He probably sells butt plugs but because he's such a cum guzzling faggot )who robs sperm banks) he probably uses them on himself and saves them in a little box while watching fox news and smelling them
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
He probably sells butt plugs but because he's such a cum guzzling faggot )who robs sperm banks) he probably uses them on himself and saves them in a little box while watching fox news and smelling them
He's his own best buyer and seller. How can he even go wrong!
you two bitches are going to be my best sellers when i pimp you out to all the homeless niggers and crack heads in exchange for their pan handling income.
Originally posted by infinityshock
you two bitches are going to be my best sellers when i pimp you out to all the homeless niggers and crack heads in exchange for their pan handling income.