If you have ever seen the forum get spammed by this it's because of this guy right here! Richard Burnish AKA The Masked Faggot AKA carder0007
Sure he will deny and deflect but the reality is this forum has been spammed to shit since day 0. Burnish posted back then and kept his spambots on all these years and then he comes back out of nowhere like he forgot this place even existed.
I know I saw this number on a real Church in Richmond not far from me but he claims he's out of Montclair, Ca which is just weird and tells me they're prolly rich brats. they both have a Canadian Accent.. I can hear it and the fucker is wearing a Mapleleaf jersy
I want more answers about these heathens. Did their show have mock crank callers to mock the 1992-1993 years of totse calling into a real church and being threatened of being sued while about 10 people (including enigma and JC Stanton) firing back with some threatening overtones
Same thing happened with the now AP writer Michael Liedke
shit this is before most of you were fucking alive. Got damn I'm getting old. things still a mystery.