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Racism is gay

  1. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    Originally posted by Sudo Oh my god shut the fuck up you fake ass unilegged dope fiend. You are completely useless to absolutely everyone

    I don't do drugs, and you're a huge faggot double nigger.
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by stupid noob I don't do drugs, and you're a huge faggot double nigger.

    You whine like a fiend and have a persecution complex and make excuses like one. You may not do drugs but you're still a fiend
  3. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    Where am I whining? Where did I ever say I was being persecuted? Saying that jedis run everything isn't persecution, it's pointing out objective facts you fucking cuck.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sudo You whine like a fiend and have a persecution complex and make excuses like one. You may not do drugs but you're still a fiend

    you're one of...if not the...whiningest niggers on this site.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by stupid noob I've studied the shit out of medicine too and correct most doctors at least at some point or another, and I have corrected my mother in law who was a nurse for 40 fuckin years on MANY occassions, and rarely do they actually teach me anything. I could go to school, but despite chemists being in high demand, they get treated like shit and make jack shit money for the work they do, I know this because I have a shit ton of friends that graduated chem, and only a few of them have found careers that make them happy. I've thought long and hard about going to school for many different things, and I just really don't want to do any of them.

    As far as jedis, that's part of why I don't want to do anything more than menial labor. It's sort of an John Galt thing, if you ever read atlas tugged you would know what I mean. Galt was a janitor, despite being one of the most capable and intelligent men on the planet, and in his spare time he did things that he loved and followed his passions. This is what I do.

    HTS my learning in pyro is far more than what you think, I am VERY capable when it comes to explosives, to the point I could make devices out of piss or shit. Literally garbage can chemistry. I can make anything out of anything. I studied this kind of stuff just in case shit hits the fan in society. I am prepared as fuck. Stocking supplies would be nice but it won't get anyone very far if they can't actually defend themselves or their property. I know how to make DBSP for actual firearm rounds, as well as the firearms themselves. From scrap. That's some serious fucking skill. Not only that but I have done several medical things to myself and to others. I know more about pharmacology and drug reactions that most nurses and a good majority of doctors, I can do basic triage shit and pretty much anything a nurse can do. The only reason for me to ever go to a hospital would be life threatening injuries. I can obtain any drugs or medicines I need online easy as fuck and can perform pretty much any basic medical procedure. Nurses aint shit. I know plenty, and I teach every single one of them I talk to at least a few things. Even doctors don't impress me.

    The only doctor that ever impressed me was the anesthesiologist that worked my amputation. She was intelligent, quick, friendly and answered every single question I had in detail. Most doctors don't do that and fucking suck. People like to put medical professionals on a pedestal simply because they don't understand how easy that shit is.


    that's eloquent.

    and wholly unnecessary.

    the effort in making it would be better off spent getting it from somewhere.


    it doesn't need to be DB. single works just as well...if not better in some applications
  6. Racism is believing one race is inferior to another, gay is liking a penis in your mouth and ass...I see no correlation there whatsoever.
  7. Archer513 African Astronaut
    There’s no such thing as racism

    Just intuition mislabeled
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Archer513 There’s no such thing as racism

    Just intuition mislabeled

  9. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    Originally posted by infinityshock DBSP.

    that's eloquent.

    and wholly unnecessary.

    the effort in making it would be better off spent getting it from somewhere.


    it doesn't need to be DB. single works just as well…if not better in some applications

    You never know in a post apocalyptic world.
  10. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning

    Partaking in your own culture is acceptable. PoC have no obligation to be inclusive of white people. They live in white culture - white culture is the dominant culture - and their cultures need to be preserved. White culture isn't in any danger of being erased. White people appropriating culture is wrong because it erases those cultures they appropriate from.
  11. Originally posted by HTS White culture isn't in any danger of being erased.

    Everything fun gets cancelled when the browns show up.
  12. apt Tuskegee Airman
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by stupid noob You never know in a post apocalyptic world.

    even if you had it...its not like you can do anything with it
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I think most non artistic or spiritual culture is gay and should be eradicated. Take the best food from every culture and let everyone appropriate them. Kill soccer
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Racism is natural and the only reason you even exist
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by HTS Partaking in your own culture is acceptable. PoC have no obligation to be inclusive of white people. They live in white culture - white culture is the dominant culture - and their cultures need to be preserved. White culture isn't in any danger of being erased. White people appropriating culture is wrong because it erases those cultures they appropriate from.

    youre doing nothing but furthering my continued assessment that these outlooks on life are mental disorder requiring institutionalization.
  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre doing nothing but furthering my continued assessment that these outlooks on life are mental disorder requiring institutionalization.

    Everyone I Don't Like is Mentally Ill: An Alt-Right Cuck's Guide to Life.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by HTS Everyone I Don't Like is Mentally Ill: An Alt-Right Cuck's Guide to Life.

    your motivations in life are masochism, self-degredation, and self-harm.

    everything you select as a preference is what everyone else should consider a detriment to their existence.
  19. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by infinityshock your motivations in life are masochism, self-degredation, and self-harm.

    everything you select as a preference is what everyone else should consider a detriment to their existence.

    My motivations in life are normal. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and all that. It just so happens the liberty I need to achieve happiness is the freedom to act in ways you don't understand. Nothing I do is a detriment to me, no matter how it might seem to an unevolved unlooker such as yourself.~

    You're full of hatred. I am serenity personified. I know which is the more sane and rational mindset. The fact that you don't is just further testament to that reality.~
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