If I could make everyone in the whole wide world super happy and living lives of abundance and meaning, I would.
I feel so much the hearts of others.... and I wish I could say a spell and remove all suffering.
But knowing im just a speck of dust on a speck of dust in a swirling hyperdimensional quantum dust bowl, and realizing not only do i not have magical power, but, world peace and happiness, as a theoretical pinnacle,
is impossible cause we arent united as a species enough to unlock the dormant and terrifyingly transcendental capabilities of our brains... 10 percent is what we utilize presently, due to conditioning, GMO foods, fluoride,vaccinations, mass media subliminal hypnosis, indoctrination of young minds etc etc
to make every person happy, the brains of all must be like self-aware wifi receivers, and our bodies and mind must be refined and cared for with great care.
so i, knowing the world and its occupants,
realize we are all too mesmerized and in suspended animation, meaning - sure, a minority of awareness oriented intellects may meditate, generate healing energies and broadcast, spread emancipatory texts, or what not
and an average person can drop acid or munch magical mushrooms and glimpse the post-molecular paradigm of awe and love-inspiring cognizance
but im afraid the outlook and educated guess based on patterns, observation, and of course, foolish pride and collective lethargy...,, well it suggests that humans are a failed mutation from our simian ancestors....
sentience spawned like a technicolor mandlebrot of the inner psyche, and granted, weve done some cool shit i guess
but sentience is a quantum plateau, upon which a lifeform is being a prototype. and if the results are an overwhelming epidemic of folley, human condition, famine, war and suffering moreso than minds whove been holographic Columbuses,
i think we are fated to become extinct, within a century, and our consciousness sd cards to be uploaded into the akashic records (the chasm where letters, math, music, and brilliant light springs forth, when you breakthru on dmt.... its the google cloud of people), and our bodies, discontinued.
so today, love is what makes most sense to seek.... without it, life is like detention at summer school.