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Good Samaritan Visciously Attacked by Feral Nigger, Responds with Lead-based CPR

  1. #41
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by POLECAT I'm not gay, but in this world we are going to be subjected to homosexuality every day everywhere even every fucking tv show,, we either have to shoot every gay or shoot ourselves or be a pissed off motherfucker,, OR get along with the homosexuals,, everyone gets to make the choice for themselves,, aint no homo ever fucked with me , robbed me or even pissed me off except for a few flaming faggots you know the crazy showboating homo's ,, I wont even hang out with a bitch like that and I dont like noise so they really piss me off but not enough to blame all of homosexuality..

    as for HTS well she has tittys,and she isnt a moron, tell me you really dont want to see em ,,,

    How much homosexulaity do you actually see on your mushroom farm or small town. Do they come in from the bush and attack your chickens. You obviously hate Gays and yet lust over tranny boobs. Something wrong with you boy...stop talking to the priest and get a real psychiatrist. No wonder females reject're a social misfit.
  2. #42
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT its not his fault,, the black guy tha is,, its the fault of his people promoting that sort of behavior.

    not enough afreakin Americans promote non violent reactions or disgust for those acting violent instead of using there brains to find a non violent outcome


    violence is their base level of interaction with the outside world. they act with the exact same degree of violence and impulsive behavior as they do in well as haiti where there are no white people.

    extra credit assignment: do a google-video search using the term 'kicked cat'

    the term is completely inherent attempt at influencing a search result.

    see how many videos show up with anything other than a nigger kicking a cat.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #43
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock false.

    violence is their base level of interaction with the outside world. they act with the exact same degree of violence and impulsive behavior as they do in africa…as well as haiti where there are no white people.

    extra credit assignment: do a google-video search using the term 'kicked cat'

    the term is completely neutral…no bias…no inherent attempt at influencing a search result.

    see how many videos show up with anything other than a nigger kicking a cat.

    Basically, they act like chimpanzees do in the wild.
  4. #44
    Niggers be noggin, and closet homos be closet homoin.
  5. #45
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by infinityshock false.

    violence is their base level of interaction with the outside world. they act with the exact same degree of violence and impulsive behavior as they do in africa…as well as haiti where there are no white people.

    extra credit assignment: do a google-video search using the term 'kicked cat'

    the term is completely neutral…no bias…no inherent attempt at influencing a search result.

    see how many videos show up with anything other than a nigger kicking a cat.

    Unfortunately this overall is true...sad reality. Just curious...excluding the military how many of you have either wounded someone in self defence or worse.
  6. #46
    Originally posted by joerell Unfortunately this overall is true…sad reality. Just curious…excluding the military how many of you have either wounded someone in self defence or worse.

    I've beat a few asses in the distant past, either in defense of myself or others...not sure you count that as "wounding" though.
  7. #47
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung What are the most common places that you argue with the darkies?

    on the road
  8. #48
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by joerell Unfortunately this overall is true…sad reality. Just curious…excluding the military how many of you have either wounded someone in self defence or worse.

    the only one ive ever talked about is public record: a literal crackhead tried to break into my on-base (nice security) housing.

    this is where i discovered plastic-framed pistols are shit and will never purchase one again.
  9. #49
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock on the road

    U must live in Central or Southern Florida. Most fucked up, hazardous traffic situation ive encountered anywhere in the States.
  10. #50
    Niggers seem to be in their element at the store, blocking aisles with their cart and not moving when you want to get passed or just holding up the line at checkout...not having their money ready...spending 3 mins going through their bag looking for it, asking their nigger accomplice if they have a 'dolla', then not loading their bags into their cart until they have paid and the cashier has said bye....THEN they slowly start moving their shopping bags AFTER putting their purse back in their bag and further holding up the line.

    It's as if they are goading someone to say something to them...

    Then there is the store nigger who gets in line...loads their stuff on the counter...then disappears because they forgot something...and slowly saunters back while everyone waits.
  11. #51
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    proper parenting would have been a big help in raising the troubled black youth tho,, you dont see rick black folk promoting such behavior in there youth,, no you see proper parenting and good values being promoted.

    2 wrongs dont make a rite so you got slaved generations ago get over it and save ur damn people by getting along in a non violent way instead of being a mad race over shit you are to late to do anything about
  12. #52
    WellHung Black Hole
    Holding up lines forever deciding which Swisher flavor they want... and what lottery ticket to waste their money on.
  13. #53
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung U must live in Central or Southern Florida. Most fucked up, hazardous traffic situation ive encountered anywhere in the States.

  14. #54
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Niggers seem to be in their element at the store, blocking aisles with their cart and not moving when you want to get passed or just holding up the line at checkout…not having their money ready…spending 3 mins going through their bag looking for it, asking their nigger accomplice if they have a 'dolla', then not loading their bags into their cart until they have paid and the cashier has said bye….THEN they slowly start moving their shopping bags AFTER putting their purse back in their bag and further holding up the line.

    It's as if they are goading someone to say something to them…

    Then there is the store nigger who gets in line…loads their stuff on the counter…then disappears because they forgot something…and slowly saunters back while everyone waits.

  15. #55
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by POLECAT proper parenting would have been a big help in raising the troubled black youth tho,, you dont see rick black folk promoting such behavior in there youth,, no you see proper parenting and good values being promoted.

    2 wrongs dont make a rite so you got slaved generations ago get over it and save ur damn people by getting along in a non violent way instead of being a mad race over shit you are to late to do anything about

    Did your parents teach you how to smoke pot and grow mushrooms to achieve a low profit margin.
  16. #56
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    they set good examples that honesty and a good work ethic dont get you shit when working for employers.

    and to count on urself to make everything work.

    the only reason I haven't been successful is memory retention and facial recognition ,, I cant remember shit never could I'm always to busy thinking to see whats going on in front of me and then I forget what I'm thinkin when the real world gets in my face. but it was like this before I smoked pot of got fucked up,, I may have been dropped on my head or maybe it was getting run over my a VW when I was a year old that made me this way but I can accept the way I am,, to bad so many cant..

    now what the fuck was I thinking about when you disturbed me???

    oh yeah,, Morons fucking MORONS,,, Fuck
  17. #57
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by aldra oh not yours, I meant in the original article the included video was blocked, just seemed odd that something like that would be region-locked

    thats becos arsetrallians are easily offended by a lot of things.
  18. #58
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I doubt country's that do not allow gun ownership want there people seeing how effective owning a gun is
  19. #59
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    guns kill people so why would they want to have dangerous instruments all over
  20. #60
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    everyone in VT carries a gun,, not a damn one of them needs to but they do.
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