2018-09-13 at 2:21 AM UTC
Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
If you've never even experienced looking at a cartoon butler for your archaic search queries you shouldn't be allowed on the internet
I was on askjeeves before it even had any features. I just thought of the phrase and would stare at the blank page for months knowing something great would come of it and I was a pioneer who would use this to define my personality for the rest of my life....
2018-09-13 at 2:24 AM UTC
Jeeves is my nigga, actually we still talk. Like the other day he was asking me something and I'm like Jeeves, ask yourself, and he's like oh yeah I forgot, I know everything. Then we had a chuckle and sucked each other off.
2018-09-13 at 2:26 AM UTC
Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
Fuck "RAW CAWK" would have been such a better thread title but then again I'm a perfectionist
2018-09-13 at 2:28 AM UTC
Jeeves has a really small dick for the record.