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There's nothing more liberating than pissing wherever you want.

  1. #1
    It really is a marvelous feeling. The piss actually feels better. Being confined to a toilet bowl just feels wrong by comparison.

    But I was thinking... shits always feel better than pisses. So what would shitting wherever I want feel like? I've pissed in wide open spaces before, but shitting? Nope, never tried it. I'm sure it'd feel pretty good, but then there's the whole toilet paper thing and ugh.

    Unless I just ran around nude. I wouldn't need toilet paper then, because I wouldn't have to worry about shit clinging to my pants.

    I wish I didn't have to wear clothes. I could just run around naked all day, shitting all over the place.

    Man, that'd be sweet. A man can dream though.
  2. #2
    Technology makes shitting a pleasure but overpopulation makes pissing difficult.

    lack of bathrooms and water fountains leads to people drinking puddles, snow, random taps.

    Society is forcing you to go into a store like 7-11 or McDonalds to do a natural human function like drink water or shit. Sometimes its "employees only".

    You are forced to watch an ad and smell hot food to make you spend money when you just had to piss

  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Unless I just ran around nude. I wouldn't need toilet paper then, because I wouldn't have to worry about shit clinging to my pants.

    What about shit clinging to your fucking asshole/cheeks? How does feces cling to pants anyway? You could just shake your pants and let the pieces fall where they may. At least if you're going around shitting yourself with pants on, you can at least be semi-inconspicuous. Shit yourself nude with no TP and obviously you're gonna stand out like a sore thumb. A sore, brown, thumb.

    I myself have partaken in several outdoor, urban shits, and while it's freeing, it's also peculiar as fuck. Both of my instances were more spur-of-the-moment-oh-my-god-I-suddenly-have-to-go types. The first one was after I had gotten out of jail and was walking home across town, burglarizing houses along the way. Was checking a residence's back-door when MY back-door suddenly told me IT'S TIME. Maybe my subconscious mind thought that since I was close to a house, that it was ok to release the overwhelming bowel movement urge, but of course it wasn't aware of the fact that the house was locked and I wasn't a guest about to be let in. So it was either shit my pants or shit in their backyard. Fortunately it was mostly an enclosed area so I didn't have to worry about anyone catching me. I used clumps of grass to wipe my ass as best I could.

    The second time was at a playground at a church/school nearby where I lived. I'd stop there before I went home after work, late at night, and smoke a few bowls and just wind down before I went home. I was living with my mom at the time which is why I preferred to smoke at the playground instead of at the house. Anyway same as the other time, just got one of those demanding urges to shit NOW NOW NOW and ended up squatting next to their shed and letting loose. Again, I used grass clumps as wipe.

    And then, speaking of shit, I half pooped myself a few months ago coming home to my apartment. I had been having off and on stomach pains for a few hours but no urge to poo. When I arrived home, as soon as I parked in the lot and got out of my car the urge came on strong. Fortunately my apartment was about 30 seconds away and I quickly made the weird waddle-walk into my building, up the stairs, and as I started down the hall to my apartment, my bowels decided that that was pretty much close enough. All the clenching and deep breathing and focus in the world wasn't enough to buy me the extra 10 seconds I needed to get to my toilet before the shit began, and once it started it was like the floodgates opening, lol. So, I just gave in and let liquidy shit stream down my pants and legs as I opened my apt door and stumbled into my bathroom.

    It's funny how, for the most part, and in my experience, we can more easily contain our need to shit or piss when we are in public or away from toilet access, but the closer we get to said access, the stronger the urge will present itself. This happens to me when I have to take a leak too. Like I'm driving home and I know I have to pee and it's not too bad, and then when I get to my building it starts suddenly getting real bad and by the time I'm unlocking my apartment door I'm holding it in with all my might doing everything I can not to release a shower of piss all over the place. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

  4. #4
    Walking down an empty street with my shlong hanging out while leaking juice does feel quite liberating. Sometimes I fantasize that a loli will come around the corner and get curious about it.
  5. #5
    Nah that's me too. I don't think I ever feel the urge to shit when I'm out.

    Well, there's been a few times... but I've been in my car, and racing as fast as I can because I feel like I'm about to shit myself. Maybe the comfort of being in my car has something to do with that.
  6. #6
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Try ejaculating in random public places. There's nothing like it.
  7. #7
    go to a hotel/motel and sit in the hot tub with a/some chicks in there and take a leak and/or beat off.
  8. #8
    lol I remember you wanted to do that, sit in a hottub with a bunch of chicks and beat off under the bubbles.
  9. #9
    infinityshock Black Hole
    thats ridiculous. try having to shit without modern plumbing for any length of time then see how much a toilet bowl is appreciated. theres nothing speshul about shitting wherever the urge strikes, as long as its in a sanitary manner. although niggers are fond of shitting wherever the urge strikes them, sanitation and civility be-damned.

    anyone that enjoys shitting in a non-bathroom environment merely has to join the military to get all the free-for-all shittery they can handle...and more

    - the statute of limitations has expired time when i was 7/8/9-or-so i was locked out of a 10-storey apartment on the fire escape and had to take a massive shit. it was on the alley side (not much pedestrian traffic) so there wasnt much of an audience...not that anyone ever looks up anyway. i squeezed that bad boy out and many, many seconds later there was a loud sound that i cant even describe...something like a 'thud' and a 'kersplat' had a baby who then had a baby with a 'pop'...

    unfortunately there were several people walking between the final squeeze of my sphincter and the actual impact so there were multiple witnesses to the impact.

    no toilet paper so i used my shirt, then tossed that off the fire escape too.

    a few days later i just happened to been walking down that alley and we were like 'eeewww...some nasty homeless bastard shit right in the middle of the road.' then i remembered that it was me. it was a really, really nasty green color at this point.

    - i took several shits in the israeli desert. the first one i was squatted down too far and got shit stuck to my ass cheeks and ass hairs then i wound up using...literally...a full roll of TP to clean myself. the pile of TP was visible for about a mile away...maybe even further. my pass-over gift to der juden

    - i shit in the woods on a regular basis for no other reason than because i happen to be in the woods with no modern plumbing facilities for dozens of miles.
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