Originally posted by Madman
How is etizolam? Is it compareable to phenibut or more like xanax or kpins?
Phenibut has its place, but its not even in the same league as Eitizolam.
It feels closer to xanax than kpin because of its shorter duration.
For the prices you are able to get it at, I actually like it better. You've probably read about the antidepressant effects it claims to have. I do feel quite a bit more chipper when I'm on it, but perhaps its because it eradicates any hoots I might be dwelling on.
I've been using it regularly for about 6 years. Maybe abused it for 2 1/2 of those years. Take into consideration today my 84 year old grandmother asked me why she has a better memory than me. And since etizolam makes me mean, I told her to STFU and if my memory is so bad maybe I'll forget to go get her mail and she can cross the street GOD DAMNIT.
But most people say they are weaker than xanax on a 1:1 mg scale. I think its stronger than tiz : xanax - 1mg : .5mg.
My only experience is with Intas brand Etilaam 1mgs, my primary choice for the 6 year run.
Other than that I got a bag of 200mg etizolam powder. Without a mg scale, I dose like most people. Using the tip of a toothpick. Which is a bad idea. Cause those little grains you swab on your tongue doesn't feel like much is happening. So 30 minutes go by and you think eh I don't feel much *dips toothpick in for a fat dunk*. I was subsequently fired from my job the next day under suspicion of substance abuse. I worked helping handicapped people, but that day apparently the handicapped people helped me. I didn't get in any accidents though so thats good.
And as I've stated before I expect Etizex brand this time, which I'm kinna nervous about, but will review once I have them. Its one of the lesser discussed or available brands.