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Who else is jobless in their mid-20's/older?

  1. I have been working since I was very young, when I was 17 I had a job for 4 years driving forklift. I just worked for SEARS for a year right until they went bankrupt.

    Sears was actually my favorite job, order picking while high on meth I was the best worker and they liked me so much they had me train all the new people. I was sick of repeating myself so I stayed up late one night and wrote a training manual and made a bunch of copies at work and gave it to all the new people.

    We had high turnover so it made my job much easier.

    Yet I got more writeups than anyone else and they even suspended me for a week once. That job fucking killed my soul, maybe it was just that company but it was fucked up to go to work every day and try my best and at the end all they say is "you fucked up" and nobody gives a fuck.

    Every job I ever had is just bullshit like that, when I do work its only gonna be until I have enough money to start a business and then I will live off that.

    Seriously my talents are wasted in the workplace, I am meant for far greater things.
  2. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    'The System' is allowing unemployed folks guaranteed survival without having to find and acquire their own watern food, shelter, Etc. People who are unemployed and live from assistance should be quite grateful they r in America where there is assistance to be given and the people are civilized enough 2 decide to support those who can't support themselves.
  3. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I have been working since I was very young, when I was 17 I had a job for 4 years driving forklift. I just worked for SEARS for a year right until they went bankrupt.

    Sears was actually my favorite job, order picking while high on meth I was the best worker and they liked me so much they had me train all the new people. I was sick of repeating myself so I stayed up late one night and wrote a training manual and made a bunch of copies at work and gave it to all the new people.

    We had high turnover so it made my job much easier.

    Yet I got more writeups than anyone else and they even suspended me for a week once. That job fucking killed my soul, maybe it was just that company but it was fucked up to go to work every day and try my best and at the end all they say is "you fucked up" and nobody gives a fuck.

    Every job I ever had is just bullshit like that, when I do work its only gonna be until I have enough money to start a business and then I will live off that.

    Seriously my talents are wasted in the workplace, I am meant for far greater things.

    Then start your own business...(a legal one)
  4. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by WellHung 'The System' is allowing unemployed folks guaranteed survival without having to find and acquire their own watern food, shelter, Etc. People who are unemployed and live from assistance should be quite grateful they r in America where there is assistance to be given and the people are civilized enough 2 decide to support those who can't support themselves.

    Correction- those who are not supporting themselves....most of them can.
  5. Originally posted by WellHung Jiggaboo Johnson is disgusted with the prevailing attitudes displayed by the 20 something posters in this thread. The more about MOON PERSONs he gets to know… the more that the generation bothers him as a whole.

    he should read my millenial thread
  6. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Jiggaboo Johnson is disgusted with the prevailing attitudes displayed by the 20 something posters in this thread. The more about MOON PERSONs he gets to know… the more that the generation bothers him as a whole.
    As if every other generation didn't have jobless hippies and liberal bums too lmao
    oh but let me guess, it's worse now.
  7. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Every other generation had plenty of jobless bums and Liberal hippies. However they did not possess the sense of entitlement that is overall displayed by today's millenials.
  8. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    bullshit to that lel
    and what kind of word is "entitlement" to use? What are you, a feminazi?
  9. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    I don't care for carrot cake.
  10. Originally posted by BummyMofo As if every other generation didn't have jobless hippies and liberal bums too lmao
    oh but let me guess, it's worse now.

    It probably is worse.

    Ted Kaczynski was right, technology just makes us lazy and bored. We have no reason to try and actually survive, in this world you can be a drug abusing piece of shit and beat up homeless people on the street and you will have 100% access to food, shelter, warmth.

    You cannot starve to death in the modern world, impossible. If you get caught stealing they well send you to a government funded hotel and feed you for free.

    Humans exist to survive and make more humans, anything else is just fluff. The reason so many people have mental disorders or are fucked up is because they live in a world where you spend every day denying your instincts and doing things that ultimately have no meaning. All you need is food.

    Electricity has turned everyone into cucks. I grew up poor and lived in -40c with frozen water pipes and no power/heat, I lived like this for years in one of the biggest cities in my country.

    Most people start getting crazy if their wifi goes down for a few hours..
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Squirrel, I buy and sell shit on ebay for fun/pocket money.

    in the last 60 days I've made over 2k selling shit on ebay for just a few hours "work"

    Example: Wednesday I bought a TI83 plus silver edition calculator from Value village during my lunch break for $6...I sold it that evening on Ebay for $20. I'm always finding shit there that I know I can flip on Ebay for 4x, 5x 10x what I paid for it. Easy money. Other examples, I got an xbox360 for $8...sold it for $60, bought 144 hearing aid batteries (new) for $6...sold for $35, bought a Okidata printer (again new open box) for $18, sold it for $200 etc etc.

    Now I do that just for fun/extra cash...if I can make 2k in 60 days for a few hours of going around thrift stores...think how much you could make doing it 40hrs a week.

    You can make money...legally...without having to mooch off others or having a "traditional" job if you don't want that...sitting at home whining about 'the system'...not so much.
  12. Originally posted by BummyMofo As if every other generation didn't have jobless hippies and liberal bums too lmao
    oh but let me guess, it's worse now.

    Well of course they did...not sure of your point here though...the message to those worthless motherfuckers would be the same to todays worthless motherfuckers.

    The only difference these days is the worthless motherfuckers have a platform for their whining (internet/social media).
  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Squirrel, I buy and sell shit on ebay for fun/pocket money.

    in the last 60 days I've made over 2k selling shit on ebay for just a few hours "work"

    Example: Wednesday I bought a TI83 plus silver edition calculator from Value village during my lunch break for $6…I sold it that evening on Ebay for $20. I'm always finding shit there that I know I can flip on Ebay for 4x, 5x 10x what I paid for it. Easy money. Other examples, I got an xbox360 for $8…sold it for $60, bought 144 hearing aid batteries (new) for $6…sold for $35, bought a Okidata printer (again new open box) for $18, sold it for $200 etc etc.

    Now I do that just for fun/extra cash…if I can make 2k in 60 days for a few hours of going around thrift stores…think how much you could make doing it 40hrs a week.

    You can make money…legally…without having to mooch off others or having a "traditional" job if you don't want that…sitting at home whining about 'the system'…not so much.

    *thanks post
  14. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Damn, jiggaboo is ballin' on ebay. Thats a good idea.
  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson By doing what?….working? duh….

    yeah, for myself.

  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Squirrel, I buy and sell shit on ebay for fun/pocket money.

    in the last 60 days I've made over 2k selling shit on ebay for just a few hours "work"

    Example: Wednesday I bought a TI83 plus silver edition calculator from Value village during my lunch break for $6…I sold it that evening on Ebay for $20. I'm always finding shit there that I know I can flip on Ebay for 4x, 5x 10x what I paid for it. Easy money. Other examples, I got an xbox360 for $8…sold it for $60, bought 144 hearing aid batteries (new) for $6…sold for $35, bought a Okidata printer (again new open box) for $18, sold it for $200 etc etc.

    Now I do that just for fun/extra cash…if I can make 2k in 60 days for a few hours of going around thrift stores…think how much you could make doing it 40hrs a week.

    You can make money…legally…without having to mooch off others or having a "traditional" job if you don't want that…sitting at home whining about 'the system'…not so much.

    Thats womans work lol

    Reminds me off my old boss Emma she would do facebook buy and sell all day.

    But yeah I get what you are saying, the last time I did something like that was making E-cig juice for vapes and the profit margins were stupid good, PG/VG were $100 a drum and the nicotine was organic food grade I got from a farm supply

    And the finished product sold for $10 for 30ml.
  17. Originally posted by NARCassist yeah, for myself.


    Even the self employed have people to answer to...your customers and the ever present tax man.
  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Squirrel, I buy and sell shit on ebay for fun/pocket money.

    in the last 60 days I've made over 2k selling shit on ebay for just a few hours "work"

    Example: Wednesday I bought a TI83 plus silver edition calculator from Value village during my lunch break for $6…I sold it that evening on Ebay for $20. I'm always finding shit there that I know I can flip on Ebay for 4x, 5x 10x what I paid for it. Easy money. Other examples, I got an xbox360 for $8…sold it for $60, bought 144 hearing aid batteries (new) for $6…sold for $35, bought a Okidata printer (again new open box) for $18, sold it for $200 etc etc.

    Now I do that just for fun/extra cash…if I can make 2k in 60 days for a few hours of going around thrift stores…think how much you could make doing it 40hrs a week.

    You can make money…legally…without having to mooch off others or having a "traditional" job if you don't want that…sitting at home whining about 'the system'…not so much.

    i guess we're not too different after all.

  19. ..Except I'm not taking gov handouts.
  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    didn't say we was identical twins, lol.

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