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Just woke up from a nap and OH MY FUCKING GOD, TRUMP'S GOING TO WIN?!?!

  1. #21
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    r/blackladies is a gold mine. Seriously, read the comments:

    It feels like America has looked me in the eye and said, "Fuck you."

    Good job white people!
  2. #22
    lol the blak ladies sub is hair and sjws.
  3. #23
    [greentext]>mfw people actually thought trump was going to lose[/greentext]

    Also if anyone knows where to get that lady gaga nazi uniform I would like one for my girlfriend. So link it fags.
  4. #24
    Oh and if you believe any of the "This is causing an economic collapse!" bullshit you are retarded. Yes, clinton was the predicted winner, around 11 it became clear she was fucked so people traded their shit out causing a small dip in the market. Its already basically back to normal. Exactly what the infernal meddlers (international banking jedis) did during brexit. There is an article on reuters that says:
    "Investors fear a Trump victory could cause global economic and trade turmoil and years of policy unpredictability, which among other things will discourage the Federal Reserve from raising interest rates in December as long expected."
    As if to imply that the Federal Reserve, though having planned to raise rates, should instead negate its own plan simply because of the executive office. I mean they know its every four year that there are election, so to say they this "will discourage the fed from doing x" basically is the fed saying that its being a pissy little bitch.
  5. #25
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Martin Shkreli is going to release his unreleased music collection!

    If Trump Wins, My Entire Unreleased Music Collection, Including Unheard Nirvana, Beatles, And Of Course, Wu-Tang, Comes Out, For Free.
    — Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) October 27, 2016
  6. #26
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    -Ok so I have unreleased wu, Beatles, 2pac, nirvana, radiohead, Hendrix, brand new, smiths, Elliot smith, Ramones... What do you want first?

    -Hey you bitch ass punk you feelin the burn now? Retire son. @BernieSanders

    -I always hated you, you stupid bitch. @HillaryClinton

    Lol, this nigger.
  7. #27
    Shkreli 2020 is my ticket.
  8. #28
    God bless America
  9. #29
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    We couldn't be outdone by your Brexit, mate. They said it couldn't be done, and we fucking did it.
  10. #30
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    BREAKING: Putin says Russia now 'ready and willing' to restore full relations with the USA

    Trump prevents WW3…
  11. #31
    This is so, so good. Not only did I win $$$ over this, but holy fuck... this is going to change everything.

    The media lost. The celebrities lost. This has shown they have no power.

    And all the liberal tears. Oh my god.

    I haven't been this happy in ages.
  12. #32
  13. #33
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Can't wait to see what the wall will look like. This year's America's Next Top President was great!
  14. #34
    ACAB Houston
    Hahahaha, get ready and pick up a shovel, Malice. Welfare is over, now it's off to the wall.
  15. #35
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Shitpost celebration.

    This actually happened:

    scripted, obviously

    Between Two Ferns. Timeless classic

    This is so, so good. Not only did I win $$$ over this, but holy fuck… this is going to change everything.

    The media lost. The celebrities lost. This has shown they have no power.

    And all the liberal tears. Oh my god.

    I haven't been this happy in ages.

    The liberals are simply tired of hearing conservative tears over the last 8 years. Like jesus fuck bitch bitch bitch thanks bitch obama bitch. They're thinking, you know what, fucking here, have your silly little president if you'll finally shut the fuck up for a minute. :)
  16. #36
    The liberals are simply tired of hearing conservative tears over the last 8 years. Like jesus fuck bitch bitch bitch thanks bitch obama bitch. They're thinking, you know what, fucking here, have your silly little president if you'll finally shut the fuck up for a minute. :)

    Uhhh.... no.
  17. #37
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Uhhh…. no.

  18. #38

    I'll post it again:

    Yeah, it really seems like they're cool with this. I can't believe you're a fucking lib cuck, mmQ. Fucking gross.
  19. #39
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'll post it again:

    Yeah, it really seems like they're cool with this. I can't believe you're a fucking lib cuck, mmQ. Fucking gross.

    I'm talking about the fucking liberals that either voted for Trump or didn't vote at all. Obviously there's going to be a generous chunk of people that 'aren't cool with this.' It would've been no different if Hillary won - just 4 more years of killary classified e-ghazi rhetoric and redundant droning on about her flaws. As with many after election day, I'm pretty cool with not hearing about this shit for awhile and going about business as usual. I certainly lean left but I wouldn't consider myself affiliated with any political party, nor do I feel an oz. of disappointment with the result of this election and I wouldn't have felt any if Hillary had been elected.

    Really though it'll be nice to stop hearing cringeservatives whine about Obama and Clintion.

  20. #40
    "I'm only talking about the liberals who support my argument!"

    You said "the liberals", you fucking cuck, which means the majority of the liberals. Fuck off this website, you libtard cuck. Trump win, capische?
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