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  1. #61
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Oh Poley. lol
    You have no shame. You crack me up. Lmao

    mmq, you weirdo. ahahahahah
  2. #62
    EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman Lol

    I am kidding really, cause LJ and Seven mentioned there was smb posting pics and comments from Zocalo here.
    I never read those posts here though. So, I asked who's this person was but LJ said she doesn't remember.

    I'm just fuking around with Poley. Since he posted Lj's comment from Zocalo. :D

    Not sure about the pictures thing ..... however the bitch boi been back & forth reporting tho I’m not sure who actually cares

    His post history 😂😂😂

    Originally posted by POLECAT CP30 Wrote:
    I sold the Zocalo to Lanny for $150 on the 28th of June - the site was down for around 12 hours while he moved it over to his hosting company.

    Originally posted by POLECAT Scrawny The Ghost Wrote:
    Lanny and I fight every summer, we're like an old married couple.

    lannys a bitch and his only redeeming quality is his bottomless pit of a semen repository.

    Originally posted by POLECAT Go to first unread post What did you …. ( 1 2 3 4 )
    General Discussion 38 241 18 minutes ago
    Last Post: infinityshock

    Invading Nigger Demand US Be Overrun With handsome and well tanned individuals
    Current Events 3 32 2 hours ago
    Last Post: Scrawny The Ghost
    Go to first unread post California…. no shower and Laundry on same day??? ( 1 2 3 4 … 7 )
    Current Events 63 431 3 hours ago
    Last Post: infinityshock

    Go to first unread post What Music are you listening to? ( 1 2 3 4 … 27 )
    Music 258 1,939 3 hours ago
    Last Post: playingindirt
    Go to first unread post I Have Got To Be First in This Forum ( 1 2 3 4 … 7 )
    Lack of Sex and Dating 62 553 Yesterday, 12:23 PM
    Last Post: infinityshock

    Originally posted by POLECAT infinityshock Offline
    Posts: 105
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    Joined: Jul 2018
    #15 6 hours ago
    (6 hours ago)CP30 Wrote:
    I see the premise Shock - trying to brush all non whites with the acts of some - whitey has an history of abuse and atrocity so your venting is actually gonna do nothing to prove your points other than you've got an axe to grind like many on the internet.

    Is this is your intent on this forum you want last long here.

    im not brushing anything. im presenting facts. facts that anyone with an internet search engine can find for themselves. but everyone knows that the DOJ…FBI…world bank…IMF…US census bureau…and every other format of empirical evidence beez raciss and sheet, right, muh nigguh? let me guess…youre a handsome and well tanned individual whos offended by my presentation of a reality that the MINITRU refuses to reveal.

    there is no 'some.' its the overwhelming majority. the nigger population in the US is about 13% to 16% yet they make up approximately 50% of the prison population. prisons are raciss, you say. no, its not the prisons that beez raciss…its the niggers that are incompatible with civilization. i can present facts supporting my position all day. you can deny them all you want…it doesnt change their accuracy.

    you want to invoke the whitey clause, go for it. start by naming one non-white majority population country where handsome and well tanned individuals (much less whites) are being forcibly incorporated into the indigenous population.

    you mistakenly label it as an axe to grind. i call it educating. no one has to click on my threads…as a matter of fact this site even has a block feature. no one is stopping anyone from using it.

    you dont like my posts…dont read them. feel free to use the aforementioned block feature if it makes your loins feel all warm and tingly and stuff. if it gives you a boner to permaban me…knock yourself out. a couple of weeks ago i was permabanned from two different sites within 24 hours. ive been getting permabanned from sites before the internets even existed…one more notch wont mean anything.
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    CP30 Offline
    Don't be flappin' yer lips at me
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    #16 6 hours ago
    Maybe a good idea for you is start your own forum - you can get a free hosting account with github:

    Load up MYBB software and run the site the way you want - or you can use the old crappy forum available here:

    Good luck on yer crusade.
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    infinityshock Offline
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    #17 6 hours ago

    Originally posted by POLECAT The Zocalo Forums › Main Forum › Hobbies
    How to learn to cook meth Part 1 - The Shake and Bake
    New Reply
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    How to learn to cook meth Part 1 - The Shake and Bake
    Scrawny The Ghost Offline
    Posts: 102
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    #1 4 hours ago
    This is for GUPS (Ground Up Pills)

    Ammonium Sulfate is much cheaper and easier to get in large quantities

    [size=undefined]SUPPLIES NEEDED[/size]
  3. #63
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    people are surprised by my lak of shame,, but can you imagine if I did feel shame,, that shit could be my kryptonite
  4. #64
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by EllariaSand Not sure about the pictures thing ….. however the bitch boi been back & forth reporting tho I’m not sure who actually cares

    His post history 😂😂😂

    no one cares but you. the rest are happy finding it a little humerus
  5. #65
    EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT no one cares but you. the rest are happy finding it a little humerus

    Multiple response posts in several threads says otherwise

    Try again dear 👊

    Edit for moron: it’s humorous you fucking retard......
  6. #66
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    negative responses?

    show me
  7. #67
    EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Your responses GENUS .........LMFAO
  8. #68
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Genius* ya ignant cunt
  9. #69
    Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand Multiple response posts in several threads says otherwise

    Try again dear 👊

    Edit for moron: it’s humorous you fucking retard……

    Why u also post with 👊 or ✊
  10. #70
    Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT xox_LJ_xox Offline
    Coolest Member
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    #80 8 hours ago
    Yea, I read it, seven. There’s not much intelligence over on that site, which is why I got bored over there. Most over there are childish idiots.

    Thanks for the heads up. Heart Beat

    She left cause of infinity wasn't here to feed her attention

    Poor gal
  11. #71
    X💖X💖X Houston [my furthermore sighted triumph]
    Hey, ya forgot one, pole. I’ll save ya the trouble. ;-)

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #72
    X💖X💖X Houston [my furthermore sighted triumph]
    Little man aka boyonfire just mad Fin has more intelligence in his little pinky, than he does his entire boy body. 😂
  13. #73
    EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT Genius* ya ignant cunt

    Your word...ya *ignorant* cunt moron....lay off the booze old man it’s affecting your memory 😉

    Originally posted by Manonfire Why u also post with 👊 or ✊

    Punch in the face...👊


  14. #74
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    lj, Y U Mad Boo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #75
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    fuckbitch, I made ur first damn hey dont lj be lookin good thread
  16. #76
    Hellobadkitty Houston [fasten my mousey hotspur]
    Originally posted by EllariaSand Fraulein is beautious 😍 she looks like she could be our kitties mom ❤️

    Awwww 😘💋💕❤
  17. #77
    X💖X💖X Houston [my furthermore sighted triumph]
    Originally posted by POLECAT fuckbitch, I made ur first damn hey dont lj be lookin good thread

    Yep cool, great. That ship has sailed, Pole.

    We ain’t friends. I brushed off a few of your bullshit comments to me along the way, but I’m over it now. ✌️
  18. #78
    Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by X💖X💖X Little man aka boyonfire just mad Fin has more intelligence in his little pinky, than he does his entire boy body. 😂

    Post nude selfies 😀
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #79
    X💖X💖X Houston [my furthermore sighted triumph]
    LOL hey, arch. 😝❤️
  20. #80
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    LJ and Kitty.
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