doesn't matter), so long as you can admit it to yourself.

    The biggest enemy is the state of denial that people get stuck in. To become a man, I think every boy has to reach a point where they look at themselves and knock down every lie they ever convinced themselves of, about themselves, the world, and their relationship with it. Some people never do. These are the ones you see stuck in the same cycles they have been for ten, twenty, thirty years at a stretch until time forces change upon them.

    And as for your personality, I think that's fair enough. My interaction with you has been some message board "le master trole" BS, joking and stupid or the both of us I think. But I think it deserves to be said anyway, specially for the others reading this to whom it may apply.

    My point is simple; make yourself happy, truly, deeply happy, and you'll stop worrying. That usually comes with an admission if your mistakes followed by steps taken to improve as a person. I havent reached the next "stage" in my life yet but I think you need ample time to learn resignation too, and I'm pretty sure I've done it myself. I come from a religious background so existential anxiety tore me apart when it hit. But over time, I found ways to come out with a sense of peace that felt like an object that attains dynamic equilibrium rather than stable equilibrium, by having a lot of different hobbies and desires pulling in opposite directions and balancing the whole thing kut. Now I have attained both resignation to death as well as and ability to ignore death.
  20. #60
    You're a good dude. I like you. Keep it up.
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