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The United States needs to de-colonize itself from the British Empire

  1. #61
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Correct, so please kill yourself.

    You're a complete moron as usual.
  2. #62
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well again nature gave man the brainpower he has…so anything he is capable of doing, is natural…even if man himself is too dumb to understand that and attempts to misuse it.

    Again though…long term nature wins…man has been around a few seconds of the clock of history…

    You say nature wins as if you know know nature's goal. I'm not gonna say you're wrong, especially since your definition of nature is basically god, but maybe nature's goal and human survival are mutually required? You know? I mean what is life doing if not trying to overcome the rest of nature? Does the death part of nature win? Or does the life part?
  3. #63
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You do if you want me to accept it as an argument and not me simply ridiculing your lack of knowledge and 'care bear' views as I have been doing.


    You haven't ONLY been ridiculing me. You've been providing couterpoints to justify your ridicule too. You may not be willing to say I've made arguments, but you've been treating them as such all along.~
  4. #64
    Originally posted by HTS but maybe nature's goal and human survival are mutually required?

    Millions (Billions?) of species have come and gone since the Earth first cooled...99% of species that have ever existed are extinct...based on that simply fact alone it's a bit silly and presumptuous to think our species will be any evidence to support our end will be no different than the other 99%. Evolution hasn't stopped...or's always been a slow process, the blink of an eye is the extent of human existence so far in relation to the history of the universe...less than..we are nothing.

    your "question" is ludicrous and again without any supporting evidence....simply fantasy.

    It's time for me to go home and beat my illegal immigrant Mexican maid.
  5. #65
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Well, any Dr who transforms a genetic male into what he calls a woman for profit is actually performing an unnatural act and worse if he tries to convince or brain wash the patient...his type of science and medicine only destroys nature and manking. The solution is not to remove body parts or ignore mental illness...the solution comes from finding th cause of abnormalities and reducing the incident rate rather than branding it normal.
  6. #66
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Millions (Billions?) of species have come and gone since the Earth first cooled…99% of species that have ever existed are extinct…based on that simply fact alone it's a bit silly and presumptuous to think our species will be any different….zero evidence to support our end will be no different than the other 99%. Evolution hasn't stopped…or slowed…it's always been a slow process, the blink of an eye is the extent of human existence so far in relation to the history of the universe…less than..we are nothing.

    your "question" is ludicrous and again without any supporting evidence….simply fantasy.

    It's time for me to go home and beat my illegal immigrant Mexican maid.

    Let me rephrase. You say:
    Life is part of nature.
    Humans are part of nature.
    Nature always wins.

    So: who is to say that human survival is not just one way in which nature can win? It might be arrogant, but show me evidence of an extinct sentient species. Certainly we have better odds at survival than any terrestrial species that came before us.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #67
    Madman African Astronaut
    natures goal...

    I think that looking at the evolution of life on earth the one clear objective of life is diversity, that the part of evolution that life is in control of and its only means of surviving.

    The west wasn't stolen, it was won.
  8. #68
    Madman African Astronaut
    Humans destroy nature at a rate that no other species can. The human species makes nature unbalanced and will probably destroy the means of nature that allow it to survive.
  9. #69
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by HTS Let me rephrase. You say:
    Life is part of nature.
    Humans are part of nature.
    Nature always wins.

    So: who is to say that human survival is not just one way in which nature can win? It might be arrogant, but show me evidence of an extinct sentient species. Certainly we have better odds at survival than any terrestrial species that came before us.

    Nature wins in almost all cases if it's not altered or destroyed. Same basic reasoning applies to humans...if man is constantly altered and destroyed the species will eventually die. Bacteria, viruses and poor environments don't affect genetic codes...they alter and destroy organs and body functions and if certain individuals have flawed genetics illnesses can be triggered and even death. Like the SARS epidemic in 2003 possibly man made...individuals with flawed codes died and people with strong codes fought it off. Like peforming mass abortions which is basically unnatural where the whole female population will eventually be affected and natural birth will decrease significantly. Russian studies proved this long ago...when they introduced abortion their birth rates lowered instantly and dropped below 0 in a few decades warning Americans that killing infants for no logical reasons can alter codes. Genetic codes are firmly set as to what is normal...start manipulaing them or claiming that mental illness is normal will serve no purpose and harm mankind.
  10. #70
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by joerell Nature wins in almost all cases

    What wins in the cases when it doesn't then? 🤔

    Originally posted by joerell if it's not altered or destroyed.

    What is altering or destroying it?

    Because the answer to both is probably humans, right? Glad at least you're on my side.
  11. #71
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    You all do what ya want, I aint going anywhere.
  12. #72
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by HTS What wins in the cases when it doesn't then? 🤔

    What is altering or destroying it?

    Because the answer to both is probably humans, right? Glad at least you're on my side.

    If nature is not altered or destroyed everyone wins or in rare cases improved. When it is altered or destroyed no one wins. Humans don't destroy nature...flaws in genetic codes that make certain individuals greedy for money and power does. I'll never be on your side...your views are flawed just like your frame of mind as Jig stated.
  13. #73
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    I am saddened for the ELF (Earth Liberation Front) people. What kind of upbringing/education can lead you to believe the earth would be better off without humans? First off, the earth doesn't even know we are I blame drugs, most of them do drugs.
  14. #74
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by joerell If nature is not altered or destroyed everyone wins or in rare cases improved. When it is altered or destroyed no one wins. Humans don't destroy nature…flaws in genetic codes that make certain individuals greedy for money and power does. I'll never be on your side…your views are flawed just like your frame of mind as Jig stated.

    Those flaws are a part of nature though? Their results are totally natural. I can at least understand Jig's perspective and appreciate its consistency. Sounds like you think anything you don't like or agree with is "destroying nature", but okay.
  15. #75
    HTS highlight reel
    PS: what jediier flaw is there than attacking natives and destroying nature for resources? Give the land back to the injuns.
  16. #76
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    The injuns can have it when they band together and TAKE it like we did.
  17. #77
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Bologna Nacho The injuns can have it when they band together and TAKE it like we did.

    Hoard them shekels!
  18. #78
    joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by HTS Those flaws are a part of nature though? Their results are totally natural. I can at least understand Jig's perspective and appreciate its consistency. Sounds like you think anything you don't like or agree with is "destroying nature", but okay.

    There's enough evidence to prove that nature is seperate from humans although they coexist together. The codes are different and purposes for each. They can both manipulate eachother...for example bad weather affecting crops or chemicals for crops destroying the environment. However, nature has the same use as it did millions of years and the only changes come from technology regarding how nature is manipulated...either for good purposes or bad. Humans claim to be superior to nature and why they exploit resources again for good purposes or bad. For example uranium in itself has no with knowledge turn it into either nuclear power or bombs for war. All this is clearly dictated by the genetic process in man...sane people use technology and nature for good reasons and flawed individuals. There's even a sub category.,,US vs Nazis. One side used nuclear power to save humanity...the other wanted to destroy it.
  19. #79
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by joerell There's enough evidence to prove that nature is seperate from humans although they coexist together.

    So we do agree on something after all, my transphobic friend.~
  20. #80
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine This land doesn't belong to the "native americans" in the first place

    Shut the fuck up you imbecile.
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