Originally posted by cupocheer
Where did you look for Zoklet?
Zoklet was telling people I was "King of Trolls" which didn't bother me. But then I found out later he worked for the FBI
But when I started researching about stuff after 2001.. It came to fruition that Jeff Hunter's threat of black listing me in employment (since he actually suggested a temp site that employed me in the 1990s-- I figured he meant that place not hiring me again.. which they didn't.. turned out he wrote an "beta Application tracking system" which was used by many companies, including Wells Fargo, Best Buys (since I started falling back to going to retail to look for work after being rejected in one office job to the next) and it was at Best Buy I became suspicious that Jeff may have had some way of black listing me. Then I saw the video he made at the Salesforce convention called Dreams Force in San Francisco where he is talking about his Industrial Standard software the beta Application to weed out desirables (which to me seems a bit orwellian as fuck)
Look at the center photo of him with a red wall behind him.. that's the dreamforce you should be able to search it on Youtube, though I have a copy of it.
on youtube search Jeff Hunter-DreamForce-2007
he said if I didn't bother him about both 9/11/01 for not prewarn the Government about the pre threat of attacking the WTC and Pentagon .. if I didn't stop bothering him for both this and another thread were some kid bragged about making some military grade explosive.. which I went into that thread and told him to stop what he was doing.. call 9-1-1 and tell them what you did. a day or two later I found out he blew his legs off.. I believe it was real close to 9-1-1 and happened in Canada.
this is why I sound batshit crazy but there is evidence of this somewhere. Someone saved it. No one just deletes everything. there is always a way to do a data deletion search or someone saved it as a trophy/trope for their own amusement.