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Fonaplats' Going for a WIN Wednesday.

  1. #1
    Good morning everyone.
    I suddenly feel like I can do this.

    I did not get high or drunk last night.
    Feel good about that.
    My mom is bitching thinking I am doing some weird porn because I sleep with my webcam on and pointed toward my bed.
    Oh well...

    Anyways I need to get on my goals for today.

    Goal #1 - Find a doctor.
    Cuz my perscription has no refills and I need more.
    Also because I have chronic hepatitis.
    And I think I gave myself herpes some how...
    And I have trouble eating (no appetite in the mornings)
    But whatever.
    I look good.

    Goal #2 - Transfer some monies into my savings account for saving.
    Because I can do that now since I have monies.

    Goal #3 - Shave and shower
    So I look clean.

    Goal #4 - Get ready for work (make my lunch and get shoes on).
    So I can go to work

    Goal #5 - Don't fuck up goals 1-4 by wasting all my time before work starring at NIS.

    That is about it I guess.
    I am off to achieve my goals for today.
    I love you all very much.
    I hope you all are having a great day.
  2. #2
    infinityshock Black Hole
    get naked

    post pics
  3. #3
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Go get them, tiger! 😉
  4. #4
    On phone with my insurance now finding a doctor in my area.
    I am Winning!!
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Fonaplats On phone with my insurance now finding a doctor in my area.
    I am Winning!!

    Straight up got told they are too busy right now and to call later.
    Well, maybe my hepatitis is to busy to not spread today.
    Maybe my sleeping pills are too busy to be the only fucking reason I can sleep.
    Maybe I am too busy going onto goal #2.
  6. #6
    Goal #2 is done.


  7. #7
    sink it all into LCC
  8. #8
    I can't believe I am already moving onto goal #3.

    Oh wait...
    I forgot goal #1 got derailed.

    That must be why I am moving along so well.

    Ahh shit.

    Goal #6 will be go and try goal #1 again.

    But right now it is time for goal #3.
    Shave and shower.

    Okie Dokie.
    Time to get nakked.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Done shaved and showered.
    Onto the next goal!
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel sink it all into LCC
  11. #11
  12. #12
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Wow!
    I can't believe I am already moving onto goal #3.

    Oh wait…
    I forgot goal #1 got derailed.

    That must be why I am moving along so well.

    Ahh shit.

    Goal #6 will be go and try goal #1 again.

    You dork. lol
  13. #13
    Goal #4 is done now too (for the most part).

    Now I just need to eat something.
    And try to find a doctor again.
    But I am behind on my jams so I will jam out for a few minutes first.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by ohfralala

    Thank you
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Red_Woman You dork. lol

    You jelly?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Nawww, I'm glad you're having a good day.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Red_Woman

  18. #18
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Easy there, tiger. lol
  19. #19
    infinityshock Black Hole
    i applaud you on having loftier goals than i do.

    i still havent dressed myself...and thats the only thing on my to-do list for today.
  20. #20
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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