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How do I once and for all know if I'm gay or not?

  1. #21
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I will fedora post all day nigga'. Religion is a cancer of the mind.
  2. #22
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cuck all you want, doesn't make religion any less cancerous.

  3. #23
    I will fedora post all day nigga'. Religion is a cancer of the mind.

    [greentext]>people who have core beliefs and moral values based on systems that have worked for literally thousands of years are cancer[/greentext]

  4. #24
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>people who have core beliefs and moral values based on systems that have worked for literally thousands of years are cancer[/greentext]

    [greentext]>niggas who believe in magical sky people are completely sane[/greentext]

  5. #25
    [greentext]>niggas who believe in magical sky people are completely sane[/greentext]

    [greentext]>implying the divinity of nature and the glorious mysteries can be summed up as "magical sky people"[/greentext]

    You are such a pleb it hurts
  6. #26
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ascribing divinity to a cosmic accident is ridiculous. Besides, you believe in God right? Is God nature? Yes? Then you are not a Christian.
  7. #27
    Ascribing divinity to a cosmic accident is ridiculous. Besides, you believe in God right? Is God nature? Yes? Then you are not a Christian.

    The irony you think is here, does not exist. Would you like a sample of the type of divinity i enjoy? Then you can tell me if you see the difference. Should you decline, please refrain from making any assumptions.
  8. #28
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The irony you think is here, does not exist. Would you like a sample of the type of divinity i enjoy? Then you can tell me if you see the difference. Should you decline, please refrain from making any assumptions.

    By all means, produce your divinity. Protip: You can't.
  9. #29
    By all means, produce your divinity. Protip: You can't.

    A blind man will never concede that the sky is blue.
  10. #30
    What a shame then that you have eyes but cannot see. You have ears but cannot hear. Maybe if you could, you could tell us what the world is like.
  11. #31
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I get turned on by the female form. Like, I jack off to pics of women… but it takes aaaages. Like, literally hours until I finally cum.

    But I definitely remember being turned on like fucking crazy by women back when I was in high school. So I was definitely straight as fuck at one point in time.

    But thinking back, I just realized I've been attracted to a looot of guys over the years. Moreso than women. But not physically, because of their personality (and a bit physically – they were all handsome men). But their personality is what made me attracted to them in the first place.

    Ugh I'm so confused. But I shouldn't be. I'm in my mid fucking 20's. I should have figured this out ages ago.

    there is nothing to question. youre the only one with any doubt.

    its common knowledge youre a cock lover.
  12. #32
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A blind man will never concede that the sky is blue.

    By all means, produce your divinity. Protip: You can't.

    Didn't think so.
  13. #33
    So your point is proven? Oh how scientific of you to make the hypothesis that divinity does not exist then making no meaningful effort to find the divine have concluded that your hypothesis is fact. Bravo good chum. Mind producing some gravity for me? Would you please produce for me the nucleus of an atom? If you cannot does that mean these things are not manifest for it should be so easy to produce?
  14. #34
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So your point is proven? Oh how scientific of you to make the hypothesis that divinity does not exist then making no meaningful effort to find the divine have concluded that your hypothesis is fact. Bravo good chum. Mind producing some gravity for me? Would you please produce for me the nucleus of an atom? If you cannot does that mean these things are not manifest for it should be so easy to produce?

    Do you even scientific method? The hypothesis you should go with is the one that relies on the least assumptions. You assume God exists, i don't therefore my hypothesis is better. And i can show you the calculations that tell you that gravity is real, or how about the laws that govern an atom? Can you say the same for your God?
  15. #35
    You assume God exists, i don't therefore my hypothesis is better.

    This is literally retard level cringe. You really dont understand the scientific method if you think this is a legitimate argument. You literally dont understand anything to be honest if you actually think that "You think something that I dont think therefore my thinking is better" is a legitimate and valid chain of logic. Shit man its just getting sad at this point.
  16. #36
    Cuck all you want, doesn't make religion any less cancerous.

    quit shoving your beliefs down our throat. Atheists are way more cringey and delusional than men who fear Zod.
  17. #37
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    “You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?”
    ― Mark Twain
  18. #38
    Bringing a person's spiritual beliefs into an argument is ad hominem and, more often than not, means you have already lost.
  19. #39
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    quit shoving your beliefs down our throat. Atheists are way more cringey and delusional than men who fear Zod.

    I'd expect a crazy person to say that yeah. How am i delusional? Is it because your tiny brain can't comprehend physics? Biology or science as a whole for that matter?
  20. #40
    “You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?”
    ― Mark Twain

    Also unicorns.

    It was never meant to be literal. The only way to understand mythical biblical stories is to be on lots of drugs. I can see demons and angels on meth and LSD.

    Nobodys faith is based on obvious mythological stories, except maybe the Japanese.

    the sciences directly support religion and vice versa. Some of the best scientists are religious (ottoman empire Muslims for example). Bill nye is a fucking shill.

    You probably believe in global warming too, which has nothing to do with science. Having a strong belief in God is a common trait among astronauts, it also opens you mind to the possibilities and wonder of the universe.

    You know who the biggest supporters of flat earth theory? Atheists.

    I look up to astronauts and all of them believe in God. Keep being an edgy atheist though just because its "cool" on the internet when your 13 years old.

    Keep having a "THAT IMPOSSIBLE!!! FAIRY TALE!!! FANTASY WORLD!!" mindset while I look up towards the heavens and believe all the possibilities of reality.

    Also religion directly supports quantum mechanics, the person who came up with it was Christian. Maybe "heaven" or "paradise" is another realm of existence, infinite universes.
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