Do you hyperventilate until you're almost passed out before you take the hit, ever? I'm guessing yes but if you don't, try that next time. MAX ENHANCEMENT.
sWIM has had it at the dentist and when they ask if its working he has to tell them no a few times until they stop asking. then puts on headphones and welds himself to the chair while watching the ceiling tiles melt for what feels like hours.
Originally posted by Item 9
That shit is so fuckin awesome, its like God himself is giving you mouth to mouth. Still the best drug even though it lasts 20 seconds.
Ensign Galm
African Astronaut
[specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
Originally posted by Enterita
Ensign "My life is so great but I desperately need drugs to take me away from this reality, but I swear my life is great guys, seriously" §m£ÂgØL
^guy who doesn't understand jokes and takes out his anger on others because he's frustrated with life