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  1. #61
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    We have at least three fellows of the Pakistani persuasion here, in case anyone was wondering.
  2. #62
    not i. scot/germ/irish/pork chop here
  3. #63
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks The sheer amount of active users on zoklet trumps this place hard

    We were talking about in which Alexia stated had 1,000,000 hits a day in its best years.

    yet clearly some weird shit was linked to that site. Zoklet just asked if he could keep it going. until his legal battle?
  4. #64
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We have at least three fellows of the Pakistani persuasion here, in case anyone was wondering.

    Yeah, Spec.. you keep dodging me. That is very interesting for you to say, because Pakistan is where Osama Bin Laden was caught and it's kind of a WTF.. I mean DfG seems like a decent guy, and I'm sure there are good people over there but they were harboring the Number 1 guy being saught after by CIA and SEAL (which Cia let him go?)

    In truth, Osama was a dickhead and did make threats and most likely had something to do with the WTC Bombing in 1993 (or connected with those who did it) but His Family so loved by the Bush admin and Dick Cheney were the ones that wrote the check for 9/11

    So what was the thread we viewed prior to 9/11 I know you saw it and was told to keep your mouth shut about it. I can tell by your behavior and lashing out at me about not fucking with you.

    This is your civil duty (Even if you're a Canadian) to come forth. the Saudi royal family needs to be punished. Bush and Cheney need to be fully investigated. Cheney was trying to throw Rice and Powell under the proverbial bus (stated by Bush Sr himself trying to protect his son, when the 28 page report was released.. they all suddenly got scared except Dick Cheney acting cocky.

    the other thing is I know Jeff was friends with Dick Cheney's daughter who was CEO at AOL which was apart of the NSA breaching peoples personal account security

    Paypal, Facebook, Google, AOL and down the list (including EA games who makes simulators for the DoD )

    all of them breaking laws. "If you have nothing to hide, why worry" how about GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
  5. #65
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Yeah, Spec.. you keep dodging me. That is very interesting for you to say, because Pakistan is where Osama Bin Laden was caught and it's kind of a WTF.. I mean DfG seems like a decent guy, and I'm sure there are good people over there but they were harboring the Number 1 guy being saught after by CIA and SEAL (which Cia let him go?)

    In truth, Osama was a dickhead and did make threats and most likely had something to do with the WTC Bombing in 1993 (or connected with those who did it) but His Family so loved by the Bush admin and Dick Cheney were the ones that wrote the check for 9/11

    So what was the thread we viewed prior to 9/11 I know you saw it and was told to keep your mouth shut about it. I can tell by your behavior and lashing out at me about not fucking with you.

    This is your civil duty (Even if you're a Canadian) to come forth. the Saudi royal family needs to be punished. Bush and Cheney need to be fully investigated. Cheney was trying to throw Rice and Powell under the proverbial bus (stated by Bush Sr himself trying to protect his son, when the 28 page report was released.. they all suddenly got scared except Dick Cheney acting cocky.

    the other thing is I know Jeff was friends with Dick Cheney's daughter who was CEO at AOL which was apart of the NSA breaching peoples personal account security

    Paypal, Facebook, Google, AOL and down the list (including EA games who makes simulators for the DoD )

    all of them breaking laws. "If you have nothing to hide, why worry" how about GO FUCK YOURSELVES!

    So you admit you're a federal investigator.

    *crosses arms smugly*
  6. #66
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL So you admit you're a federal investigator.

    *crosses arms smugly*

    No, man. They're dodging this too. I don't think Harper Reed (who isn't just Paypal, I found out recently he works for RUSI a British defense security company.. most likely linked to Bush's security contract company links) Anyways I dont think Harper is the boogie man but James Comey's behavior is pretty odd with Clinton. I mean I thought he was going to bury her and then backed out twice. it's some weird agenda to take over the Government. He doesn't seem like the guy who would do this. so either someone has intimidated him (with death threats?) or he's a great actor.

    Obama is a curios bird. I liked him until I started researching stuff.
  7. #67
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The Manchurian Candidate
  8. #68
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    This is a much smaller zoklet with far less topical discussion and probably the same amount of shitposting. That seems pretty obvious.
  9. #69
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ This is a much smaller zoklet with far less topical discussion and probably the same amount of shitposting. That seems pretty obvious.

    everyone here seems to *Not An SG Thread* nasgt
  10. #70
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock but they were harboring the Number 1 guy being saught after by CIA and SEAL (which Cia let him go?)

    what the shit does this even mean?

    SEALs dont 'saught' anybody...theyre not a decision-making arm.
  11. #71
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We have at least three fellows of the Pakistani persuasion here, in case anyone was wondering.

    jesus fuck...someone fumigate the place. theyre breeding out of control.
  12. #72
    Lol you'd need another Hitler to get rid of all of them in my area. Its disgusting the air quality and shit because of them. Its like they marinate their nasty shit all over us when they ain't even around us. Than we pick up their smell and we smelly skunky even after showering in the mornings before work or just going out wherever. Fucking scum.
  13. #73
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We have at least three fellows of the Pakistani persuasion here, in case anyone was wondering.

    [Loads "Kalashnikov"]

  14. #74
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain He was pretty funny though.

    so was his cameraman

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #75
    Originally posted by ifitdontfitacquit Lol you'd need another Hitler to get rid of all of them in my area. Its disgusting the air quality and shit because of them. Its like they marinate their nasty shit all over us when they ain't even around us. Than we pick up their smell and we smelly skunky even after showering in the mornings before work or just going out wherever. Fucking scum.

    Start killing them randomly, just walk quickly and no one will know, shoot them from behind and don't miss. I am a Pako so I know how to kill us. Target young women, ages 18-25. They are about to spawn new ones. Your community will dry up in about 12-18 months, then apply AngloSax-On liberally and let it heal with time.
  16. #76
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    It's just all the rich spices they eat. It comes out in their sweat. White people smell like hamburgers.
  17. #77
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's just all the rich spices they eat. It comes out in their sweat. White people smell like hamburgers.

    its incense you moron

  18. #78
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Start killing them randomly, just walk quickly and no one will know, shoot them from behind and don't miss. I am a Pako so I know how to kill us. Target young women, ages 18-25. They are about to spawn new ones. Your community will dry up in about 12-18 months, then apply AngloSax-On liberally and let it heal with time.

    you suck at vermin eradication

    everyone knows you go for the males because one female can only breed with one male in 9 months

    one male can breed infinitely more than that in nine months.
  19. #79
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by NARCassist its incense you moron


    You are what you eat. In this case, paprika and curry.
  20. #80
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    CORRECTION: We have FOUR of the Pakistani persuasion here.
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