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what's the last thing you bought?

  1. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist Marble cleaner for the marble in my bathroom and shower.

    This nigga is high end and do be goin' hard in all aspects of life!
  2. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sharona cherry lip balm from bed bath beyond.

    Fruit Loops 3 pack from Walmart.

    If you're White..
    White trash shop at Walmart. White Sensible shops at Target
  3. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by If you're White..
    White trash shop at Walmart. White Sensible shops at Target

    ^this is the same faggot who's always calling people on here racist for talking shit about niggers
  4. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery ^this is the same faggot who's always calling people on here racist for talking shit about niggers

    I can't be Racist if it says "White" on my birth certificate and I spoke about White Trash. that's not racism.. it's just pointing out that Walmart sucks and Target is a better class of Walmart.

    Same basic box store. Target is just very well maintained and uniformed and merchandise is always "Fronted" where as Walmart looks like the front yard of your average hillbilly with shit thrown all over the place.

    It's worth paying the extra nickle an item to go to Target.
  5. DontTellEm Black Hole
    I shop at Walmart, u stupid piece of shit.
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  7. Incognito2u African Astronaut
    Nothing wrong with Walmart and the savings catcher app is a good deal.

    OT a sub from subway
  8. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Some goddamn brownies
  9. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    2 chickens, one sausage roll, 48 cups of coffee a loaf of bread and a lb of real butter,, oh yea and a bag of bakky and a box of tubes
  10. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    A rebuy on this free poker game. Fucking bullshit, I reraised with pocket queens and the dude goes all in so I call. He has king 10 and of course gets a king on the turn.
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    Dairy Queen meal deal 100% white chicken breast with frenfrys 🖤
  12. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm I shop at Walmart, u stupid piece of shit.

    Do you go there wearing your stupid pajamas hanging off your ass at 1 in the morning?

    Target is like Christmas year round! and it always smells like Latte flavor of the month.. Walmart smells like old pajama farts.
  13. Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Waiting for 30 August before buying the book. 2 days to do. YAS!
  14. ~L J~ African Astronaut [this acceleratory nonflavored troubadour]
    A couple of shirts.
  15. ~L J~ African Astronaut [this acceleratory nonflavored troubadour]
    Originally posted by Tyrone Shoelaces 😂😂😂 How did that work out 🤷‍♂️😝

    Not too well that day. 😝🙋🏼❤️

    Originally posted by Tyrone Shoelaces Where is the football thread 🤷‍♂️

    Find it, and bump it, TYRONE. The Canes play this wkend. 😁
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Xandria's entire discography. Was just under $100.

    I'm normally more of a death metal guy but something about symphonic rock/metal with a soprano singer just tickles my dopamine receptors

  17. tr1pl3_thr3@t African Astronaut [your inextricably aecial moniliaceae]
    U joints for the jeep and the labor fees for install ... plus the drive shaft they cracked installing the u joints
  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Hamilton Beach ensemble Toastation 22722 Toaster & Oven
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Originally posted by stare rape Xandria's entire discography. Was just under $100.

    I'm normally more of a death metal guy but something about symphonic rock/metal with a soprano singer just tickles my dopamine receptors

    Would actually knowing how to spell your favorite groups name correctly tickle any other part of your physiology?
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by cupocheer Would actually knowing how to spell your favorite groups name correctly tickle any other part of your physiology?

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