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why are chinesey people more reserved/pussys than american ppl?

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    my dad used to live in tokyo in the 70's and he said they are all kinda like that except for the old ppl are pissed about the fake hoax atom bomb dropped on them.

  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    ....fake hoax atom bomb?

    also, probably because they have some measure of self-control
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    But why though? are people from america genetically inferior apes? or is it a cultural thing???
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I'm thinking it's more a social thing than racial... if you've been to different parts of asia you'll notice those stereotypes tend to hold true in built-up places like Japan and the more affluent parts of China and Hong Kong, but in poorer areas (ie. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc) or rural places, not so much

    it seems to come from a sense of being part of a whole rather than solely an individual, and you'll see it most in families that are involved in big business. whereas in most western countries people get into business for themselves, ie. to make money or to benefit them and their family, many people in places like Japan seem to do it primarily to serve the company collective, like contributing to your local community. they don't want to do anything to jeapordise what they have and they don't want to let the others down; the old paradigms of honor and shame I guess.

    I've heard that in Japan large businesses generally make plans for the next 50 years, where most other developed countries will not bother planning past 5 or so - makes a lot of sense
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^oh okay, well i guess that explains it. thanks for actually contributing to a thread unlike the rest of the nutter butters
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Go to Nagasaki and take a Geiger counter. Go measure if it was a hoax or not, we have the technology.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Go to Nagasaki and take a Geiger counter. Go measure if it was a hoax or not, we have the technology.

    It was a hoax go study it up. Have you ever gone to nagasaki with a geiger counter? I don't think so. Something radioactive may have happened, but its not like the narrative that you believe.

    There was war there, but it was more guerrilla/gang fallout3 on pc war tactics than anything. You're really ignorant.

    by the way jfk never died from a gun shot wound

  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It was a hoax go study it up. Have you ever gone to nagasaki with a geiger counter? I don't think so. Something radioactive may have happened, but its not like the narrative that you believe.

    There was war there, but it was more guerrilla/gang fallout3 on pc war tactics than anything. You're really ignorant.

    by the way jfk never died from a gun shot wound

    So the video footage taken from the airplane that dropped the bombs was fake too? What about Oppenheimer do nuclear bombs even exist!? I bet you think the earth is flat and we've never been to the moon either right? You're too dumb to be a conspiracy theorist Bill Krozby, you're making the rest of us look bad which is exactly what they want.
  9. #9
    You need to get help, Bill Krozby. Stop watching conspiracy videos on Youtube, bro. It's not good for you. I was the same during some phases of my life. Very paranoid. The gang stalking stuff you have posted over and over again. Fighting not to become a "demon seed". You are a schizophrenic, pure and simple. Don't feed your illness and try to work on it instead.

    The videos you post sometimes aren't even produced well and believable, just crazy babble by some clearly mentally ill people you wholeheartedly agree with. C'mon, man. You'll end up killing people because you thought they were demons who were after you. No joke.
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Have you ever been to China? SEEN a "Chinese" person? I didn't think so. It's because China doesn't exist, and neither do Orientals. That's funny that you'd make this thread about them being 'passive' when 'them' isn't even a thing? Can you see how clearly those videos are edited? Holy shit learn to question things mannnnnnnnnnn.
  11. #11
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Have you ever been to China? SEEN a "Chinese" person? I didn't think so. It's because China doesn't exist, and neither do Orientals. That's funny that you'd make this thread about them being 'passive' when 'them' isn't even a thing? Can you see how clearly those videos are edited? Holy shit learn to question things mannnnnnnnnnn.

    orientals dont like being called orientals...its offensive to them.

    that...and asians behave the way they do due to societal conditioning. there is no promotion or encouragement for masculine behavior. ffs...anyone seen the latest trends in japan? the wannabe-fags dress like women, for chrissake and worship faggy cartoons. they have no ability to think for themselves...its all about serving or making someone else happy.

    that...and they have testosterone. ever seen a slant-eye with chest hair? eggzactly.
  12. #12
    The atom bomb is the greatest example of human evolution ever created next to the space station and aeroplane. Thank you Hitler, Enrico Fermi, einjedistein and Oppenheimer and everyone at Manhattan and all the bench chemists that cooked their pitchblende into a fucking nuke m9.

    "Denuclearization" is a backwards prehistoric term. Only the great civilizations have made it far enough to master the elements, the atom bomb leads to space travel which leads to cold fusion engines and synthetic suns.

    India, Pakistan , Iran, Chiner, Russia and NORTH KOREA are the most powerful , evolved smartest people, these countires all have space travel under their belts. Were less than 100 years from fusion power and clearly western powers just want to slow everyone else down under the guise of MADD cold war safety.

    Any against nuclear power is a retard, if you are Green and believe in windmills and solar but NOT nuclear, fusion or microwave power than FUCK YOU

    Legalize nukes, radium was awesome. Radiological agents will kill all the unevolved humans while the evolved humans gain immunity to cancer and master is space travel and synthetic Suns. Nuclear power and methamphetamine and the universal galaxy is ours for the harvesting.
  13. #13
    orientals dont like being called orientals…its offensive to them.

    that…and asians behave the way they do due to societal conditioning. there is no promotion or encouragement for masculine behavior. ffs…anyone seen the latest trends in japan? the wannabe-fags dress like women, for chrissake and worship faggy cartoons. they have no ability to think for themselves…its all about serving or making someone else happy.

    that…and they have like…zero testosterone. ever seen a slant-eye with chest hair? eggzactly.
    They used to have great warrior cultures. Ghengiz Khan. The Samurai. Ninjas. All the old school martial arts, really. They invented gunpowder and had Kamikazee killers in WWII. Vietnam gave a whole generation of your people PTSD. I dunno, they are pretty badass.
  14. #14
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    They used to have great warrior cultures. Ghengiz Khan. The Samurai. Ninjas. All the old school martial arts, really. They invented gunpowder and had Kamikazee killers in WWII. Vietnam gave a whole generation of your people PTSD. I dunno, they are pretty badass.

    Yeah but they don't have chest hair.
  15. #15
    I wish it was law to put those SLAnt eyed sandal wearing goldfish tenders in prison camps like the 40's
  16. #16
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    When we kids were growing up in the early '60's, because of the wars, it used to be a natural thing to call them gooks, chinks, slants, nippers, Charlies, and about a dozen other demeaning names . Even the establishment, like teachers and parents and the police encouraged it. Whenever one came around or wanted anything, he was treated like an animal. Negros and Pollocks, too. And you wouldn't dare to be associated in any way with the communists, or you'd get jumped and mobbed. People literally felt you could just shoot them dead any old time and it would be just fine. As many as you wanted.
  17. #17
    infinityshock Black Hole
    They used to have great warrior cultures. Ghengiz Khan. The Samurai. Ninjas. All the old school martial arts, really. They invented gunpowder and had Kamikazee killers in WWII. Vietnam gave a whole generation of your people PTSD. I dunno, they are pretty badass.

    in historic times they were. then modern times happend and everyone became ball-less. the commies in all asiatic countries repressed anything other than complete and utter subservience.

    similar to the rag-head predecessors...the persians. the middle easterners were once a great society / race until islam face-fucked the hell out of and semblance of ability or skill. if it werent for the west wanting fossil fuels and the desire to rape all natural resources, the middle east would be nothing but goat rapists and date farmers.
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